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Comic books and Mockingbird

Guest Mark Valenti

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Greg: "Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency"

"This same subcommittee would, during 1963, be investigating the sale of mail order weapons."

".....business manager, Lyle Stuart. Moreover, Stuart got him fired up for the appearance with Dexedrine and also wrote his statements for it. All in all, public perception of Gaines was now that of a foaming-at-the-mouth lunatic - thanks to Stuart. The kindest words Gaine's employees had for ol' Lyle was that he was "extremely manipulative"."

Lyle Stuart - Oct 7 1963 and the FPCC : From : "Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee"

A Stanley Faulkner apparently motivated a Richard Gibson to burn all the NY FPCC records and according to Stuart, he resigned as treasurer as the result of this and a growing 'red-baiting' of the FPCC.


Scroll down to link to page two of this document

"Senate Internal Security Subcommittee

.... More commonly known as the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS)...to study and investigate (1) the administration, operation, and enforcement of the Internal Security Act of 1950...also known as the McCarran Act) and other laws relating to espionage, sabotage, and the protection of the internal security of the United States and (2) the extent, nature, and effects of subversive activities in the United States "including, but not limited to, espionage, sabotage, and infiltration of persons who are or may be under the domination of the foreign government or organization controlling the world Communist movement or any movement seeking to overthrow the Government of the United States by force and violence." The resolution also authorized the subcommittee to subpoena witnesses and require the production of documents. ...

13.91 (in 1957) James O. Eastland of Mississippi became chairman, a position he held until the subcommittee was abolished in 1977."

Clearly Eastland failed in this role. Deliberately so???

"James Eastland is best known for his virulent opposition to the American Civil Rights Movement. He was an open and unashamed racist and segregationist. When the Supreme Court issued its decision in the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 347 US 483 (1954), Eastland denounced it, saying:

"On May 17, 1954, the Constitution of the United States was destroyed because of the Supreme Court's decision. You are not obliged to obey the decisions of any court which are plainly fraudulent [and based on] sociological considerations."

Moreover, Eastland called Brown illegal and proclaimed that "resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."

Eastland did not mince words when it came to his feelings about the races mingling. He testified to the U.S. Senate 10 days after the Brown decision came down: “The Southern institution of racial segregation or racial separation was the correct, self-evident truth which arose from the chaos and confusion of the Reconstruction period. Separation promotes racial harmony. It permits each race to follow its own pursuits, and its own civilization. Segregation is not discrimination. … Mr. President, it is the law of nature, it is the law of God, that every race has both the right and the duty to perpetuate itself. All free men have the right to associate exclusively with members of their own race, free from governmental interference, if they so desire.”

When three civil rights workers Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman went missing in Mississippi on June 21, 1964, he reportedly told President Lyndon Johnson that the incident was a hoax and there was no Ku Klux Klan in the state, surmising that the three had gone to Chicago"

This is plainly BS. They had been murdered by the KKK including Law enforcement officers. The KKK was very active and present in a number of forms in Mississippi. The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission which Eastland was part of had on file these people before they were murdered and quite likely provided the murderers with details

Eastland : "resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.". Tyrrany to him was Kennedy's proven stand on de-segregation as shown particularly during the Oxford Insurrection led by Governor Barrett and General Walker when Kennedy sent the army and the National Guard to Mississippi to enforce the Law and ordered the Barrett to order the Mississsippi Highway Patrol to obey his (the President) orders and not Barretts (and Eastland and Walkers) wishes. They grudgingly appeared to do so but surreptitiously allowed carloads of segregationists to pass the Patrol lines and the riots that ensued(leading to a number of deaths and casualties) led to Walkers arrest and no doubt to a burning desire to do away with Kennedy.

Some major event following this was J. F. Kennedy's famous Civil Rights speech and the assassination of Medgar Evers a few hours later. Kennedy had issued a number of executive orders to committees to get answers to voter registrations and other civl rights issues that were due in late November and would form the basis for the 63,64,65 Civil Rights bills.

Eastland and the various Citizens Councils and State Sovereignty Comissions of the south had been collecting a war chest to fight this. In 1964, after the assassination much of the elected leadership of these groupings had changed.

"In 1963, Soule was chairman of the 12th Annual National Congress of Freedom. (Who's Who in the South and Southwest 1963 - 1964) General Walker's lawyer, Clyde Watts, was a speaker at this event. (NOTP; April 7, 1963). J. A. Milteer was also in attendance. (Weisberg; Frame-Up; p481)"


A bunch of Loonies? or deadly serious?

General Walker, "Looney, Watts, Looney, Nichols & Johnson", MAD, Gaines, and the FBI.

In 1961: according to a Bufile from W.C. Sullivan notes Brigadier General C. J. Watts being sued by MAD comics because he alledgedly made a statement that MAD helps the communist cause.

Watts sought out Sullivan again, and again, and Sullivan instructed SA Teague to deal with him.

General Watts was the lawyer for General Walker of the aptly named law offices of "Looney, Watts, Looney, Nichols & Johnson" of Oklahoma City.


Walker reported being shot at in april 63.

(Dallas City archives)

In June 1963, Walker apparently had no reason to consider Oswald as a suspect in trying to assassinate him, he was however involved in trying to set up a Mr Duff. In the Dallas archives a document outlines how special investigators under instructions from General Watts from Oklahoma, came to Dallas to befriend Duff and arrange an attempt on Walker. So Walker was involved in plots against himself, and at that time did not appear to have knowledge of Oswald. Other documents from 1961 indicates that he was aware of Oswalds, .

Duff contacted Hosty who dealt with the Watts enquirues.

Edited by John Dolva
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"James Eastland :..."On May 17, 1954, the Constitution of the United States was destroyed because of the Supreme Court's decision. You are not obliged to obey the decisions of any court which are plainly fraudulent [and based on] sociological considerations." Moreover, Eastland called Brown illegal and proclaimed that "resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."

"Soon after the assassination Nashville Attorney Richard Ely told a (white) Citizens Council that President John F. Kennedy “died a tyrant’s death.” The attorney can hardly be so ignorant of his country’s history as not to know that he was saying in English what Booth (Lincolns assassin) had said in Latin. The reactionaries and racists of present-day America have shamelessly taken over the torch of hatred and violence from their predecessors of a century ago.

That excesses and acts of terrorism were in preparation in the South against Federal authorities and that the preparers were ultra-reactionaries and racists was known to the whole world. For his recent book on latter-day fascists and nazis Daily Herald correspondent Dennis Eisenberg made a thorough study of the activities of ultra-reactionary organizations in the United States. The conclusion he arrived at was that such organizations would have no trouble in choosing from among their members a crack marksman"

topic on Dennis' work: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9550

Edited by John Dolva
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Other items of possible interest:

The Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency

Robert Hendrickson was the chairman of the Senate subcommittee, the committee is often referred to as the Kefauver committee, and when the 1954 elections returned control of Congress to the Democrats, Senator Estes Kefauver was given the chairmanship of the juvenile delinquency subcommittee

names of people associated with the subcommittee in the 50's

Sen. Thomas Hennings

Herbert Beaser

Herbert Hannoch

Frederick Wertham

Richard Clendenen

Martha Eliot

James Fitzpatrick

E.D. Fulton

Harris Peck

Gunnar Dybwad

Lauretta Bender

William M. Gaines

William Friedman

Monroe Froehlich, Jr

Helen Meyer

Herman P. Kopplemann

Judge Thomas D. Gill


USPO Investigative role once more:


"The Post Office Department was given an extensive list of comic book titles, along with names of publishers, writers, and artists, to investigate. The purpose of the Post Office Investigation was to determine whether any of the titles listed had ever been ruled “unmailable” and whether any of the individuals listed had ever come under Post Office Department scrutiny."


" According to his biographer, Gaines was taking diet pills, and as the medication begain to wear off, fatigue set in. Gaines recalled: “At the beginning, I felt I was really going to fix those bastards, but as time went on I could feel myself fading away...They were pelting me with questions and I couldn’t locate the answers" (FWIW : Jack Ruby was also taking 'diet pills')

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Other items of possible interest:

The Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency

Robert Hendrickson was the chairman of the Senate subcommittee, the committee is often referred to as the Kefauver committee, and when the 1954 elections returned control of Congress to the Democrats, Senator Estes Kefauver was given the chairmanship of the juvenile delinquency subcommittee

names of people associated with the subcommittee in the 50's

Sen. Thomas Hennings

Herbert Beaser

Herbert Hannoch

Frederick Wertham

Richard Clendenen

Martha Eliot

James Fitzpatrick

E.D. Fulton

Harris Peck

Gunnar Dybwad

Lauretta Bender

William M. Gaines

William Friedman

Monroe Froehlich, Jr

Helen Meyer

Herman P. Kopplemann

Judge Thomas D. Gill


USPO Investigative role once more:


"The Post Office Department was given an extensive list of comic book titles, along with names of publishers, writers, and artists, to investigate. The purpose of the Post Office Investigation was to determine whether any of the titles listed had ever been ruled “unmailable” and whether any of the individuals listed had ever come under Post Office Department scrutiny."


" According to his biographer, Gaines was taking diet pills, and as the medication begain to wear off, fatigue set in. Gaines recalled: “At the beginning, I felt I was really going to fix those bastards, but as time went on I could feel myself fading away...They were pelting me with questions and I couldn’t locate the answers" (FWIW : Jack Ruby was also taking 'diet pills')

John, what they were taking was amphetamines - commonly used as diet pills in the day. In Gaines' case, they were supplied by Lyle Stuart.

Another concern of the Subcommittee was war comics. Too realistic. They actually sought to find out if they were easily available to troops. They thought they'd demoralize the US fighting man.

Eastland, in 1954, btw was on the Committee on the Judiciary. The Juvenile Delinquency subcommittee came under it's purview.

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