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20 Questions: A Somewhat Longer Poll, Part One

20 Questions, Part One  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. How much time have you spent studying the assassination?

    • An extensive amount of time
    • Quite a lot of time
    • A moderate amount of time
    • A little bit of time
  2. 2. 2. How many assassination-related books have you read?

  3. 3. 3. Which of the following movies or documentaries have you seen? (Sorry, the forum limits to only 7 choices. Please add influential movies/documentaries in the comments.)

    • Rush to Judgment (1967)
    • CBS News Inquiry, The Warren Report (1967)
    • Executive Action (1973)
    • JFK (1991)
    • JFK: The Smoking Gun (2013)
    • JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass
    • JFK: What the Doctors Saw (2023)
  4. 4. 4. Have you yourself written any books or articles about the assassination? Or do you maintain a website with assassination information?

    • Books
    • Articles
    • Website
    • None. (Sorry for not posting this choice sooner. Didn't realize you couldn't finish the survey if you didn't select a choice.)
  5. 5. what is your highest level of education?

    • Post-Graduate Degree (Master's or Doctorate
    • College Graduate
    • Technical or Trade School Graduate
    • High School Graduate
    • None of the above
  6. 6. 6. What role do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald had in the shooting?

    • He was the lone assassin, and no other shooters were involved.
    • He was involved to some degree but was not a shooter.
    • He was one shooter; a Secret Service agent was another (accidental) shooter.
    • He was one of multiple assassins.
    • He had no involvement, was “just a patsy.”
    • Not sure.
  7. 7. 7. Do you believe others besides Oswald were involved in planning the assassination? If so, who?

    • No, Oswald planned it alone.
    • Yes, Lyndon Johnson orchestrated it as a power-grab.
    • Yes, Kennedy’s opponents to his Viet Nam plans orchestrated it.
    • Yes, Kennedy’s opponents to his failed Bay of Pigs invasion orchestrated it.
    • Yes, Mob factions orchestrated it.
    • Yes, but I'm not sure who.
    • Not sure.
  8. 8. 8. How many total shots do you believe were fired during the assassination (by all shooters)?

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  • Poll closed on 03/21/2024 at 03:59 AM

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My sincere thanks to those of you who responded to my previous Zapruder Film poll.

I thought I would delve deeper and find out researchers' backgrounds and if there was any consensus among other issues. Presumably those who come to this site know more about the assassination than the average person, but I’d like to know more about how much you’ve studied the assassination, and what you believe. I have my own reasons for asking some of these questions, but others may find some of them useful as well. For example, in may Z-film poll, I learned of 18 respondents (I added myself as number 18) that about twice as many responders agree that the extant film was altered than those who believe it to be an out-of-camera original. I didn't put a closing date on that poll (my mistake), so I can't say for certain that those numbers won't change. However, it does give me an idea where researchers stand.

Unfortunately, I am limited by the forum to only 8 questions per poll, so I will have to break this. into 3 parts. Please answer all 3 parts, if you will. Thank you.

I'll close the poll/s on March 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm, which gives you a little over 2 weeks to respond.

Thank you in advance for your time in responding to this poll. Comments are welcome.

Again, voter names are public. 

Edited by Denise Hazelwood
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On 3/3/2024 at 7:45 AM, Paul Cummings said:

Question  #4 I can't answer and as a result cannot fill out survey.

My apologies. I should have put a "none" choice, but I didn't realize that by not selecting anything a respondent wouldn't be able to complete the survey. I have added that choice.

Edited by Denise Hazelwood
I was able to edit the poll.
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