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Steven Hager on Karyn Kupcinet and Eugene Dinkin

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Steven Hager on Karyn Kupcinet and Eugene Dinkin

“Immediately before JFK's assassination, a few people picked up info and made attempts to save Kennedy's life. One such person was an unidentified woman in California, who placed a 15-minute phone call heard by two operators. Penn Jones would soon theorize this call was placed by Karyn Kupcinet, whose father had been close to Jack Ruby during his Chicago days, after Chicago took over the center of gravity on national gambling through the Race Wire Service, something that helped build that syndicate into the most powerful wing of the Sicilian men-of-honor society. Karyn's mysterious murder the day before JFK's assassination has never been solved.

“Another person who tried was Eugene Dinkin. They didn't kill him, but MK/Ultra did scramble his brains.”



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