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Sydney Wilkinson

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  1. Interesting post about Mr. Karassimes. I don't know if it means anything, but Amos Heacock told me in the spring of 1978 that he believed Mr. Karassimes's half sister - Anne Comanduras - was murdered by Edgar Eugene Bradley on KGB orders. He never told me the reason. Interesting that Mr. Karassimes died later that year before he could appear before the HSCA.
  2. I'm happy to try to answer your questions, but please be patient with this neophyte... Re: Bradford Bishop...you haven't missed a thing, as far as I'm aware. The extent of my knowledge about Bradford Bishop is what I've read throughout the years - that he's been on the run since he murdered his wife and children about 30 years ago, and the authorities can't find him. Consequently, I have no idea how truthful Mr. Heacock's claims are. Re: Richard O'Melia...I'm afraid I know nothing about Mr. O'Melia, other than what Mr. Heacock wrote in a statement and motion for mistrial before a Civil Aeronautics Board preceeding back in '78. It doesn't answer your question, but I've attached what I could find. I haven't been able to check the veracity of most of Mr. Heacock's claims....which is why I responded to Mr. Kelly's post in the first place. I don't want to detract from the important work being done by all of you on Mr. Simkin's forum, but I would be most appreciative if anyone can shed any light on the limited information Mr. Heacock gave me.
  3. It's the first time I've seen anyone mention anything about the connection between the CIA infiltration of the airline industry, the murder of Coates Lear, and JFK's assassination. It's also the first time I've seen mention of Amos Heacock. I would really like to get in touch with Mr. Kelly, but do not have his personal email address. At the suggestion of Gail Beagle, I interviewed Mr. Heacock in Washington, D.C. in 1978. He was a fascinating man with fascinating theories, to say the least. Not only had his small airline gone out of business due to CIA takeover of the industry for the military-industrial-complex, he told me he "enjoyed counterintelligence" in regard to JFK's assassination, Watergate, Dorothy Hunt's murder, the kidnapping of Howard Hughes and other interesting "things." Mr. Heacock believed that Coates Lear was indeed, murdered as a security risk for the secret of the assassination. According to Heacock, Lear had followed CIA instructions to arrange the trip to Texas through his boss and law partner, Secretary Zuckert. He also believed that the same assassin murdered William Gingery the same way (mentioned in Fletcher Prouty's book), as well as murdering Bradford Bishop and his family (a mystery in itself!),Anatoli Michailovich Gransovsky (a former KGB assassin) and Anne Comanduras (attached to the CIA's assassination facility and half sister to Thomas Karassimes(chief of CIA ops department that included assassination missions). Most interestingly, he believed that the same assassin was involved in JFK's murder - not as a shooter, but as an accomplice who escaped with one of the weapons. After reading your recent post about the murder (in my opinion) of Dorothy Hunt, I re-read my notes from the interview with Mr. Heacock and remembered that he told me he knew that a Mr. Edward Carlson (former exec. head of United's parent company)had personally met with President Nixon to discuss the physical evidence of sabotage of Dorothy Hunt's plane. He also believed that the same saboteur sabotaged the TWA plane at Dulles airport in Dec. 1974, as well as the Turkish Airlines DC-10 that crashed after takeoff from Paris on March 9, 1974. (In his recent book, I believe that Hunt's lie about the reason his wife was carrying so much cash on the day of her death is predictably nauseating.)
  4. I am an interested outsider who is new to this forum and definitely a novice on this subject - so please forgive me if my questions have already been addressed elsewhere. There are a few points about the Pitzer case that really irk me: 1. Per Mr. Groden's testimony about the 4 photographers who were present (with cameras) during the autopsy....and, "Mr. Pitzer at the time of his death was in possession of a 16millimeter film of the autopsy which he had taken during the autopsy examination..." implies that Pitzer's was not using a still camera but a 16 millimeter film camera, which records moving images. Most of the photographic information I've read about the autopsy refers to still photographs and not a 16mm film of moving images. Is there any way to verify if it is true that Pitzer was shooting moving film as opposed to still pictures? And if so, perhaps he had additional evidence that the other still photographers didn't capture? It was also, much more difficult to "doctor" moving film images than still photographs back in the 1960's. 2. Did I read correctly that Pitzer's family did not receive the autopsy report until 1990? If so, what is the government's reason for waiting 23 years before releasing it to them? Especially if the report was completed in the Feb. of 1967? And which gov. agency "officially" ruled his death a suicide? Maybe I'm just naive, but if my husband or father had been found dead by a bullet to the head in 1966, and he hadn't left any kind of suicide note, there is no way on earth that I would have waited quietly and patiently until 1990 for an autopsy report - unless perhaps I had been properly threatened..... 3. I have no doubt that the HSCA surpressed a lot of crucial evidence. Has anyone contacted those members of the committee who are still alive for an interview? Many thanks, Sydney Wilkinson ps: A personal note - I thank Mr. Marvin, Mr. Dankbaar and Ms. Baker for showing the kind of courage that is so rare in our world today.
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