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Biography: Phil Cullen

Phil Cullen

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Born 1960, Dublin, Ireland.

Educated in Irish National School system (primary), Christian Brothers (secondary, 4 years) and Marist Fathers (secondary, 2 years). Favourite subjects were English and History.

Left Ireland in 1982 and travelled and worked in Europe for 4 years before settling in Devon in 1986.

Worked as a labourer (factory, agricultural and construction), kitchen porter, chef and now administrator at North Devon College, Barnstaple. “Labourer” includes factory assembly work (electronic and mechanical), fruit-picking etc., as well as semi-skilled work such as pruning fruit trees.

Interested primarily in 20th Century history, especially Germany from 1870 – 1945, and the Soviet Union, and now Islam since the fall of the Ottoman Empire (something which I think it would repay us all to be more aware of).

Currently working on a database of 20th Century weaponry. I have completed two thirds of the “skeleton” and will soon begin putting the “flesh” on Part I, 1900-1919.

Favourite authors are Dostoeyevsky and Solzhenitzin, although I mostly read non-fiction.

Dislikes include religion and religion. (To paraphrase Mel Brooks (Blazing Saddles): ‘You said “religion” twice’. Reply: ‘I really dislike religion’.)

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