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Some random thoughts on Hunt, Nixon and JFK

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Some random thoughts:

Perhaps one reason Howard Hunt was confident that Nixon would come up with the Watergate “hush” money after the arrests was because he knew that Nixon was aware of Hunt’s involvement in another Presidential historical event: the assassination of JFK. Nixon in his Oval Office tapes spoke of the danger of lifting the “scab” that covered Hunt’s past activities.

As Saint John Hunt, his son, revealed in his coasttocoastam interview Monday night, Hunt continued to file reports with the top officials at the CIA even after he ostensibly left its employment and began working for the Mullen Company and subsequently at the White House in the “plumber’s unit.”

So what was the best way to send a signal to Hunt that he should under all circumstances – even when facing a criminal trial and imprisonment – remain silent on what he knew about the Kennedy assassination?

The best way was to kill his wife, Dorothy, who had also been a CIA agent and who undoubtedly knew of the truth about JFK’s murder. Dorothy was killed in a plane crash in Chicago in December 1972, on the eve of the first Watergate trial. Hunt subsequently pleaded guilty at that trial, rather than be forced to answer questions if he chose to testify in his own behalf. One never knows what twists a criminal case might take.

What was Dorothy carrying besides the $10,000 recovered? (Saint John Hunt says it was more than that amount.) Could she have been carrying documentation as to the Kennedy assassination to be entrusted to a relative or close friend as a form of protection to be utilized depending how the Watergate scandal played out? Was this documentation seized by a designated member of the horde of 50-plus FBI and DIA agents that arrived upon the scene within minutes after the plane crash?

Dorothy, probably knowing that she and her husband were in imminent danger, had the foresight to purchase a $250,000 life insurance policy at the air port just prior to departure.

Did Hunt get the intended message that was sent by the mysterious death of his wife? My guess is that he did. He was then weighed down with the worry of raising four children who would be captives of fortune if he were also killed.

So he kept his mouth shut about the Kennedy assassination and went to prison and later even testified falsely before congressional committees about it and went so far as to file a notarized sworn affidavit with the Rockefeller Commission, which was filled with falsehoods. This served to appease those who might be tempted to silence him forever.

And like the intelligence agent that he was, he bided his time and made arrangements for the truth to come out after he died. Hence, his sending a tell-all tape recording to Saint John, which millions of radio listeners have heard in recent days.

A fuse has been lit post-mortem by Hunt. Brace yourself. Before it is all over we may yet have the full story of the assassination and also what might have been on the 18 ½ minutes erased from a key Nixon Oval Office tape.

This is because both Nixon and Hunt knew the full story of the Kennedy assassination.

As I wrote at the beginning, these are merely some random thoughts by me.

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Some random thoughts:

Perhaps one reason Howard Hunt was confident that Nixon would come up with the Watergate “hush” money after the arrests was because he knew that Nixon was aware of Hunt’s involvement in another Presidential historical event: the assassination of JFK. Nixon in his Oval Office tapes spoke of the danger of lifting the “scab” that covered Hunt’s past activities.

As Saint John Hunt, his son, revealed in his coasttocoastam interview Monday night, Hunt continued to file reports with the top officials at the CIA even after he ostensibly left its employment and began working for the Mullen Company and subsequently at the White House in the “plumber’s unit.”

So what was the best way to send a signal to Hunt that he should under all circumstances – even when facing a criminal trial and imprisonment – remain silent on what he knew about the Kennedy assassination?

The best way was to kill his wife, Dorothy, who had also been a CIA agent and who undoubtedly knew of the truth about JFK’s murder. Dorothy was killed in a plane crash in Chicago in December 1972, on the eve of the first Watergate trial. Hunt subsequently pleaded guilty at that trial, rather than be forced to answer questions if he chose to testify in his own behalf. One never knows what twists a criminal case might take.

What was Dorothy carrying besides the $10,000 recovered? (Saint John Hunt says it was more than that amount.) Could she have been carrying documentation as to the Kennedy assassination to be entrusted to a relative or close friend as a form of protection to be utilized depending how the Watergate scandal played out? Was this documentation seized by a designated member of the horde of 50-plus FBI and DIA agents that arrived upon the scene within minutes after the plane crash?

Dorothy, probably knowing that she and her husband were in imminent danger, had the foresight to purchase a $250,000 life insurance policy at the air port just prior to departure.

Did Hunt get the intended message that was sent by the mysterious death of his wife? My guess is that he did. He was then weighed down with the worry of raising four children who would be captives of fortune if he were also killed.

So he kept his mouth shut about the Kennedy assassination and went to prison and later even testified falsely before congressional committees about it and went so far as to file a notarized sworn affidavit with the Rockefeller Commission, which was filled with falsehoods. This served to appease those who might be tempted to silence him forever.

And like the intelligence agent that he was, he bided his time and made arrangements for the truth to come out after he died. Hence, his sending a tell-all tape recording to Saint John, which millions of radio listeners have heard in recent days.

A fuse has been lit post-mortem by Hunt. Brace yourself. Before it is all over we may yet have the full story of the assassination and also what might have been on the 18 ½ minutes erased from a key Nixon Oval Office tape.

This is because both Nixon and Hunt knew the full story of the Kennedy assassination.

As I wrote at the beginning, these are merely some random thoughts by me.

I'd love to brace myself Douglas. Do you really think Hunt's quasi-confession is that significant?

Especially given that he still denied his own involvement, which is not credible.

Why would he deny his own involvement from the grave? To protect his kids?

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This article has lots of details that are new to me.

I now love Kevin Costner.


" Son Of JFK Conspirator Drops New Bombshell Revelations

Costner was set to make documentary on Hunt's confession, before Miami mafia stepped in, E. Howard believed government had sabotaged his wife's plane

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Thursday, May 3, 2007

As the explosive revelation of E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession, in which the former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator admits that he was part of a CIA conspiracy to assassinate JFK, continues to rage across the Internet, the establishment media remains almost mute on what is undoubtedly one of the biggest stories of the decade.

Saint John Hunt, E. Howard Hunt's oldest son, joined Alex Jones yesterday to drop new bombshells about his father's story. Click here to listen.


E. Howard Hunt names numerous individuals with both direct and indirect CIA connections as having played a role in the assassination of Kennedy, while describing himself as a "bench warmer" in the plot. Saint John Hunt agreed that the use of this term indicates that Hunt was willing to play a larger role in the murder conspiracy had he been required, but was primarily used in an oversight role.

Hunt alleges on the tape that then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the planning of the assassination and in the cover-up, stating that LBJ, "Had an almost maniacal urge to become president, he regarded JFK as an obstacle to achieving that."

In the Alex Jones Show interview, Hunt reveals how Kevin Costner, star of the JFK movie, had shared a mutual friend with E. Howard Hunt and had subsequently visited Hunt in Miami in the interests of producing a documentary film based on Hunt's knowledge of the plot.

"Kevin Costner flies down and is introduced to my father by this mutual friend and Kevin just blurted out, 'so who killed JFK'? My father's jaw dropped and he turned around and looked at his wife and said, 'what did he say'?"

"So the whole thing just kind of blew up in its face and that was the end of that," said Hunt.

Hunt said that Costner had become "somewhat of a conspiracy enthusiast" after having made the JFK movie and was very interested in starting a project based on E. Howard Hunt's revelations.

"What my father devised was a code and a key to give Mr. Costner the relevant information without naming the names," said Hunt, "He listed out a chain of command and a timeline series of events and things that took place along with the most important players in the plot."

Costner considered the information to be "dynamite stuff," but elements of the "Miami mafia" derailed the project and the documentary never got off the ground.

Saint John Hunt also revealed for the first time that E. Howard Hunt thought that the Chicago plane crash that killed his wife in 1972 was not an accident. Investigators discovered at least $10,000 dollars in Dorothy Hunt's luggage, money that Saint John Hunt alleges was Nixon campaign funds used to payoff the families of the Watergate burglars to keep them quiet about the involvement of the Nixon White House in the Watergate break-in and cover-up.

"Later on in his life at one of these bedside confessions....tears started welling up in his eyes and he said, 'you know Saint I was so deeply concerned that what they did to your mother they could have done to you children' and that caused the hair on my neck to stand up - that was the first disclosure from my father that he thought there was something else going on besides sheer pilot error," said Hunt.

Eyewitnesses reported that the plane exploded above treetop level before it had even hit the runway.

Hunt said that "at least 20-25 FBI members," as well as numerous DIA agents were at the scene of the crash within minutes before rescue personnel had even arrived, and that this fact was attested to in a letter sent by the head of the Chicago FBI to investigator Sherman Skolnick.

Hunt cited numerous coincidences surrounding the aftermath of the crash, including Nixon's appointment of his henchman, Egil Krough, to the National Transportation Safety Board which investigates plane crashes, the very day after the incident.


Asked why Hunt became a willing conspirator in the plot to murder JFK, Hunt responded,"Within intelligence circles, he felt that it was an imperative situation that President Kennedy not be allowed to serve in that office for any longer because there was a lot of crucial things coming down, there was the Vietnam war, there was also the anger and the threats Kennedy had made to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces."

Hunt also said that his father eventually desired to become the director of the CIA and Kennedy was a direct obstacle to that goal.

Hunt concluded by agreeing that his father's legacy was that of a patriotic American who was manipulated and twisted by people like LBJ and Nixon, later to be deserted and have his family torn apart by these same criminals.

E. Howard Hunt finally redeemed himself shortly before his death by blowing the whistle on the JFK murder plot, but now there is a fresh attempt to bury this information on behalf of the compromised and cowardly establishment media, who have afforded this bombshell story almost no attention at all while lavishly devoting coverage to the mindlessness of Britney Spears' comeback and radio host Don Imus' off-hand comments.

Once again the responsibility lies with alternative media and the Internet to make sure E. Howard Hunt's story is heard."

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