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James R Gordon

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Status Replies posted by James R Gordon

  1. James, how do I get a new post on an old thread to show up on page one?


    1. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon

      David I have corrected the problem.

      Bumping worked, however the thread belonged to political Conspiacies.

      I have moved it into JFK DEbate for you.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. James, how do I get a new post on an old thread to show up on page one?


    1. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon

      Sorry I had not noticed your reply. I also tested the thread and it di not move to the top of the threads.

      I'll contact Invision about this


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. James, how do I get a new post on an old thread to show up on page one?


    1. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon


      You need to find the old thread and - having done so - write your post on that thread.

      Your new post on that thread will automatically move the thread onto P.1

      If that does not work please get back in touch.



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. James: S. T. Patrick of Midnight News Writer, whose interviews of guests on the JFK assassination I frequently post on the EF, would like to join the Forum. How does he go about doing this? Many thanks, Doug

    1. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon


      James needs to contact Kathy Becket. There is an official link to joining, but might be quicker to contact Kathy direct: kathy becket  <criglett@yahoo.com>

      I am sure kathy will be delighted to assist.



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