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Biography: Martha Schallhorn

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I am a retired bookkeeper, now housewife, and live in Council, Idaho. I am married, with four children, one deceased.

I became totally engrossed with the Kennedy assassination, when I heard and saw Walter Cronkite say on television that President Kennedy had died. I had three children at the time, was married the same year as the President and could identify with his young family.

My research journey began with Lane's "Rush to Judgment." I studied all aspects of the crime, until I was reminded by Wayne Fairchild of Shreveport, LA, that if Lee Oswald had not fired a rifle that day, he did not kill Kennedy and we needed then, to concentrate on who really did shoot the President and who wanted it done. Simple. My interest has moved on to where I believe the international drug trade is somehow

hand-in-hand with the forces that conspired to kill JFK. I believe these forces exist today!

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