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John Newman's post today on Facebook about Gerald Posner

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It was in a morning session in circa 1993, that both Gerald Posner and then I, testified, one after the other, before the House Committee on Governmental Operations, on compliance of government agencies with the 1992 JFK Records Release Act. Recall that Posner argued that he had closed the case. One of the things he made up to debunk conspiracy theories was that Oswald had never met with David Ferrie. I had a big easel and I set it up in between where he and I were sitting, so that the entire committee could see a huge four-foot by three-foot mounted picture of a meeting of Ferrie with his young boys (in the Air Patrol) having a cookout. It was unfortunate for Posner that Ferrie and Oswald were both clearly in the picture.
31Denise Tatum and 30 others
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