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Ruby's psych reports

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  • 5 years later...

...From a report by an unknown (or at least, unnamed) psychiatrist:

"Bob Will offered me the chance to run his night club when he got jailed on

some Federal charge and a lawyer named Fader offered to raise the money. I

started to borrow from a man named Paul. I am in hock up to ten or twelve

grand. Bob Will himself was a real lush hound. He wanted us to give him $700

to continue to perform in the Ranch House. Fader was still with me and he

was against it. That was in 1952 and everything went bust. My name was on

the place and we owed taxes. I was going with this lovely gorl, Alice

Nichols, at the time. I felt I was dead in Dallas. I had given the Silver

Spur away to some friends to run the Ranch House. I wanted to commit

suicide, and to kill this guy, Hy Fader who screwed me.'" [this was the

onset of a severe depressive episode. Bob Will I believe is AKA Bob Willis - {Wills}

legendary country singer - greg]

"After 3 or 4 months I went back to Dallas again. I got a call that these

fellows wanted me to take over the Silver Spur again. It was too much

roughness in it for them. So I made a deal, it amounted to about $1,500, I

think. I took over a half-assed movie theater next door and I got a chance

to buy an interest in the Vegas Club in 1953. I also took over a little

place called Hernando's Hideaway, so I was in four things.'"

See more about Jack Ruby's early business deals and associates in Dallas at :

Jack Ruby Night Clubs in Dallas

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