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Frank Sinatra, Pablo Escobar...and Meyer Lansky

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Frank Sinatra, Pablo Escobar… and Meyer Lansky
Posted on November 8, 2015 by Daniel Hopsicker

From the article: It was through Richmond Harper's’ Eagle Pass Texas ranch that Oswald’s friend in Dallas, oilman and CIA asset George DeMohrenschilt had entered Mexico en route on “a walking tour” of Central America that led him to be in Guatemala for the launch of “The Bay of Pigs invasion.


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From the article: “The Bibbs controlled the U.S. Border Patrol and international border crossing at Eagle Pass,” says the younger Worthington. “There are a number of family stories about L.B.J. and a lot of high-powered friends”—he mentions Sam Rayburn, the Texas-bred Speaker of the House, and F.B.I. chief J. Edgar Hoover—“visiting the Bibbs in Eagle Pass, [only to end the night with] crazy … wild partying and womanizing across the border in Mexico in Piedras Negras, Coahuila.” (While such excursions sound conceivable, given Johnson’s late-night proclivities, they might have been out-of-character for Rayburn, an acknowledged straight arrow, and Hoover, whose sexual tastes crossed a very different border.)


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