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George de Mohrenschildt in Belgium


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I'm trying to trace his steps during the time he studied in Belgium, and during he was a partner in the Sigurd clothing Company (sports/skit/tennis...).

In his WC test.(Vol/ IX) het mentions only his girlfriend being his associate without giving her name (there's also references to this data in the HSCA Volume XII (pdf. including "I'm a patsy, I'am a patsy", most of you will know this of course).

Apparently there were 2 other associates* in Sigurd, anyone has the names of those ?

In his studies I did find him reaching his masters degree (Licentiaat) in Antwerp at the Institut de Commerce (newspaper "Gazet van Antwerpen" dd. july 21st, 1936) and his admission exams to enter the doctorandus studies at the University of Liège (newspapers "La Meuse" and "La Wallonie", on nov. 8/9th, 1936). 


*that's according an email I received from a friend, but he could not recall the source unfortunately








Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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According GDM's WC testomony he was in the Sigurd Company with his girlfriend

But according The Faux Baron (see *below for references) he had 2 businesspartners in Sigurd and they were from the Jewish community in Antwerp

I would think he still knew about that during his WC testimony.


*The Faux Baron George de Mohrenschildt: An Aristocrat's Journey from the Russian Revolution to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy  by Weiford, Nancy Wertz, Publisher: Lumiere Publ., 2013 ISBN: 978-15010211497


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There's more to the periode before George left Belgium, and his father that staid in Poland (on moved on),some very interesting connections, will work on that like e.g. he 2 letters written by his father to him in 1940 and 1941 (his father tried going to the USA... he died before the end of the war).   Anyway, below is an interesting doc to those that want to explore George DM 's family.  It's in German, this pdf, you'll need a transl. program.

It's mostly about his uncle and cousin.   One was involved in conspiracy that led to the Reichtagsbrand in 1933 (that Hitler said was a communist conspiracy... sounds familiar doesn't it...).  In the alledged Ernst Röhm (SA leader that was accused being involved) "testament" (presumed to be fake, compare it to the Walker letter..... ) Von Möhrenschildt is mentioned.  Later on he turns up elswhere... Next there was the Night of the Long Knives (the end of Ernst Röhm)

There's more to the Reichtagbrand, just a quote I'll copy :  "According to historian Ian Kershaw, by 1998, nearly all historians agreed that Van der Lubbe had set the Reichstag on fire, that he had acted alone, and that the incident was merely a stroke of good luck for the Nazis. However, in the days following the incident, major newspapers in the US and London were immediately sceptical of the good fortune of the Nazis in finding a communist scapegoat"

It's really nothing new.... and the design... kinda runs in the family ?  Standard operating procedure ? Often used against foreign leaders, seldom used on the own territory... well... there was the Reichtagbrand and JFK.... 

Whatever. the last part of this doc is more specific. on George (and his ties to Texas Oil / poopoo spy recruted by the CIA/....)  a lot of that part is common knowledge (WC stuff) , but the author takes it a little further.   Anyway it's mostly the other stuff that's fascinating.


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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