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Biography: Ian Griggs

Ian Griggs

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Ian Griggs was a Ministry of Defence Police Officer (1971 to 1994). He has been involved in researching the assassination of John F. Kennedy since 1966. He has visited Dallas on twelve occasions and has travelled extensively throughout the United States in order to study the case. He has met and liaised with numerous eyewitnesses to the assassination, fellow researchers, journalists, police officers, authors, etc. in the USA, Canada and Europe.

In 1993 Ian Griggs appeared on BBC-TV Breakfast Time. He was also a guest on the live San Francisco cable TV show Assassination Update and at other times on various US television and radio stations. In 1994 he was a member of the International Perspectives panel at the Assassination Symposium on John F. Kennedy (ASK) held in Dallas, Texas.

Ian Griggs presented major research papers to the COPA Conference in Washington DC in October 1995, to the First Conference of The Fourth Decade in Fredonia, NY in July 1996 and to five November in Dallas conferences of JFK-Lancer in Dallas (1996-2000).

In 1998 he received the JFK-Lancer New Frontier Award "in appreciation of your contribution of new evidence and furthering the study of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy."

He has had five major articles published in leading US journal The Fourth Decade and is a regular contributor to the quarterly US research journal The Assassination Chronicles. He has contributed research articles to US journal JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly and to British journals Dallas '63 and The Dealey Plaza Echo. He has also contributed research articles to internet journals Fair Play Magazine, JFK: The Voice of Reason (UK) and JFK Link (Australia). His comprehensive research manuscript on the assassination, Kennedy Assassinated! - Oswald Murdered! was published in Dallas in November 1994. It deals with the manner in which the British media handled the news of the two killings in November 1963.

He conducted audio and video-recorded interviews of several witnesses including Shari Angel, Beverly Oliver, Bobby Hargis, Johnny Calvin Brewer and Bill Newman. Transcripts of the Newman interview was included in the 1998 book November Patriots by Constance Kritzberg and Larry Hancock. He has also conducted UK-based research on behalf of US author/researcher David Lifton. His article The President, the Press and the Patsy was included in the Commentary and Theory section of Specter of Treason by J.E. Ballantyne, Jr. in 1997.

Ian Griggs was advisor to the BBC Radio 5 Conspiracy Theories programme (20th September 1998). He was also advisor to Principal Films (UK) on the Dealey Plaza segment of their It Happened Here TV series, that was shown in 2002.

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