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Biography: Jane Waite

Jane Waite

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I am 47yrs old and worked in the south east for 25 years as an operating theatre nurse. I have recently moved to South Shields, where I work with elderly people, in order to be with my fiance who lives in Gateshead. My chap, Phil, is the reason I would like to join the forum. He is a keen and very knowledgeable amateur WW2 historian, with a love for all things of a german military nature. He has no inclination towards modern communication technology though, and I help him out with research on the net. I really wanted to join this forum as we have been given an old medallion/insignia from 1940 with Dutch and german inscriptions on it, but can find no reference to it in his books, or from other people he knows of a similar nature. I thought this might be the forum to find out what it is all about.

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