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Biography: Joel Bainernan

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Joel Bainerman was born in Toronto in 1957. When he was twenty-four he emigrated to Israel. Bainerman worked as a journalist at The Israel Economist and The Jerusalem Post. He also established two monthly newsletters, Israel Technology and Inside Israel.

In 1989 Bainerman published The Crimes of a President, a book about George H. W. Bush and his relationship with people such as Ted Shackley, Donald P. Gregg, Felix Rodriguez, Richard Secord, William Casey, Thomas G. Clines, Rafael Quintero, Luis Posada, Richard L. Armitage, Menachem Meron, Albert Hakim, Oliver North and Edwin Wilson.

Joel Bainerman has also written for The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Baltimore Sun, The Toronto Globe, The Christian Science Monitor and Forbes Magazine. He is also the author of Why the Middle East Conflict Continues to Exist.

In 2001, he published the first-ever in-depth study of the current status of Israel’s high technology industries entitled: Broken Promises: The Rise and Fall of Israel’s Technology-Based Industries, which documented how Israel’s technology industries had been re-directed away from its initial purpose to serve the interests of Israel’s national economy and towards that of serving the needs of foreign investors.

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