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National Conference April 8-9 on "Political Assassinations of the 1960's"

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To all, 

I'm sending an update on our upcoming conference on April 8th and 9th at Olney Central College "Political Assassination of the 1960's".  Since our opening announcement we have added to our opening line up Ed Tatro, Dr. John Newman and Robert Groden. Please take time to look at the bios of these three outstanding experts on the JFK assassination below. Also note the tentative schedule that we have just released. As a reminder, in person attendance for this conference is free. We currently have guests coming in from Atlanta, Alabama, Arizona, Chicago, and Indiana. Please check the below for information about hotel accommodations. We encourage anyone who can't attend in person to sign up to view the conference on zoom for a $40 fee. You can sign up at Project JFK/CSI. Click on the events tab at the top and you will see where to sign up.  If you have any questions you can contact me at (618) 204-1498 
David Denton

“Political Assassinations of the 1960’s” Schedule: 

Olney Central College Theater 

Friday April 8th (Subject to Change) 

10:00-10:45 Intro-David Denton 

10:50-11:50 Mal Hyman 

11:55-12:55 Casey Quinlan 

12:55-1:25 Lunch (In Lobby) 

1:25-2:15 Casey Quinlan 

2:20-3:20 Ryan Jones (MLK) 

3:25-4:25 Pete Hymans (RFK) 

4:300-5:30 Robert Groden 

5:30-6:45 Dinner 

6:45-7:45 Gary Shaw 

7:50-8:50 Ed Tatro 

9:00-? Social at the Elks Club 

Saturday April 9th 

9:10-9:55 Chana Willis 

10:00-11:00 Larry Rivera 

11:05-12:05 Ed Tatro 

12:05-12:35 Lunch (Pizza in Lobby) 

12:35-1:35 Brian Edwards 

1:35-2:00 “JFK Revisited”- Brian Edwards 

2:05-2:25 Dr. John Newman  

2:30-3:30 David Knight 

3:30-3:40 Break 

3:40-4:40 Randy Benson 

4:45-5:30 Brooks LaPlante 

5:30-7:00 Dinner 

7:00-? Social gathering and informal meetings at the Best Western Lobby 

Robert Groden: has been researching the assassination of President John F. Kennedy since 1964 and is considered a leading critic of the Warren Commission. Robert has assembled the most photographic and film evidence on the case. He has also investigated the medical evidence and personally interviewed most of the medical professionals present that day. In 1975, Robert showed the Zapruder Film live on national television (Good Night America, ABC TV). As a result, he was invited to address the US House of Representatives to present the case for conspiracy via photographic and other evidence. Two days later, a resolution to reopen the investigation was introduced by Representative Thomas N. Downing of Virginia. This led to the creation of the House Select Committee to Investigate Assassinations. Robert was the staff photographic consultant for the life of the committee. He authored the dissenting opinion report for the HSCA photographic panel. He has consulted with other investigations since then. Mr. Groden has written 8 books on the assassination. He has consulted on numerous documentaries over the years. He worked with Oliver Stone on JFK. Robert continues to investigate the assassination as he feels that “although it may be too late for justice, it is never too late for the truth” 



Dr. John Newman: Adjunct Professor of Political Science at James Madison University; U.S. Army intelligence officer (retired); Military Assistant to the Director, General William Odom, National Security Agency; Author of JFK and Vietnam, Oswald and the CIA, Quest for the Kingdom: The Secret Teachings of Jesus in the Light of Yogic Mysticism. He is currently at work producing a series on the life, public service, and assassination of President Kennedy: Volume I, Where Angels Tread Lightly; Volume II, Into the Storm; Volume III, Countdown to Darkness. Soon to be published (late Spring/early Summer, 2022): Volume IV, The Search for Popov’s Mole; Volume V, Armageddon. A supplemental volume on America in the 1960s, with particular focus on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will be completed before the end of this year. 


These projects reexamine sacred truths, introduce vital new facts, and challenge many commonly accepted assumptions and interpretations. Dr. Newman’s ongoing work demystifies our hidden history and illuminates the darkest passages of America in the Cold War. 


New doors are about to open. His works are history in the making. 



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I was unable to find a tab to sign up at the top of the announcement. Still checking on this.

Meanwhile here is additional information:

Additional speakers are anticipated and will be announced closer to the event. A complete schedule will also be posted soon. For more information, contact David Denton at 618-204-1498 or email dentond@iecc.edu. 

The conference is sponsored and funded by the Olney Central College Foundation. 

Hotel Accommodations  

Best Western | 367 N. West St., Olney, IL 62450 | 618-429-9360 (Adjacent to the college)   

The Holiday | 1300 S. West St., Olney IL 62450 | 618-395-2121 

Super 8 | 425 Southwest Route 130, Olney, IL 62450 |618-388-3947 

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