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University Study Debunks NIST Cover Up Of WTC7 Demolition

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The final draft of the University of Alaska study debunking the NIST coverup of the WTC7 demolition on 9/11 is out this week.

Anyone with a working knowledge of Newtonian physics could have concluded as much years ago.  The 47 floor steel skyscraper collapsed in an abrupt-onset, symmetrical free fall,  indicating zero resistance-- i.e., a synchronized, simultaneous demolition of the steel columns.

It's an irrefutable smoking gun, indicating that the 9/11 demolitions were staged, in advance, by experts.


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  • 6 months later...
On 3/28/2020 at 7:39 PM, W. Niederhut said:

The final draft of the University of Alaska study debunking the NIST coverup of the WTC7 demolition on 9/11 is out this week.

Anyone with a working knowledge of Newtonian physics could have concluded as much years ago.  The 47 floor steel skyscraper collapsed in an abrupt-onset, symmetrical free fall,  indicating zero resistance-- i.e., a synchronized, simultaneous demolition of the steel columns.

It's an irrefutable smoking gun, indicating that the 9/11 demolitions were staged, in advance, by experts.


Anybody who has seen builders demolishing apartment buildings knew in an  instant... what a world we live in.

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/18/2022 at 7:18 PM, Len Colby said:

LOL not even submitted for peer review



Did you even read this academic paper?

It was peer-reviewed.

(See page iii for details.)

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 2/13/2023 at 10:27 AM, Len Colby said:


I read it. Fake peer review by other CTs



They are scientists, fella.

Have you studied any science at a collegiate or post-graduate level?

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/13/2023 at 12:27 PM, Len Colby said:


I read it. Fake peer review by other CTs.

That's the loony fringe's version of "peer review." They knew if they submitted that "paper" to regular, genuine peer review, it would have been torn to shreds and exposed as the trash it is. 


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On 5/25/2023 at 11:41 AM, Michael Griffith said:

That's the loony fringe's version of "peer review." They knew if they submitted that "paper" to regular, genuine peer review, it would have been torn to shreds and exposed as the trash it is. 



Michael Griffith doesn't have the scientific education or background to legitimately review this study.

Griffith doesn't even have the empirical ability to accurately  perceive the serial explosions (on film) that pulverized the Twin Towers.


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