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Trenches on the Web

John Simkin

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Mike Iavarone, the creator of the pioneering history website, Trenches on the Web, sadly died on 21st February. He was only 48. Over the years I have had regular email contact with Mike. I have publicised his website several times in Teaching History Online. His website was also reviewed in the first edition of Education on the Internet. I actually saw Trenches on the Web the first time I went online and was one of the three sites (Aerodrome and Nine Planets were the other two) that I saw that inspired me to produce my own website. Mike worked in banking and had never taught. However, he was obsessed by the subject of the First World War and spent all his spare time on the project. When the history of online education is eventually written Mike will I am sure get mentioned as one of the most important figures in its development.


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