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The Men Who Killed Kennedy

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Nigel Turner is the producer of the television series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Made for the Central Independent Television company, it started off a two-part documentary broadcast in October, 1988: The Coup d'Etat and The Forces of Darkness. Three more installments were made two years later: The Cover Up, The Patsy and The Witnesses. The sixth episode, The Truth Shall Set You Free, was added in 1995.

These documentaries have been highly controversial. In the documentary broadcast in 1988 Stephen Rivele argued that the assassination of John F. Kennedy had been organized by Antoine Guerini, the Corsican crime boss in Marseilles. According to Rivele, Lucien Sarti fired from behind the wooden fence on the grassy knoll. The first shot was fired from behind and hit Kennedy in the back. The second shot was fired from behind, and hit John Connally. The third shot was fired from in front, and hit Kennedy in the head. The fourth shot was from behind and missed. As well as Sarti, also named Sauveur Pironti and Roger Bocognani as being involved in the killing. However, Pironti and Bocognani both had alibis and Rivele was forced to withdraw the allegation.

In another episode, Charles Harrelson, who some investigators believed was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, told Turner that "on November 22, 1963, at 12.30, I was having lunch with a friend in a restaurant in Houston, Texas." He also told Turner that he would not have accepted such a contract as he knew that if he had, he would have ended up, like Lee Harvey Oswald, being killed by the Mafia.

In the sixth episode, The Truth Shall Set You Free, May 1995, Daniel Marvin claimed to have been solicited by an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to "terminate" William Pitzer.

The Love Affair (2003) was an account by Judyth Vary Baker of her (at first, unwitting) involvement in an anti-Castro conspiracy. A young woman who had received specialized training in cancer research, she was invited to New Orleans by Alton Ochsner to aid Dr. Mary Sherman in a research project that was being developed to kill Fidel Castro.

In 1963, Judyth met Lee Harvey Oswald and became involved on the clandestine side of the research project. Both had unhappy marriages and were attracted to each other. She and Oswald began working together: they were both hired May 10, 1963, at Reily's Coffee Company, which provided cover jobs for them. Several labs were involved, including a tumor and tissue culture processing mini-lab, at an apartment owned by anti-Castroite Dave Ferrie. Lee Oswald was selected to courier the biological materials to Mexico City, but the project was called off due to Hurricane Flora. Oswald was ordered to Dallas.

Oswald kept in touch with Judyth Vary Baker: they planned to escape to Mexico after his major assignment - his voluntary infiltration of an assassination ring against John F. Kennedy. Oswald believed a highly conservative Texas-sponsored cartel was working with the Mafia and rogue elements of the CIA and the FBI in the plot against Kennedy. He suspected that David Atlee Phillips was his handler. After Kennedy was assassinated, Dave Ferrie called Judyth and told her she was being watched. if she talked, she would die.

Researchers are divided on Baker's story: a number of researchers have seen most or all her original evidence files and defend her (such as Jim Marrs, Martin Shackelford, Wim Dankbaar, Howard Platzman) while other researchers attack her story (Jack White, David Lifton, John MacAdams, Dave Reitzes). Baker points out that almost all the researchers who have attacked her story have never met her or viewed her original evidence files.

This programme was followed by The Smoking Guns and looked at the research carried out by people such as James H. Fetzer, David Mantik, Douglas Weldon, Jack White and Vincent Palamara. The third programme was called The Guilty Men and looked at the possibility that Lyndon B. Johnson, Malcolm Wallace and Edward A. Clark were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The programme relied heavily on the book Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK by Barr McClellan.

This programme has caused quite a stir going on in America at the moment. A programme called the Guilty Men was aired on the History Channel. It claimed that LBJ was behind the assassination. LBJ’s wife and a group of former presidents (Ford, Carter, Clinton) complained and last night the History Channel put out another documentary rubbishing the one they made earlier. They have also promised not to allow the programme to be broadcast again.

Max Holland has written a highly critical article about Nigel Turner at.


A debate on this by supporters of Nigel Turner can be found at:



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  • 2 years later...
Nigel Turner is the producer of the television series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Made for the Central Independent Television company, it started off a two-part documentary broadcast in October, 1988: The Coup d'Etat and The Forces of Darkness. Three more installments were made two years later: The Cover Up, The Patsy and The Witnesses. The sixth episode, The Truth Shall Set You Free, was added in 1995.

These documentaries have been highly controversial. In the documentary broadcast in 1988 Stephen Rivele argued that the assassination of John F. Kennedy had been organized by Antoine Guerini, the Corsican crime boss in Marseilles. According to Rivele, Lucien Sarti fired from behind the wooden fence on the grassy knoll. The first shot was fired from behind and hit Kennedy in the back. The second shot was fired from behind, and hit John Connally. The third shot was fired from in front, and hit Kennedy in the head. The fourth shot was from behind and missed. As well as Sarti, also named Sauveur Pironti and Roger Bocognani as being involved in the killing. However, Pironti and Bocognani both had alibis and Rivele was forced to withdraw the allegation.

In another episode, Charles Harrelson, who some investigators believed was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, told Turner that "on November 22, 1963, at 12.30, I was having lunch with a friend in a restaurant in Houston, Texas." He also told Turner that he would not have accepted such a contract as he knew that if he had, he would have ended up, like Lee Harvey Oswald, being killed by the Mafia.

In the sixth episode, The Truth Shall Set You Free, May 1995, Daniel Marvin claimed to have been solicited by an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to "terminate" William Pitzer.

The Love Affair (2003) was an account by Judyth Vary Baker of her (at first, unwitting) involvement in an anti-Castro conspiracy. A young woman who had received specialized training in cancer research, she was invited to New Orleans by Alton Ochsner to aid Dr. Mary Sherman in a research project that was being developed to kill Fidel Castro.

In 1963, Judyth met Lee Harvey Oswald and became involved on the clandestine side of the research project. Both had unhappy marriages and were attracted to each other. She and Oswald began working together: they were both hired May 10, 1963, at Reily's Coffee Company, which provided cover jobs for them. Several labs were involved, including a tumor and tissue culture processing mini-lab, at an apartment owned by anti-Castroite Dave Ferrie. Lee Oswald was selected to courier the biological materials to Mexico City, but the project was called off due to Hurricane Flora. Oswald was ordered to Dallas.

Oswald kept in touch with Judyth Vary Baker: they planned to escape to Mexico after his major assignment - his voluntary infiltration of an assassination ring against John F. Kennedy. Oswald believed a highly conservative Texas-sponsored cartel was working with the Mafia and rogue elements of the CIA and the FBI in the plot against Kennedy. He suspected that David Atlee Phillips was his handler. After Kennedy was assassinated, Dave Ferrie called Judyth and told her she was being watched. if she talked, she would die.

Researchers are divided on Baker's story: a number of researchers have seen most or all her original evidence files and defend her (such as Jim Marrs, Martin Shackelford, Wim Dankbaar, Howard Platzman) while other researchers attack her story (Jack White, David Lifton, John MacAdams, Dave Reitzes). Baker points out that almost all the researchers who have attacked her story have never met her or viewed her original evidence files.

This programme was followed by The Smoking Guns and looked at the research carried out by people such as James H. Fetzer, David Mantik, Douglas Weldon, Jack White and Vincent Palamara. The third programme was called The Guilty Men and looked at the possibility that Lyndon B. Johnson, Malcolm Wallace and Edward A. Clark were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The programme relied heavily on the book Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK by Barr McClellan.

This programme has caused quite a stir going on in America at the moment. A programme called the Guilty Men was aired on the History Channel. It claimed that LBJ was behind the assassination. LBJ’s wife and a group of former presidents (Ford, Carter, Clinton) complained and last night the History Channel put out another documentary rubbishing the one they made earlier. They have also promised not to allow the programme to be broadcast again.

Max Holland has written a highly critical article about Nigel Turner at.


A debate on this by supporters of Nigel Turner can be found at:



Does anyone know if the first six installments are ever shown on American TV, or have they disappeared also?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nigel Turner is the producer of the television series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Made for the Central Independent Television company, it started off a two-part documentary broadcast in October, 1988: The Coup d'Etat and The Forces of Darkness. Three more installments were made two years later: The Cover Up, The Patsy and The Witnesses. The sixth episode, The Truth Shall Set You Free, was added in 1995.

These documentaries have been highly controversial. In the documentary broadcast in 1988 Stephen Rivele argued that the assassination of John F. Kennedy had been organized by Antoine Guerini, the Corsican crime boss in Marseilles. According to Rivele, Lucien Sarti fired from behind the wooden fence on the grassy knoll. The first shot was fired from behind and hit Kennedy in the back. The second shot was fired from behind, and hit John Connally. The third shot was fired from in front, and hit Kennedy in the head. The fourth shot was from behind and missed. As well as Sarti, also named Sauveur Pironti and Roger Bocognani as being involved in the killing. However, Pironti and Bocognani both had alibis and Rivele was forced to withdraw the allegation.

In another episode, Charles Harrelson, who some investigators believed was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, told Turner that "on November 22, 1963, at 12.30, I was having lunch with a friend in a restaurant in Houston, Texas." He also told Turner that he would not have accepted such a contract as he knew that if he had, he would have ended up, like Lee Harvey Oswald, being killed by the Mafia.

In the sixth episode, The Truth Shall Set You Free, May 1995, Daniel Marvin claimed to have been solicited by an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to "terminate" William Pitzer.

The Love Affair (2003) was an account by Judyth Vary Baker of her (at first, unwitting) involvement in an anti-Castro conspiracy. A young woman who had received specialized training in cancer research, she was invited to New Orleans by Alton Ochsner to aid Dr. Mary Sherman in a research project that was being developed to kill Fidel Castro.

In 1963, Judyth met Lee Harvey Oswald and became involved on the clandestine side of the research project. Both had unhappy marriages and were attracted to each other. She and Oswald began working together: they were both hired May 10, 1963, at Reily's Coffee Company, which provided cover jobs for them. Several labs were involved, including a tumor and tissue culture processing mini-lab, at an apartment owned by anti-Castroite Dave Ferrie. Lee Oswald was selected to courier the biological materials to Mexico City, but the project was called off due to Hurricane Flora. Oswald was ordered to Dallas.

Oswald kept in touch with Judyth Vary Baker: they planned to escape to Mexico after his major assignment - his voluntary infiltration of an assassination ring against John F. Kennedy. Oswald believed a highly conservative Texas-sponsored cartel was working with the Mafia and rogue elements of the CIA and the FBI in the plot against Kennedy. He suspected that David Atlee Phillips was his handler. After Kennedy was assassinated, Dave Ferrie called Judyth and told her she was being watched. if she talked, she would die.

Researchers are divided on Baker's story: a number of researchers have seen most or all her original evidence files and defend her (such as Jim Marrs, Martin Shackelford, Wim Dankbaar, Howard Platzman) while other researchers attack her story (Jack White, David Lifton, John MacAdams, Dave Reitzes). Baker points out that almost all the researchers who have attacked her story have never met her or viewed her original evidence files.

This programme was followed by The Smoking Guns and looked at the research carried out by people such as James H. Fetzer, David Mantik, Douglas Weldon, Jack White and Vincent Palamara. The third programme was called The Guilty Men and looked at the possibility that Lyndon B. Johnson, Malcolm Wallace and Edward A. Clark were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The programme relied heavily on the book Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK by Barr McClellan.

This programme has caused quite a stir going on in America at the moment. A programme called the Guilty Men was aired on the History Channel. It claimed that LBJ was behind the assassination. LBJ’s wife and a group of former presidents (Ford, Carter, Clinton) complained and last night the History Channel put out another documentary rubbishing the one they made earlier. They have also promised not to allow the programme to be broadcast again.

Max Holland has written a highly critical article about Nigel Turner at.


A debate on this by supporters of Nigel Turner can be found at:



Does anyone know if the first six installments are ever shown on American TV, or have they disappeared also?

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Max Holland has written a highly critical article about Nigel Turner at.

Mac Holland is a CIA stoodge so of course he would be critical of Turner.


I accidently erased your question on the other installments of TMWKK, whether they are still shown on HC. I have not seen them at all since the censorship of installments 6-9. They used to air a lot; now HC seems to favor the garbage ABC produced on the 40th anniversary.


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You can watch all three parts of this documentary (The Final Chapter 2003) on Youtube, in 9 minute segments. I was fortunate enough to have a relative order me a DVD copy as a Christmas present the night it first aired on A&E. I understand that it is extremely difficult to obtain, as a ban was placed on it several days after it's debut. It's filled with really great information. I highly recommend it -

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNTeQ9ckmD8

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 2 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAW-bxxZfcM

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMXfBgjsh0

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO5PAmCsw0I

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMJMqbWJLQI

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ry3DrsN9PY

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 2 --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLDm7YT25w

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBbe0jexWn4

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGNyprupDTU

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZyJ1APE6Lc

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWUcyjAeIk

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05AsvqWfzts

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJPWhn6P5fE

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-4QXzNBno

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mzZGK9tNyM

I just read Harrison Edward Livingstone's most recent book on the assassination - The Radical Right And The Murder Of John F. Kennedy - and was surprised to find that he believes Baker's story of her affair with Oswald. I thought he would consider her another nut job or opportunist out to make a buck with a conjured story. I believe that the bulk of her story is true. She sounds like she's telling the truth - at least to me anyway.

Edited by Brian Smith
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You can watch all three parts of this documentary (The Final Chapter 2003) on Youtube, in 9 minute segments. I was fortunate enough to have a relative order me a DVD copy as a Christmas present the night it first aired on A&E. I understand that it is extremely difficult to obtain, as a ban was placed on it several days after it's debut. It's filled with really great information. I highly recommend it -

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNTeQ9ckmD8

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 2 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAW-bxxZfcM

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMXfBgjsh0

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO5PAmCsw0I

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMJMqbWJLQI

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ry3DrsN9PY

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 2 --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLDm7YT25w

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBbe0jexWn4

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGNyprupDTU

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZyJ1APE6Lc

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWUcyjAeIk

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05AsvqWfzts

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJPWhn6P5fE

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-4QXzNBno

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mzZGK9tNyM

I just read Harrison Edward Livingstone's most recent book on the assassination - The Radical Right And The Murder Of John F. Kennedy - and was surprised to find that he believes Baker's story of her affair with Oswald. I thought he would consider her another nut job or opportunist out to make a buck with a conjured story. I believe that the bulk of her story is true. She sounds like she's telling the truth - at least to me anyway.

Peter, the only time i saw TMWKK was on the 40th anniverary in 2003 on the History Channel. I believed it aired every night of week [m-f] for two hours. I dont know if all of the installments were included or not. I havent seen it since. [if it was on again i missed it] I know the Johnson family raised all kinds of problems for them, along with others, and i belive it was banned, as stated earlier. Everything else since then has been basically "pro-Oswald" Dale Myers bunk on the History Channel. [They] must have really put some pressure on them after they showed it in 03', for them to all of a sudden start showing "pro Oswald" junk.


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You can watch all three parts of this documentary (The Final Chapter 2003) on Youtube, in 9 minute segments. I was fortunate enough to have a relative order me a DVD copy as a Christmas present the night it first aired on A&E. I understand that it is extremely difficult to obtain, as a ban was placed on it several days after it's debut. It's filled with really great information. I highly recommend it -

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNTeQ9ckmD8

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 2 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAW-bxxZfcM

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMXfBgjsh0

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO5PAmCsw0I

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMJMqbWJLQI

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ry3DrsN9PY

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 2 --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLDm7YT25w

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBbe0jexWn4

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGNyprupDTU

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZyJ1APE6Lc

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWUcyjAeIk

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05AsvqWfzts

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJPWhn6P5fE

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-4QXzNBno

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mzZGK9tNyM

I just read Harrison Edward Livingstone's most recent book on the assassination - The Radical Right And The Murder Of John F. Kennedy - and was surprised to find that he believes Baker's story of her affair with Oswald. I thought he would consider her another nut job or opportunist out to make a buck with a conjured story. I believe that the bulk of her story is true. She sounds like she's telling the truth - at least to me anyway.

Peter, the only time i saw TMWKK was on the 40th anniverary in 2003 on the History Channel. I believed it aired every night of week [m-f] for two hours. I dont know if all of the installments were included or not. I havent seen it since. [if it was on again i missed it] I know the Johnson family raised all kinds of problems for them, along with others, and i belive it was banned, as stated earlier. Everything else since then has been basically "pro-Oswald" Dale Myers bunk on the History Channel. [They] must have really put some pressure on them after they showed it in 03', for them to all of a sudden start showing "pro Oswald" junk.


The History Channel (owned by Disney Corp) stopped showing (censored) the above-referenced episodes, and selling the DVD's due to pressure from the Johnson family and Johnson family friend Jack Valenti. Fortunately Utube picked it up and there are a lot of bootleg copies floating around. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen any of the Men Who Killed Kennedy segments on the History Channel or A&E in recent years. I found Ed Hoffman's eyewitness account in one of the Men Who Killed Kennedy episodes quite compelling. I met Mr. Hoffman in Dallas in 1998, and saw his rendition of his memory in person (he was deaf and used a sign language interpreter). He said he went to the Grassy Knoll every year to recount his eyewitness to history. He has since passed away. In my business I am used to people lying to me and I can usually tell when someone is lying. Mr. Hoffman was extremely credible to me. Mr. Hoffman's description of the rifleman firing from behind the picket fence jibes with the backward snap of the President's head and the brain matter retreived by Jackie from the limousine trunk.

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You can watch all three parts of this documentary (The Final Chapter 2003) on Youtube, in 9 minute segments. I was fortunate enough to have a relative order me a DVD copy as a Christmas present the night it first aired on A&E. I understand that it is extremely difficult to obtain, as a ban was placed on it several days after it's debut. It's filled with really great information. I highly recommend it -

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNTeQ9ckmD8

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 2 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAW-bxxZfcM

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMXfBgjsh0

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO5PAmCsw0I

episode 1 - The Smoking Gun, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMJMqbWJLQI

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ry3DrsN9PY

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 2 --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLDm7YT25w

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBbe0jexWn4

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGNyprupDTU

episode 2 - The Love Affair, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZyJ1APE6Lc

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 1 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWUcyjAeIk

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05AsvqWfzts

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJPWhn6P5fE

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-4QXzNBno

episode 3 - The Guilty Men, segment 5 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mzZGK9tNyM

I just read Harrison Edward Livingstone's most recent book on the assassination - The Radical Right And The Murder Of John F. Kennedy - and was surprised to find that he believes Baker's story of her affair with Oswald. I thought he would consider her another nut job or opportunist out to make a buck with a conjured story. I believe that the bulk of her story is true. She sounds like she's telling the truth - at least to me anyway.

Peter, the only time i saw TMWKK was on the 40th anniverary in 2003 on the History Channel. I believed it aired every night of week [m-f] for two hours. I dont know if all of the installments were included or not. I havent seen it since. [if it was on again i missed it] I know the Johnson family raised all kinds of problems for them, along with others, and i belive it was banned, as stated earlier. Everything else since then has been basically "pro-Oswald" Dale Myers bunk on the History Channel. [They] must have really put some pressure on them after they showed it in 03', for them to all of a sudden start showing "pro Oswald" junk.


The History Channel (owned by Disney Corp) stopped showing (censored) the above-referenced episodes, and selling the DVD's due to pressure from the Johnson family and Johnson family friend Jack Valenti. Fortunately Utube picked it up and there are a lot of bootleg copies floating around. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen any of the Men Who Killed Kennedy segments on the History Channel or A&E in recent years. I found Ed Hoffman's eyewitness account in one of the Men Who Killed Kennedy episodes quite compelling. I met Mr. Hoffman in Dallas in 1998, and saw his rendition of his memory in person (he was deaf and used a sign language interpreter). He said he went to the Grassy Knoll every year to recount his eyewitness to history. He has since passed away. In my business I am used to people lying to me and I can usually tell when someone is lying. Mr. Hoffman was extremely credible to me. Mr. Hoffman's description of the rifleman firing from behind the picket fence jibes with the backward snap of the President's head and the brain matter retreived by Jackie from the limousine trunk.


"In my business I am used to people lying to me and I can usually tell when someone is lying. Mr. Hoffman was extremely credible to me. Mr. Hoffman's description of the rifleman firing from behind the picket fence jibes with the backward snap of the President's head and the brain matter retreived by Jackie from the limousine trunk."

Yay, Erick!!! My next "best friend" by marriage to my girlfriend, Dawnie!

A hail and hearty WELCOME to another member of our invaluable Austin contingency, and a damned good judge of character in his own right, as well. Great to have you aboard, my friend.


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[quote name=

Great Motto Ter "And I won't back down". Great song too.

Erick and I are missing you around here. Teka too. The house is strangely quiet without

Terry the terror. We welcome you back anytime, but you have to get Scott to come back too!

It will be quite interesting to see where Erick's politics head as he continues to study from the forum.

He may be conservative- (hell, compared to me just about everyone is conservative)- but he is very open-minded. Operation Mockingbird is about to lose another to the casue of truth, I daresay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have bumped this up so that people can look at the three censored Hours of The Men Who Killed Kennedy. In particular The Smoking Gun, where I refer Ashton, for a 4th alternative re. the head wound.



Good idea, Dawnie.

And, as far as my "Badgeman/Cop-taking-up-the-rear-in-the-tramps-photo-resemblance" goes, either nobody wants to touch it, or I'm possibly in the need of a "seeing-eye" dog, real soon. :):lol:

It's almost 2007, Honey!

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