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Mary Ferrell Foundation

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April 26, 2006

Dear JFK Assassination Researcher,

If you are not already aware, we would like to take a moment to introduce you to the Mary Ferrell Foundation (MFF). In honor of Mary Ferrell, the MFF offers a unique opportunity for education and research into the assassination of John F. Kennedy via our website, www.maryferrell.org. The website houses the largest searchable electronic archive of materials on this topic, comprised of over 200,000 pages of government documents, hundreds of books, essays and multimedia. Recent additions to our collection include the entire set of Warren Commission Documents, and we are now processing the CIA Segregated Collection, courtesy of the Assassination Archives and Research Center.

One of the goals of the Foundation is to support researchers like you by offering access to an incredible amount of information that in some instances has not existed until now in an electronic format. Our website offers the ability to review both primary and secondary resources using powerful search tools. Most recently we've included the ability to search fields in the Record Identification Forms (RIF) that accompany documents released under the 1992 JFK Records Act.

The MFF website currently affords the ability for members to review books and essays and to attach informative comments to documents. We encourage you to be a part of this attempt to provide engaging and detailed information about the Kennedy assassination.

We are interested in what you think of our website. Please take a moment to review what we have to offer. Basic membership is free and it is easy to sign up. We hope to continue to engage more authors and experts via such offerings as our audio interview show, entitled Unredacted. We also have begun publishing essays online and would be pleased to review submissions for possible inclusion on the website. If you are interested, please contact us at info@maryferrell.org.

We do hope you join us and get involved! It is researchers like you who remind us that history really does matter.


Lona Therrien

Executive Director

Mary Ferrell Foundation


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