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JFK's speech 52 years ago today on world peace at American University

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According to James Douglass, this speech was JFK's undoing.

I agree JFK preached peace. I agree he sought peace not war. I do not agree he was killed because he was a man of peace.

JFK was killed because he could be killed. He was killed because his killers wanted him and his legacy killed. He was killed because his killers preferred LBJ. preferred anyone other than JFK.

He was killed, moreover, because no one would investigate his death.

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According to James Douglass, this speech was JFK's undoing.

I agree JFK preached peace. I agree he sought peace not war. I do not agree he was killed because he was a man of peace.

JFK was killed because he could be killed. He was killed because his killers wanted him and his legacy killed. He was killed because his killers preferred LBJ. preferred anyone other than JFK.

He was killed, moreover, because no one would investigate his death.

Hi, Jon!

How did conspirators hired LHO? What is your version?

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