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Tony Blair and Iran

Gavin Holden

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Tony Blair expressed 'revulsion' at the comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadeinijad to 'wipe Israel of the face of the map.' Should Tony Blair reflect on the fact that if he and Bush hadn't invaded Iraq, the Iranian public wouldn't have swung towrds such an extremist leader in the recent elections thus undermining the many progressive changes in Iran achieved over the last decade. Do Blair and Bush realise that Iran which probably has real WMDs or close to achieving them is now in a far stronger position because of the invasion?

Does Tony Blair ever lay awake at night and realise that people might express revulsion at him for the carnage and loss of innocent life in Iraq?

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Does Tony Blair ever lay awake at night and realise that people might express revulsion at him for the carnage and loss of innocent life in Iraq?

Only in order to work out how to get these misguided, deluded, evil criminals, and put them in a very very dark place for up to three months, never mind habeas corpus, these people are a real and present danger..... to the way he wants to run the country.....

Presumably he and Bush will want to take a few aircraft and boys and girls in yellow and 'democratise' there in few months...

Iran, that is, of course, in case you were wondering...

Edited by Ed Waller
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