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"The Trajectory We Must Have" Necessitates "Crazy" Conclusions?

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2 hours ago, Richard Bertolino said:

How about the Croft photo on Elm Street? Do you contend that was also altered? Vickie Adams actually described JFK turning to somebody who had called out as the car passed in front of the TSBD. This would seem to challenge your TSBD First Shot Theory. Have you dealt with Vickie Adams? It seems to me that every piece of evidence which speaks to the question contradicts your theory.



Miss ADAMS - I watched the motorcade come down Main, as it turned from Main onto Houston, and watched it proceed around the corner on Elm, and apparently somebody in the crowd called to the late President, because he and his wife both turned abruptly and faced the building, so we had a very good view of both of them.


If the president had been shot here, you'd think that Vickie Adams, and lots of other people, would have noticed.


Below is some information on Victoria Adams. I will re-post this in my thread pointing people to my 1st shot article.


1.     She was watching the motorcade with Sandra Styles, Elsie Dorman and Dorothy May Garner, in the 3rd set of double windows from the east end of the building. She was at the west-most window of that pair.

2.     She thought the shots came her right, as opposed to her left. I think she was confusing the AR-15 shot (which would have come from her right) with the Oswald. Shots (which would have come from her left). Memory reconstruction can combine things like that.

3.     The following excerpt contains the context of your quote from her WC testimony:



Miss ADAMS. I watched the motorcade come down Main, as it turned from Main onto Houston, and watched it proceed around the corner on Elm, and apparently somebody in the crowd called to the late President, because he and his wife both turned abruptly and faced the building, so we had a very good view of both of them. 

Mr. BELIN. Where was their car as you got this good view, had it come directly opposite your window? Had it come to that point on Elm, or not, if you can remember? 

Miss ADAMS. I believe it was prior, just a second or so prior to that. (H VI p.388)



So, a second or two before the limousine had passed beneath her window, JFK and Jackie turned to their left. Jackie testified to the WC that she had been looking to her right until she heard the shot and turned to her left to look at her husband. If she turned to her left before the car had passed in front of Vickie Adams’ window, it places the shot as occurring immediately after the turn. Ms. Adams apparently didn’t hear this shot. I explain in “The Four Shots” episode of my documentary why witnesses were more likely to under-report the number of shots than to over-report them. Vickie Adams was among those who under-reported, having missed the first shot.

Ms. Adams goes on to say this:



Miss ADAMS. And from our vantage point we were able to see what the President’s wife was wearing, the roses in the car, and things that would at- tract women’s attention. Then we heard-then we were obstructed from the view. 

Mr. BELIN. By what? 

Miss ADAMS. A tree. And we heard a shot, and it was a pause, and then a second shot, and then a third shot. 

It sounded like a firecracker or a cannon at a football game, it seemed as if it came from the right below rather than from the left above. Possibly because of the report. 



The shots sounded like they came from below rather than from the left above, because she was hearing the shots from the road, the Secret Service shots, being fired from the street below, more than the Oswald shots being fired from above.

4.     Just a note on why Victoria Adams did not encounter Oswald on the stairs: she had a 2-floor lead on him, not to mention the length of 2 sets of windows, she left “immediately” (per her FBI report) whereas Oswald reportedly looked out the window down onto the street for a few seconds, and then needed time to hide his rifle amongst the boxes. And she ran, albeit in noisy 3-inch heels. In other words, she beat Oswald down the stairs.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Richard Bertolino said:

Of course, I'm talking about the Croft photo we actually have, not one we don't have, the one he took on Elm Street showing the president not shot, and John Connally looking over to Nellie. The one that matches up to the Zapruder film showing Croft stepping back onto the sidewalk. That one.

1. I don't trust that the Croft photo was un-altered. Sorry I wasn't clear on that, before. When he was told that the one showing the head shot was not among his pictures because his "camera must have malfunctioned," I don't believe that story for a second. When Linda Willis said that her father's picture had been "physically altered, because something showed in (it) that the Secret Service did not want known," that means that every picture that passed through the hands of the government is suspect. The Zapruder film was altered. The autopsy photos and X-rays were altered. I actually discuss Croft's picture (of the "bunched jacket" fame, see the picture at https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?album=27&pos=8) in one of my books. Note Roy Kellerman's oddly shaped neck, how Connally's head (if you cover his face) actually looks like it's turned to the right, etc. It's a composite image, with faces pasted in. I'll bet that in addition to Connally's face being pasted in over the back of his head, Jackie's face was also pasted in, and Kennedy (note the odd back of the head shading) was moved more "upright" into his seat. My guess is that the Towner film provided some of the source imagery for this image attributed to Croft.

Should have added: And what's with that roll of fat above JFK's shirt collar? Or the "black cloud" behind his head?

Edited by Denise Hazelwood
Added questions at the bottom.
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Posted (edited)
On 5/14/2024 at 10:49 AM, Denise Hazelwood said:

1. I don't trust that the Croft photo was un-altered. Sorry I wasn't clear on that, before. When he was told that the one showing the head shot was not among his pictures because his "camera must have malfunctioned," I don't believe that story for a second. When Linda Willis said that her father's picture had been "physically altered, because something showed in (it) that the Secret Service did not want known," that means that every picture that passed through the hands of the government is suspect. The Zapruder film was altered. The autopsy photos and X-rays were altered. I actually discuss Croft's picture (of the "bunched jacket" fame, see the picture at https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?album=27&pos=8) in one of my books. Note Roy Kellerman's oddly shaped neck, how Connally's head (if you cover his face) actually looks like it's turned to the right, etc. It's a composite image, with faces pasted in. I'll bet that in addition to Connally's face being pasted in over the back of his head, Jackie's face was also pasted in, and Kennedy (note the odd back of the head shading) was moved more "upright" into his seat. My guess is that the Towner film provided some of the source imagery for this image attributed to Croft.

Should have added: And what's with that roll of fat above JFK's shirt collar? Or the "black cloud" behind his head?


Edited by Richard Bertolino
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1 hour ago, Richard Bertolino said:

Okay, I don't think I need to say any more. I really don't see any evidence for your theory, but what I think makes no difference to anybody.

Well, I just spent the last few hours writing up something on the Croft photo just for you on my website, although anyone else is welcome to look at it, also. Note that I am not the first person to question the Croft photo's authenticity (although Trask apparently thought it was authentic). Go to https://www.a-benign-conspiracy.com/the-altered-croft-photo.html


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