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Felix Rodriguez weighs in on relations with Cuba

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Ex-CIA agent weighs in on Cuban relations to group at UNG

By Kristen Oliver

April 13, 2015

Gainesville Times


As a former CIA agent, military veteran and native Cuban, Col. Felix Rodriguez has an impassioned opinion of U.S. relations with Cuba.

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Sorry, can't let that murderous, lying scumbag go unchallenged.

Che Guevara Murderer Attending Summit of the Americas

According to Yoanislandia, quoting “friends in solidarity with Cuba,” the man who murdered Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Felix Rodriguez, arrived in Panama on Tuesday to attend the Summit of the Americas forums. Rodriguez is a Cuban and an ex-CIA agent.
He is also known for having participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA also sent him to Bolivia to kill revolutionary leader Guevara in 1967. He ordered that Guevara be “shot below the neck” so that it could be “proved” that he had been “killed in combat.”
On Tuesday, the official Cuban delegation to the Civil Society Forum that is happening parallel to the Summit of the Americas, denounced that various “well known” and paid “mercenaries” – professionals paid to oppose the Cuban government – were also attending the forums. According to Martinoticias, members of the Cuban opposition are holding a forum on Thursday at 9 a.m. in hotel Courtyard in Panama City. The opposition members have signed a 10-point “joint platform for transition” called an “Agreement for Democracy in Cuba.” Martinoticias states that Rodriguez is among those attending the forum.
UPDATE: The official Cuban delegation has now demanded Rodriguez be expelled from the forums.”We’re going to verify again … who is responsible for the presence of a false civil society,” Ricardo Lugo, Cuban delegation member, said, referring to the financially backed Cuban opposition.
Me acabo de enterar que le asesino del Ché, Felix Rodríguez, está en la #CumbrePanama #NuestraAmericaIndependiente #QuéFuerte — David Vázquez (@eldavixxl) April 8, 2015 Translation: I’ve just found out that the murder of Che, Felix Rodriguez, is in the Panama summit.
El asesino del Che, Felix Rodríguez, con el "disidente" Antúnez #Panama2015 #NuestraAmericaIndependiente pic.twitter.com/DD0Hvw8UBs — Cubadebate (@cubadebate) April 8, 2015

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/UPDATED-Che-Guevara-Murderer-Attending-Summit-of-the-Americas-20150408-0010.html. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/UPDATED-Che-Guevara-Murderer-Attending-Summit-of-the-Americas-20150408-0010.html. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english

Summit of the Americas: Fresh Start or Ongoing US Domination?

Leaders gather at a previous Summit of the Americas Agenda 5 April 2015 Leaders gather at a previous Summit of the Americas On April 10-11, the governments of North, Central and South America will gather for the seventh “Summit of the Americas” in Panama.

The Summit of the Americas is principally organized by the Organization of American States, a body based in Washington and long dominated by the United States.

The OAS has a checkered past and was labeled a “Trojan horse” of U.S. foreign policy by Fidel Castro. But with growing unity and independence among Latin American nations and a new OAS secretary-general, there is hope the body could become more representative of the needs of the 900 million citizens in the Americas it claims to represent.

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
http://www.telesurtv.net/english/telesuragenda/Summit-of-the-Americas-20150405-0012.html. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english

Edited by John Dolva
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Proceso identified Camarena’s killer as the legendary Cuban CIA operative Felix Rodríguez, a veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion and someone at the scene of the 1967 execution of Cuban revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara in Bolivia.

see http://www.afrocubaweb.com/felixrodriguez.htm (this link counters the disinfo at end of this article)


Reports: CIA present during U.S. drug agent’s torture, murder John McPhaul

October 14, 2013

Rafael-Caro-Quintero-release_newsfull_h. Mexican drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero, who allegedly tortured and killed DEA agent Enrique Camarena in 1985 and was later arrested in Costa Rica, is released from a Mexican prison on a technicality last August in in Jalisco, Mexico. He has since vanished.

Explosive new reports aired in the United States and Mexico link U.S. government intelligence agents to the 1985 murder of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique Camarena.

A Fox News report contended that U.S. Central Intelligence Agency assets were present during 30 hours of torture administered to Camarena before he died, and that a CIA contract pilot flew his alleged killer, Mexican drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero, to Costa Rica.

Caro Quintero was nabbed in a raid on his San Antonio de Belén mansion by Costa Rican cops and DEA agents on Easter Week of 1985, and he was summarily deported to Mexico. Fox News incorrectly reported that the Mexican government nabbed Caro Quintero.

The drug kingpin was recently released from a Mexican prison on a legal technicality after serving 28 years of a 40-year sentence and has since vanished. He is once again a fugitive and is being sought for extradition to the United States.

According to Fox, CIA agents were present at Camarena’s torture by virtue of having infiltrated the Mexican government’s now-defunct Federal Security Directorate (DFS by its Spanish acronym), which at the time was so corrupt that it served as a protector of drug trafficking cartels.

“Our intelligence agencies were working under the cover of DFS. And as I said it before, unfortunately, DFS agents at that time were also in charge of protecting the drug lords and their monies,” said former DEA officer Héctor Berrellez, in charge of investigating Camarena’s murder.

“Berrellez says two informants from the Mexican state police, who witnessed Camarena’s torture, independently and positively identified a photo of one man, a Cuban, who worked as a CIA operative who helped run guns and drugs for the Contras,” said the Fox report.

A CIA spokesman roundly denied the accusations of involvement in Camarena’s murder, telling Fox News that, “It’s ridiculous to suggest that the CIA had anything to do with the murder of a U.S. federal agent or the escape of his killer.”

The Mexican magazine Proceso, which interviewed the same three U.S. drug enforcement sources as Fox, went further, saying that the U.S. government ordered Camarena’s murder because he had stumbled upon the effort to run cocaine into the United States and use the proceeds to help arm Nicaraguan Contra rebels fighting to unseat the Sandinista government.

Proceso identified Camarena’s killer as the legendary Cuban CIA operative Felix Rodríguez, a veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion and someone at the scene of the 1967 execution of Cuban revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara in Bolivia.

According to Proceso, Rodríguez introduced the drug trafficker Juan Matta into Mexico to act as a link between Colombian drug traffickers and Caro Quintero’s Guadalajara cartel with part of the proceeds from the trafficking going to the CIA to help fund the Contras. The CIA ordered Camarena kidnapped because he had come across Rodríguez’s operation, Phil Jordon, former director of the DEA’s El Paso Intelligence Center told El Proceso’s Jesús Esquivel.

Jordon confirmed to Fox News that CIA assets were in on Camarena’s interrogation.

“In [Camarena’s] interrogation room, I was told by Mexican authorities, that CIA operatives were in there. Actually conducting the interrogation. Actually taping Kiki,” Jordon told Fox.

A former pilot for the CIA, Tosh Plumlee, told Fox that he was hired by U.S. intelligence to fly covert missions and that “he flew C-130s in and out of Quintero’s ranch and airports throughout Central America during the 1980s.”

“The United States government played both ends against the middle. We were running guns. We were running drugs. We were using the drug money to finance the gun running operation,” Plumlee said, Fox reported.

The reports revive old accusations that the CIA was somehow involved in running cocaine between South America and the U.S. in order to raise funds for the Contras, at a time that the U.S. Congress had prohibited the CIA from arming the Contras.

In response to an outcry over the publishing of a three-part series in San José Mercury News that linked Contra drug money to the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles, in the United States, the CIA’s Inspector General issued a report that denied agency responsibility in the drug trafficking, but acknowledged that the CIA-contracted pilots and other “assets” used by the CIA were involved in drug trafficking.

According to Fox News, “In 1998, CIA Inspector General Fred Hitz told Congress he ‘found no evidence … of any conspiracy by CIA or its employees to bring drugs into the United States. However, it worked with a variety of … assets [and] pilots who ferried supplies to the Contras, who were alleged to have engaged in drug trafficking activity.’

“Hitz said the ‘CIA had an operational interest’ in the Contras. And while aware the rebels were trading ‘arms-for-drugs’ the CIA ‘did nothing to stop it.’ ”

The author of the San José Mercury News series, Gary Webb, drew widespread criticism for linking the CIA to the proliferation of crack cocaine in the United States, and three major newspapers, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post published stories ostensibly debunking the series.

Webb’s editors acknowledged flaws in the reporting and assigned the reporter to a lesser post covering a northern Californian suburb.

Webb eventually quit the newspaper and, unable to find a job with any other major news outlet, committed suicide in December 2004.



AH the good old days FELIX wants back....(GAAL)



But we started to learn about the change in the situation on the drive in from the airport, and then listened for several hours through drinks and dinner after we arrived at the apartment. It was a story of the progressive deterioration of the strength of the Batista government and an increase in strength of the opposition crystallizing around the July 26 movement of Fidel Castro. It was now a vicious and deadly cycle. As the terrorism of the opposition increased, the brutality of the police and military intelligence people became more horrible. I was told that the Bohemia, then one of the most popular picture-news weeklies in Cuba and widely circulated in Latin America, had been trying secretly to keep a tally of those tortured to death or executed by the police, and now estimated that as many as ten a week were killed in Havana alone.

I was skeptical, as my friends had known I would be. They had brought pictures to prove it. These photographs had been taken by a doctor of a woman who had come to him for treatment. She was a schoolteacher and had been arrested with one of her male students on suspicion of plotting against the government. They were taken by the police to a prison where they had been tortured. She had been severely beaten and he had been pounded into unconsciousness. They had been released because the teacher's sister fortunately had friends in high enough positions in the government to open the prison doors. The doctor who treated the woman said he had never seen a human body more mistreated. He had taken the pictures, with her permission, because there were still some who did not believe or realize what was going on. The horrible wounds on the woman's body were convincing, as were the reports of case after case of the sons of prominent Cuban families who had joined either the students' organization or the July 26 movement and had been arrested and killed.

It was this type of atrocity that was costing Batista the last of his support among the people of Cuba.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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