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JFK Assassination Poll

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JFK Assassination Poll


Good Day.... If you want to, please take a moment to vote in my JFK

theorized suspects assassination poll that has been internet available

for almost a year. (it also links to one of my mirror sites to my AOL


You may select more than one theorized suspect group for your vote, but

the poll is coordinated and monitored that you may only vote once. The

updated poll results to date will be visible after you vote. (or

before, if you are a person who likes to go to a book ending, first)

:{ )-]

If you select the "other" theorized suspect group option, that link

will open in a new window where you can type in the details for your

"other" theorized suspect group not listed.

The eleven suspect groups are (in no particular order)....

Who was behind &/or performed the assassination of President Kennedy?

(multiple choices are allowed, but you can only vote once)

1....anti-Castrolites as revenge for JFK 's lack of full support

during the failed "Bay of Pigs" &/or to lay the blame for assassination

onto Castro for planned 2nd Cuba invasion

2....Fidel Castro as revenge for several C.I.A. attempts to try to

kill Castro &/or revenge for Cuban Missile Crisis embarrassment &/or

1962-to-present trade goods blockade of Cuba

3....C.I.A. anti-JFK rogue agents as revenge for JFK 's lack of full

support during the failed "Bay of Pigs" &/or JFK was scaling down

Vietnam War &/or JFK wanted to smash C.I.A. into 1000 pieces &/or to

lay the blame for assassination onto Castro for planned 2nd Cuba


4....South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem as revenge (followed

through by his surviving family) because C.I.A. was helping anti-Diem

leaders plan a coup &/or Diem wanted to keep receiving million$ in

profits from drugs shipped from Vietnam/Asia "golden drug triangle" to

mafia processors/sellers &/or JFK was scaling down Vietnam War and Diem

wanted to keep skimming million$ from U.S. military aid

5....F.B.I. because JFK would have retired Hoover (which Hoover did

not want to do) at the then-mandatory retirement age 65 &/or Hoover

knew of JFK's infidelities (including a mafia mistress) and despised

him for infidelities/mafia connection but did not want to publicly

embarrass the office of the president &/or JFK/RFK knew about Hoover

ties to mafia leaders

6....Lyndon Baines Johnson because of LBJ being investigated for his

involvement in at least 4 scandals (all of which "disappeared" after

11-22-63) and JFK spoke privately of dropping LBJ from '64 ticket &/or

LBJ's involvement with the mafia &/or LBJ wanted to act in league with

other groups to profit billion$ after increasing Vietnam War &/or LBJ

was power-hungry

7....mafia (U.S. &/or French) because mafia prosecutions increased

11-fold under JFK despite mafia's 1960 election help &/or to protect

drug profits in U.S. &/or to stop JFK/RFK exposure of LBJ and Hoover

ties to mafia leaders &/or to lay the blame for assassination onto

Castro so after a 2nd U.S. invasion of Cuba the mafia would reaquire

gambling and drug profits out of Cuba

8....Lee Harvey Oswald, seemingly a Communist, and the Capitalist

world leader drove within his shooting range &/or Oswald was depressed

about his failing marriage/family separation &/or Oswald was an insane

"lone nut"

9....right-wing extremists because "military industrial complex" saw

JFK starting to close military bases and scaling down Vietnam War &/or

wealthy oil tycoons and bankers were angry at losing billion$ when JFK

eliminated 27% oil depletion tax credit &/or extreme rightists racial

supremeists saw JFK giving minorities more civil rights &/or to lay the

blame for assassination onto Castro for planned 2nd Cuba invasion

10....Soviet Union because of JFK views against them &/or revenge for

Cuban Missile Crisis embarrassment &/or to demoralize American people

11....Other (please detail)

Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly





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"A red-brown to black area of skin surrounds the wound, forming what is

called an abrasion collar. It was caused by the bullet's scraping the

margins of the skin on penetration and is characteristic of a gunshot

wound of entrance. The abrasion collar is larger at the lower margin of

the wound, evidence that the bullet's trajectory at the instant of

penetration was slightly upward in relation to the body."

- 07HSCA175 describing President KENNEDY's, theorized,

not-completely-probed, neck and back wounds

Edited by Don Roberdeau
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Regular readers and members will know what I have to say:

An Executive Sanction was imposed on John F. Kennedy by the national security clearance granting agencies. A group of executives, including JCS chief Maxwell Taylor, (an associate of General Edwin Walker), Republican Treasury Secretary Clarence Douglass Dillon (overall head of the Secret Service), John McCone of CIA, Mr. John McCloy with Fred Korth and Robert Anderson (former Navy Secretaries) and Allen Dulles, were privy to John Kennedy's surveillance files, and declared him unfit, or incapacitated, and removed him from office, physically.

Mary Pinchot Meyer's LSD, JFK's sexual contact with foreign agents, his Addison's disease and his other 1960s Hollywood style activities made JFK's security clearance lapse, and he was removed in a bloody coup, which was then covered up by the CIA and FBI, with the consent of the new President Johnson.

Although it was a joint agency executive sanction, the CIA was not the principle, the military intelligence agencies were, specifically the ONI, which had records on Kennedy back to WWII, and the NSA, which wiretapped and photographed him.

This is the only theory that fits all the facts.................

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  • 2 years later...


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JFK Assassination Poll


Good Day.... If you want to, please take a moment to vote in my JFK

theorized suspects assassination poll that has been internet available

for almost a year. (it also links to one of my mirror sites to my AOL


You may select more than one theorized suspect group for your vote, but

the poll is coordinated and monitored that you may only vote once. The

updated poll results to date will be visible after you vote. (or

before, if you are a person who likes to go to a book ending, first)

:{ )-]

If you select the "other" theorized suspect group option, that link

will open in a new window where you can type in the details for your

"other" theorized suspect group not listed.

The eleven suspect groups are (in no particular order)....

Who was behind &/or performed the assassination of President Kennedy?

(multiple choices are allowed, but you can only vote once)

1....anti-Castrolites as revenge for JFK 's lack of full support

during the failed "Bay of Pigs" &/or to lay the blame for assassination

onto Castro for planned 2nd Cuba invasion

2....Fidel Castro as revenge for several C.I.A. attempts to try to

kill Castro &/or revenge for Cuban Missile Crisis embarrassment &/or

1962-to-present trade goods blockade of Cuba

3....C.I.A. anti-JFK rogue agents as revenge for JFK 's lack of full

support during the failed "Bay of Pigs" &/or JFK was scaling down

Vietnam War &/or JFK wanted to smash C.I.A. into 1000 pieces &/or to

lay the blame for assassination onto Castro for planned 2nd Cuba


4....South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem as revenge (followed

through by his surviving family) because C.I.A. was helping anti-Diem

leaders plan a coup &/or Diem wanted to keep receiving million$ in

profits from drugs shipped from Vietnam/Asia "golden drug triangle" to

mafia processors/sellers &/or JFK was scaling down Vietnam War and Diem

wanted to keep skimming million$ from U.S. military aid

5....F.B.I. because JFK would have retired Hoover (which Hoover did

not want to do) at the then-mandatory retirement age 65 &/or Hoover

knew of JFK's infidelities (including a mafia mistress) and despised

him for infidelities/mafia connection but did not want to publicly

embarrass the office of the president &/or JFK/RFK knew about Hoover

ties to mafia leaders

6....Lyndon Baines Johnson because of LBJ being investigated for his

involvement in at least 4 scandals (all of which "disappeared" after

11-22-63) and JFK spoke privately of dropping LBJ from '64 ticket &/or

LBJ's involvement with the mafia &/or LBJ wanted to act in league with

other groups to profit billion$ after increasing Vietnam War &/or LBJ

was power-hungry

7....mafia (U.S. &/or French) because mafia prosecutions increased

11-fold under JFK despite mafia's 1960 election help &/or to protect

drug profits in U.S. &/or to stop JFK/RFK exposure of LBJ and Hoover

ties to mafia leaders &/or to lay the blame for assassination onto

Castro so after a 2nd U.S. invasion of Cuba the mafia would reaquire

gambling and drug profits out of Cuba

8....Lee Harvey Oswald, seemingly a Communist, and the Capitalist

world leader drove within his shooting range &/or Oswald was depressed

about his failing marriage/family separation &/or Oswald was an insane

"lone nut"

9....right-wing extremists because "military industrial complex" saw

JFK starting to close military bases and scaling down Vietnam War &/or

wealthy oil tycoons and bankers were angry at losing billion$ when JFK

eliminated 27% oil depletion tax credit &/or extreme rightists racial

supremeists saw JFK giving minorities more civil rights &/or to lay the

blame for assassination onto Castro for planned 2nd Cuba invasion

10....Soviet Union because of JFK views against them &/or revenge for

Cuban Missile Crisis embarrassment &/or to demoralize American people

11....Other (please detail)

Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly





T ogether

E veryone

A chieves

M ore



"A red-brown to black area of skin surrounds the wound, forming what is

called an abrasion collar. It was caused by the bullet's scraping the

margins of the skin on penetration and is characteristic of a gunshot

wound of entrance. The abrasion collar is larger at the lower margin of

the wound, evidence that the bullet's trajectory at the instant of

penetration was slightly upward in relation to the body."

- 07HSCA175 describing President KENNEDY's, theorized,

not-completely-probed, neck and back wounds


1., 3., and 9.

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Hmm. Let's see. My two cents:

I think a group of rogue CIA people, along with a group of anti-Castro Cubans were the main culprits. In my opinion, it began as plots to kill Castro and ended up in Dealey Plaza.

However, I also believe #s 6, 7 and 9 had some knowledge of the plan beforehand. And I do believe there's a possibility that #8 knew about the plot as well--though I'm not sure how much knowledge Oswald really had, and that's a whole other topic for another day. :)

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Regular readers and members will know what I have to say:

An Executive Sanction was imposed on John F. Kennedy by the national security clearance granting agencies. A group of executives, including JCS chief Maxwell Taylor, (an associate of General Edwin Walker), Republican Treasury Secretary Clarence Douglass Dillon (overall head of the Secret Service), John McCone of CIA, Mr. John McCloy with Fred Korth and Robert Anderson (former Navy Secretaries) and Allen Dulles, were privy to John Kennedy's surveillance files, and declared him unfit, or incapacitated, and removed him from office, physically.

Mary Pinchot Meyer's LSD, JFK's sexual contact with foreign agents, his Addison's disease and his other 1960s Hollywood style activities made JFK's security clearance lapse, and he was removed in a bloody coup, which was then covered up by the CIA and FBI, with the consent of the new President Johnson.

Although it was a joint agency executive sanction, the CIA was not the principle, the military intelligence agencies were, specifically the ONI, which had records on Kennedy back to WWII, and the NSA, which wiretapped and photographed him.

This is the only theory that fits all the facts.................


It is hard for a lot of people even here on this forum to come to grips with the fact that Kennedy, despite his outstanding performance during the Missile Crisis and other difficult situations where he actually disregarded the hawkish advise from the general staff and thus avoided war, was, in the eyes of the general staff a dangerous and unfit Chief Executive.

I am not certain of the truth regarding what Kennedy was actually doing behind the scenes and in his personal life, but ironically, the information out there comes from the very people that want to smear his name and perpetuate the myth of JFK being killed in a random act of murder by a "deranged man". This is somewhat comforting to the public and what they are doing is hoping to persuade people into thinking that Kennedy was an amoral man and they shouldn’t fuss about this “senseless” murder.

My position is that the unfavorable light that he is put into by these people is largely true, and forms the basis for his removal from office by some sort of official order and sanction.

Like the behavior of the Secret Service that day, no one wants to come to grips with these awful facts.

You don't kill United States Presidents to go to war (and it has not been proven Kennedy would not have escalated the situation in Vietnam), to seek revenge from various enemies or because of supposed softening in the relations with the enemy. That is called diplomacy and you are supposed to do things like that.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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