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James R Gordon

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Everything posted by James R Gordon

  1. Pamela, I believe JFK stopped twice. The SS agents certainly were on the car as it sped away from Elm Street and as it was approaching the Stemmons Freeway. Approaching Stemmons Freeway:- However, although I had not realized it, the Queen Mary must have stopped before going onto the Stemmons Freeway, because the picture taken there does not show them on the running boards. I doubt there was space for them in the car as well Stemmons Freeway:- What I had not been aware of, until recently, there were agent supports on the side of the JFK car. Unlike the Queen Mary, these ones were retractable. James
  2. Chris, Thanks for the response. I accept that there may have been a stimulus during this period. It was after all the period that Frederick Webb, the first to analyse the Zapruder film, considered to be the moment that Connally was wounded. However I do disagree with some of your analysis. a) Jackie’s return to JFK [ at 7.6 seconds in your clip ] has nothing to do with an external stimulus. She had been distracted by Connally for some time and was now returning her attention back to her husband. Greer’s head turn, I suggest has more to do with Kellerman demanding that they get to a hospital. c) Kellerman on the phone again I suggest has to do with having seen JFK being injured. d) I accept the limo has indeed slowed down, whether to help Hill or because Greer is now looking to the rear – I do not know. So I am not sure I agree, or indeed disagree, that there was a shot at this point. Maybe. What I can say is that if there were a shot at this period it could not be the shot that wounded Connally. The nature of his wound forbids it. However, what I will say is that you have directed my attention to when Connally was wounded to pre head shot. It is a real pity you did not release these frames as slides, they are outstandingly clear. I have returned your gif to individual frames. They are the clearest I have ever seen. Do you have the whole film in this quality? I really would be interested in a copy if you do have the film in this clarity. At 7.6 seconds Nellie does turn back to looking towards her husband after having looked to the rear of the car and see whether the noise had a consequence on JFK. Nellie is on record that when her husband was injured and looking away from her she grabbed him and pulled him over onto her lap. From 7.7 seconds right up to 8.9 seconds we see Nellie attempting to pull Connally over. Forum members may not see what I am referring to unless they also have converted the gif into separate frames. I can clearly see all Nellie’s head and body movements as she begins the process of pulling him round and onto her lap. The quality of your frames makes Nellie’s movement and endeavors crystal clear. In the sequence 8.5 seconds [307] to 8.9 seconds [313] I had assumed that Connally had freed himself from Nellie and positioned himself to sitting erect. In doing so I had ignored Nellie’s description. Instead I had considered that she had pulled Connally over onto her lap after Z317. Your frames make it clear that this straightening of Connally’s position is due to Nellie attempting to get him into a position where she can pull him out of danger. The implication of these frames is that I may well be wrong. These frames suggest that Connally was not injured post head shot but pre head shot. What has focused my attention is the clarity of the frames which allow, at least for me for the first time, all of Nellie Connally’s attempt to pull John Connally onto her lap. I really thank you for these frames. They have been a great help. If you have Z314 – 338 in the same quality would you be kind enough to post that gif. I can transfer it back to frames. I really need to see the rest of this sequence in this kind of quality. James.
  3. Chris, You are excellent in being ambiguous. I have looked over the frames, but I have no idea what it is, that I should have noticed. Could please outline the relevant points. Thanks. James.
  4. Mark, Thanks for the reply. I am happy to admit that I really am confused at the moment. There are moments when I am seriously thinking of giving up. Below is a picture of the Connally model. Unlike Dale Myers I am using anatomical models. I have lost identity, that he has in his models, but I have gained verification. Everyone can see what I contend is happening: in this case the wound runs down the 5th rib. The red pointer is placed as per the description of the wound by Robert Shaw. You will notice that the angle of the pointer, as positioned here is 27º. That was the measurement that Robert Shaw took while John Connally testified before the Warren Commission. In order for Connally to be injured as described then he has to be sitting in that position. The only time I can place him in that position is around Z 317. It is not that Connally cannot be hit, he can be hit any number of times in any number of frames, but to be struck in such a way as to duplicate the wound received, he has to be sitting in a forward position. That places him after the head shot, which is in keeping with the Connally’s description of the sequence of events, but it also places it after the head shot. And I am getting the impression that it is also placing this theory into the realm of incredulity. I was looking at the Z 290 area tonight. It is a really interesting period because there is all sorts of things going on. It is a sequence, unlike Z 315 and following, where Nellie does look as though she trying to get hold of John, as she describes. However at this point John Connally virtually has his back to her and that would require the source of the shot to come from the South of the Plaza. Z 236/46, I believe everyone’s favorite moment when he was struck, has Connally at 30/35º degree angle right of forward. Then the trajectory pointer, points to a location between the Daltex and the Records building. The only frame that has the pointer return to a sensible source, in this case the TSBD, as well as replicating the wound received by Connally is Z 317. And that takes the Connally wound beyond the head shot. Logic and established assassination understanding suggests that the Connally’s have got to be wrong on this point. Trajectory analysis suggests that their description of the sequence is right. I am even wondering if my 3D model is inaccurate and is leading me astray. But I do not think so, at least not that much. And the Connally model above is accurate. It shows the wound as it was received. You can test for yourself. The model shows you the nature of the wound. You can stand up anywhere. Place yourself as Connally is positioned in any frame and see where that line takes you back to. I suggest you will find it does not take you back where we want it to. In some frames it takes you to the south of the plaza. You ask if it is possible that the sound of the head shot does not register with the Connally’s till later. Yes it is possible. I just know that I cannot get a frame where Connally’s wound leads back to a recognized source, until after the hehad shot………and that is causing me quite a bit of grief. James.
  5. The Connally Memory and Verifiable Established Fact After considerable time spent on determining when John Connally was wounded, I believe it is now possible to extricate fact from memory. At the heart of this conflict is the complete contradiction between the Connally’s adamant conviction that John Connally was wounded before the head shot took place and the Connally’s sequential description of what took place. The first, the Connally’s conviction that he was wounded before the head shot cannot be verified, especially through the Zapruder film. However their description of what happened, and the Connally’s are in complete agreement as to the sequence, can be verified on Zapruder. It is impossible to be sure just why there is this contradiction. The only explanation I can come to, aside from JFK and John Connally being shot within .22 of a second, is that the spraying of brain matter all over them and the car was so a horrifying memory that they were never able to forget. In the videos of them describing this moment it is clear that years latter it is still a horrifying memory. This memory I suggest blurred the exact sequence of what happened. In 2003, forty years later, when with the “VIEW” Nellie is clearly still distressed when describing what happened at this point. When he is interviewed in 1964, John Connally is also very sober when he recounts this moment. The main narrative evidence comes from two interviews. The first is the June 1964 interview that John Connally gave. The second is the interview that Nellie Connally gave to the “View” in 2003. The importance of these two interviews is that much of what both John and Nellie Connally say can be verified by Zapruder. It may be argued by members that what I am about to outline contradicts established view. All I can say to that, is that what the Connally’s describe can be seen with our own eyes in Zapruder. Yes, it is not sworn testimony – but it is visual establishable fact that can be verified. However what did astonish me is that in their testimony to both the WC as well as the HSCA, they say exactly the same thing. The full document lists 10 variants. In this version I will restrict myself to the four most important. 1a. Nellie Connally is clear that when she heard that first sound/shot she turned to look at the President. Nellie Connally on (Larry King):- When the first sound was heard Nellie states that turned to look to the back and saw the President grasping for his throat. That can be verified on Zapruder. Her facing JFK can be seen at Z 260. Nellie Connally describing her reaction to that first sound:- http://s1187.photobu...FirstShotV2.mp4 1b. John Connally describing his reaction to this same sound:- John Connally is very clear that when he heard this same sound he knew it to be a rifle shot and decided to turn to see if he could see the President. He says that not being able to see him from the right side he turns back to see if he can see him from his left side. Both Connally’s agree that John Connally was not injured during this sequence point. This can be verified on Zapruder. The cycle starts around Z 236 and ends at Z 312 John Connally describing his turn to see the President:- http://s1187.photobu...ndbeingshot.mp4 1c. John Connally on the Single Bullet Theory:- John Connally throughout his life never agreed that he was wounded by the same bullet that struck the President. In this clip he explains why he believes it to be impossible that the bullet that struck JFK in the neck could also have struck him. The importance of this point is that he makes clear that from the time he heard the sound, he had time to turn to his right as well as turn back and be approximately facing forward before he is struck. That is a significant time lapse. John Connally on the Single Bullet Theory:- http://s1187.photobu...lievetheSBT.mp4 2. Z 275. Frame 275, part of Connally’s return cycle to look over his left shoulder, is important because we can get a glimpse of Connally’s shirt. On the inset on the left of the frame, and highlighted by yellow arrows we can see the round cuff links on his shirt. Highlighted by a red arrow is a button on the front of his shirt. It cannot be one of his cuff links because they are on the other side of his shirt sleeve. This can be verified by an image from Love Field. It is clearly one of his shirt buttons. You can see that the front of the shirt has billowed out a bit. John Connally had received a 2.5 inch hole in his chest just to the left of this point (that is viewer’s POV not John Connally’s POV) and so there should be considerable blood to be seen. Neither is there any blood to be seen on his shirt cuff. We can see where the bullet would have entered, so there ought to be a sign of blood. If you are talking about the Single Bullet Theory [i.e. 223/4], by Z 275 nearly three seconds have passed since Connally is reported to have received this wound. We should have evidence of blood and there should be an intensity of red in this area. After all the area of the button is to the left of a 2.5 inch hole in his chest. The fact that there is no such evidence means that by Z 275 Connally had yet to be injured. Therefore one implication of Z 275, is that it narrows just when John Connally was not wounded. It also makes clear that whenever the wounding did take place it was after this frame. Z 275:- 3. John Connally on the impact on him when the bullet struck him:- John Connally is very clear about what the bullet did when it struck him. It made him move forward and he looked down to see that he was covered with blood. There is only one area in the Zapruder film when we see John Connally lurch forward followed by a looking downward motion. We see John Connally moving forward between : Z 318 – 322 We also see John Connally looking downward between : Z 323 – 325 Nowhere else in the film can these two movements be seen. John Connally describing the impact of the bullet on him. http://s1187.photobu...econdshotV2.mp4 Zapruder showing Connally moving forward. http://s1187.photobu...vingForward.mp4 Zapruder showing Connally looking downwards. http://s1187.photobu...LookingDown.mp4 The Connally’s account of the “Head shot” in terms of when John Connally had been wounded:- There will be commentary on the implications of this description at the end. 4a. Why Nellie was unable to see the President being shot. Nellie makes clear that although she heard the head shot she was unable to turn round to see what had happened because by this time John Connally was on her lap and his weight made it impossible for her to turn. She is making it quite clear that when the head shot occurred John was already wounded and lying on her lap. And it was the weight of his body on her that made it impossible for her to turn round. That description is around the Z 320’s Nellie unable to turn when the head shot occurs:- http://s1187.photobu...he3rdshotV2.mp4 4b. John Connally’s description of the head shot:- In this description, that picks up after he has been wounded and after Nellie pulls him onto her lap, John Connally makes clear that after he was wounded he was still conscious. He says that he was lying on Nellie’s lap when he heard the head shot. Now again a description of John Connally lying on Nellie’s lap is around the Z320’s. John Connally lying on Nellie’s lap when he hears the head shot. http://s1187.photobu...dthe3rdshot.mp4 Analysis:- Today I went through the testimonies of John and Nellie Connally. Aside from Z 275, which was not a point either made, the other points can be found in their testimony to both the WC as well as the HSCA. Aside from a description of the actual wounding of John Connally, everything in the Connally’s sequenced account about what happened can be verified by Zapruder. The only point that is out of sequence is the timing of the head shot compared to John Connally’s wounding. The time difference between the head shot and Z 317, when the Connally’s both describe John Connally being wounded, is .2 of a second. In addition, although it has been omitted from this listing, it is clear that President Kennedy’s brain matter raining down on them was a particularly distressing moment. It is possible that the very short time difference between the shots as well as the distress of JFK’s brain matter falling on top of them confused them as to when John Connally was shot compared to JFK. That said there are points that John Nellie Connally are very clear about, all of which are verifiable in Zapruder and point to him being shot after JFK. a) That after the first shot she looks towards the President and sees him clutching for his throat. That moment is long after Z 223/4. Both she and John Connally are clear he is not injured by this point. That when he is wounded John Connally is pushed forward and looks downward. That can be seen on Zapruder and only takes place between 318 - 325 c) Z275 makes it clear that by this point John Connally is not injured. That is a point that is only 2.1 seconds before the head shot. e) The Connally’s are in perfect unison on the following:- i) That John Connally was not wounded by Z 236-244. Zapruder confirms their account. ii. They are in agreement that John Connally is lying wounded on Nellie’s lap when they both hear the head shot. The frame for that is around Z 320’s. This account by the Connally’s is clearly conflicts with established opinion as to when he was wounded. The only aspect that conflicts with Zapruder is the sequence of the head shot compared to when the Connally’s suggest John Connally was wounded. This is a problem. However the John Connally interview took place 4 months before the Warren Report was published. That said, everything that is said in these interviews can be found in their testimony to both the Warren Commission as well as the House Assassinations Committee. There is complete consistency between the two. Logic suggests that since Zapruder can confirm all other aspects of their account, the Connally’s are confused as to when the head shot occurred. Everything else in their account suggests that the head shot came first. Therefore I suggest that the horror of the headshot along with the short time difference between the two moments may have confused them. James.
  6. Jim, I have not yet re-run the trajectories. I am using anatomical models. They allow me to visualise all elements of the body, lungs, veins arteries etc. With the Connally model I needed to rotate the upper torso to acquire particular positions. I forgot to place the systems folders within the upper torso folder. Hence just after finding the trajectory error I also noticed that the lung and other organs were well out of position as a consequence of rotating. I have had to reconfigure the Connally model so that when I rotate the torso these other organs rotate as well. That is now complete and the Connally model is back in the car. I expect to run a new set of trajectories next week. I knew that by choosing anatomical models I would loose identity. My models faces do not look like JFK or Connally. However I have gained verification. In the case of the Connally model people can verify that where I say I have paced the trajectory pointer is where it has been placed. A weakness with Dale Myers models is that, although they look astonishingly life like, they are closed models. The viewer is required to take on trust that where Myers says he has placed his target points is exactly there. I hope to get some identity onto the faces, but if I can't in the time left to me to do so, so be it. I feel it is more important that people can visually verify what I am doing. I am sorry, but I am unlikely to post the results shortly. I am prepared to admit that I am finding the process quite difficult. Myers followed a theory and used his model to demonstrate that theory? What I am doing is taking the known wound trajectory and seeing at what point a solution appears. I have a series of test moments that I am using at the moment: 223/4, 236, 297 ( and there are reasons for that ), 315, and 317. One thing that is clear to me is that 317 is the end of the sequence. From 318 onwards Nellie begins to pull him out of danger. Therefore by 317 Connally is wounded. I will see where that sequence gets me next week, but I am aware that I will probably need to widen the test sequence because Connally makes significant movement even between two frames and thatmcould point from no, or an impossible location, to a logical location. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful than that. James.
  7. Thanks for the replies. The reason I raised the question was that I had been doing some trajectory analysis for Connally. I have my trajectory pointer at 27 degrees along the 5th rib. When I ran where that trajectory would lead to it ended up on the roof of the Records building. With the throat wound and the head wound I suddenly wondered what shots actually came from the TSBD? However I had not noticed that I had made an error. Although my pointer was locked at the correct position and angle, I had forgotten that once the model had been placed in the car I still needed to check that the pointer was still at 27 degrees. It was not and that was my error. Again thanks for the replies. James.
  8. Bjorn, The idea that a fragment from the head wound caused the dorsal wound has some merit. On a 3D model it works quite well. That said it is just assertion. There is no means to substantiate it. The chest wound at 290/91 is not possible. I am we'll aware that Frederick Webb also considered this period 297 as the moment and drew charts to support the idea. I am at present studying his work papers. However, that period does not work. And it is not because I say so. At that point Connally is turned so far to his right that his right arm pit, the area the bullet entered, is facing away from the North Plaza. Yes he could still be struck at this point, but the shot would have to come from somewhere near County Courts/Old Red. There is a further complication, the angle of the trajectory from source to wound needs to be 27 degrees. It is the trajectory angle that causes the main problem. This was measured by Robert Shaw with calliper during Connally's testimony. Whatever point you choose for the wound to occur it must allow an entry wound that allows the bullet to track the angle of the 5th rib and the position of the 5th rib must be 27 degrees. I am having considerable trouble finding a point where these criteria come into play. James.
  9. I know it is a big seller and making Bill a lot of money, but it is an appalling book. It is astonishingly poorly researched. Whatever made Bill believe it was factually researched amazes me. I bought the book recently and looked at the section on the assassination. I got through a page and a half, and could read no more. Although I do not agree with much that he says, Bugliosi's book at least has the merit that it is clear research has been carried out. I thought the National Geographic are renowned for being factual, I am astonished they would take this on. If this is the quality of future writing on the assassination that does not bode well. James
  10. John Connally was wounded on two separate occasions. The unique nature of the Dorsal wound suggests it to be impossible for it to be wounded as a consequence of the chest wound. I acknowledge that both being wounded at the same time is the traditional view. My reasons for saying they were separate occasions is because right wrist was not positioned at that point to be able to be also wounded. Because of the unique nature of the wound the wrist has to be in a particular position. That said, the nature of the Dorsal wound is such that Charles Gregory was of the opinion that the missile that did strike the Dorsal had struck something else before striking Connally's wrist. The drawing he drew of the wound next to his handwritten report emphasises the uniqueness of this wound. True the thigh wound could also be an independent wound, it certainly puzzled Tom Shires but I suspect it was a fragment from one of the other wounds. However locating just when these wounds occurred, I am finding to be a very difficult task. James.
  11. I would like to raise an issue and get forum members opinions on. The traditional assassination narrative is that all shots originated from the TSBD. Suppose it could be established that the Connally chest wound did not originate from the TSBD? And suppose the following:- a) That JFK throat wound was an injury from the front. The JFK head wound was also an injury from the front. c) The Connally Dorsal wound was a consequence of another wound, maybe the chest wound say. This would create a very different narrative. Can I ask how strong do members feel the traditional assassination narrative is? If you take away the essential elements of the Single Bullet Theory, what strength is there in the traditional narrative that all shots originated from the TSBD. Is there evidence that already undermines the quality of the traditional assassination narrative? James.
  12. An interesting article, Michael. I have no problems with a professional reciting of speeches or indeed a fly past. But I was curious about this passage from the article. Referring to Mayor Rawlings it commented that: “ he is determined to keep the tone of the event reflective of the "international, cosmopolitan, arts-centered city" Dallas is today, he said, while focusing on President Kennedy's life and accomplishments. "For 40 minutes, we need to be focusing on the man, not the moment 50 years ago," What the Mayor and other such persons appear not to realise is that it was “President Kennedy's life and accomplishments” that led directly to what the Mayor described as the “moment 50 years ago.” At the 50th anniversary it is indeed befitting to reflect on the Presidents wider impact. However. it indicates a limited understanding of what happened nearly 50 years ago, to fail to see that “the moment” is an integral element of “President Kennedy's life and accomplishments”. They are not separate issue: his life and accomplishments brought about the need for the moment. James.
  13. Jim, I am sorry to have to point out but the Stuart Galanor image from Dr. Mantik's Cat scan has an error. I assume that Stuart drew the red line. Unfortunately what he considered was the RHS was actually the left I have placed an MRI scan of my own along side to point out the error as well as put the original line, in yellow, in its correct location on Dr. Mantik's scan. What was not noted, indicated by the red and blue arrows in the Mantik scan is that either the red or yellow line would damage the Vertebra artery. there are two of them. On my MRI scan you will see a red arrow. That indicates the HSCA point of entry. What is highlighted by the white arrow is the spinal chord. Not only would the HSCA trajectory cause even more damage to the C7 it would also damage the Spinal Cord. James.
  14. I am now posting the revised Part 2b document. There was considerable criticism of version 1 on other forums and so I decided to re-think and re-draft the original version. I have deleted the previous version’s link. The new link is as follows:- https://www.transferbigfiles.com/f322ff42-660c-47b3-ad11-9bbbe851b93c?rid=KQhhaPOm4D7B_xjJj3LGyg2 This is a significantly larger document that deals with the issue of when John Connally was wounded in far greater detail than was the case in the earlier version. In JFK Assassination forum there was suggestions on other moments when Connally could have been injured. In this revised document I have looked in some detail at them, especially Z 230-246 I am sure there will still be debate on this issue, but I am much happier with my position in this version and how I have explained myself regarding the other windows. Part 2b is an analysis based on Part 2a which is the document which is devoted to John Connally’s wounds and is a 42 page document. It is not being released at the moment. The essential medical information required for Part 2b is included in that document. James.
  15. Andric My point is not that there may have been a shot around the Z224 window, there may have been a shot during that period. Whether there was a shot or not at this point is not the critical point. To support the SBT at the Z 224 window requires a person to accept that John Connally has been wounded. Nor, with regard to Connally's wounds, am I concerned with the wrist and thigh wounds - the critical wound is the chest wound. If the SBT takes place at the Z 223/4 window then from this point onwards John Connally has suffered: a) 20cm of his 5th rib blown away Has suffered not just the the damage of a bullet exiting his chest but also the secondary wounding of many bone fragments exiting along with the bullet. c) Has a right lung collapse. Between Z224 and Z 313 he twists his body twice from a forward position to look behind and then back to look forward again. He does so within a compartment that only allows him 6 inches between his seat and the car door as well as just over 9 inches from his seat to the compartment divider. So, in addition, the area where he undertakes this turn is very confined. There is no room for an elegant turn. And we are expected to believe that a man who is over 6'1", who has just suffered a significant chest wound and who also has lost the use of one of his lungs, is able to make this turn twice without indicating any signs of digress. I find that difficult to believe. James.
  16. Andric I am presently re-writing the booklet. I am aware that it is not written as well as it should have been. When I post it you will have a better understanding of my position. However let me address you position. Ignoring the SBT, for the moment let me just focus on the Connally wounds. Accepting that Connally received his wounds at Z223/4 then you require to be aware of the following. First. Connally had 10cm of his fifth rib smashed. Second. Many small fragments of bone exited his chest along with the bullet. Third. Many small sharp fragments remained in his chest and had to be removed by Robert Shaw later. Fourth. His right lung collapsed. Now that was his condition after Z223/4. So what does he do from that point onwards. First he straightens up. Second by Z230 having heard a shot to begins to turn to the right. Third he twists so that by Z280ish he is facing towards JFK and Jackie. Fourth at Z291 he begins to turn to his left and gets close to facing forward by Z312. Now your argument is that Connally is able to do all that, as well as show no signs of distress, with 10cm of rib smashed. Most of us have had a bruised rib and know how painful that is. However that is not the case here. His rib is smashed and all around the wound are many sharp fragments that could cause further pain. In addition his right lung has collapsed and breathing will now be very difficult. Anyone who has lost the function of one of his lungs is highly unlikely to be able to do the kinds of things we sees, especially the cycle turn. So the theory may suggest this is possible. The reality of what had happened to Connally's demonstrates that being wounded this early in the assassination is not possible. If you are right then the list of medical conditions listed above have occurred and therefore is it believable that someone wounded in that way could do all we see Connally do. James
  17. Thank you Mark. The Connally narrative is essentially the work of Gary Murr. He was unbelievably generous to give me access to his research. Having access to this kind of material, some of which people are unaware even exists, took my work to another level. Part 1 of the study, the JFK injuries I was very proud of. That has been further developed since I last posted on the issue. Part 2a is Connally and is wholly based on Gary's research. I have the appendixes and about a third of the book and I am in awe of his work. Part 2b, the part that has just been posted was the result of collaboration with Gary. Throughout our conversations he kept commenting on Connally being wounded post Z 313. In a sense during these conversations we bullied each other. I kept telling him it would be a crime not to publish his work and he kept bullying me to look at post z312. When I looked at it I was not a supporter of such a thesis. Gary knew that, but asked that I look at it. What convinced me he was right was this stunning movement by Connally. I know it is very much left field, but I cannot find any explanation for this movement other than Connally is reacting to a shot. What also led to this view was an important lesson Gary has taught me. He fully convinced me that the nature of the wound tells you where and when. The chest wound was inflicted at a low angle and passed through the body following the angle of the 5th rib. In order to receive such a wound Connally has to be positioned at approx 20º right of forward.. Now he is in that position post 312. And yes he is much the same position at z 230/46. As I outline below the problem with this moment, 230/46, is that it is at the beginning of the Connally turn not at the end. I commented to Gary in a recent email I sent him something I have learnt through the conversations I have had within this and another forum. Like everyone else I believed that Z 230-246 was the point when Connally was injured. Now Connally always said that once he heard the shot he turned to his right and tried to see if he could see JFK. I don't know how at the Z 280's he never saw him. However not seeing him he decided to look over his other shoulder. The turn is interrupted by Nellie who tries to drag him out of danger. But he still continues and at around Z 315/6 he is beginning to look towards his left. Unfortunately just prior to that is the head shot. Now the point I am making is that the narrative of the turn is still being conducted. However, many JFK researchers have forgotten that. They assume the turn has been completed by Z 230/246. That, I believe is wrong. The Z230/246 sequence is the beginning of the turn, it is not the end of it. had it been able to be completed the end of the turn would have been post Z 317. So the placing of the evidence of the shot at Z 230/246 is an error. This placement of the wound, and I am guilty as others here, is an error. By placing the wound at this time places it before Connally has even attempted to see jFK and before he decides to look in the other direction. The conversations, as a result of releasing part 2b, now requires a part 2c. In order to substantiate my theory about the speed of Connally's movement I am going to use William Hoffman's analytical model found in Josiah Tompson's Six Seconds to verify the speed that Connally moves. If Connally's speed comes anywhere near the speed of JFK, I feel that is a major moment. Part 2c, is this analysis. Part 3 is applying parts 1 + 2 to a 3D model. Part 4 is looking at anomalies in the assassination. I am hoping to present all of this in the Spring of 2013. I may be posting the other parts sometime in the future. They are not the presentation but the narrative outline. Again thank you for your kind words. James
  18. I thought you had, too, James. BTW.... I am sure you'll will agree that anyone (including Mike Rago) is welcome to post in your thread(s) as long as they avoid redundancy, feigned confusion about your points/opinions leading into a contrived "Q&A", or a tendency to flood your thread(s) with posts which could be grouped (replying to two or more posts in the same post and avoiding the posting of the same points/opinions more than once in a short period of time). Tom, I hope I was not an instigator of any problems. I pulled out with Mike because I was going round in cycles and getting nowhere. I certainly had no wish to cause problems. I certainly have no wish to stop conversation, indeed I welcome it. I know I am bucking the system and that my proposal is very left field. I want to address all arguments against in the hope that maybe people will see, if nothing else, there is ambiguity as to when John Connally was injured. James
  19. Mike, I thought I had addressed that. I pointed out how small the area he had to turn in. I pointed out his height and how he would have to position his legs. I made clear that there was no elegant way to turn: he simply had to twist his body. I suggested that what you were seeing was a response to that. Let us suppose you are right and I am wrong. If this is the point that he actually did receive his wound then: First his wrist is not not positioned to be struck in the way it was actually damaged. I explained how it was damaged and I have a copy of Charles Gregory's drawing that supports what I said. Second He has had 10cm of his 5th rib smashed. Third Around the wound area were many very sharp pieces of bone that were sticking into areas of his body Fourth His lung has collapsed Fifth his trachea has deviated to the left. It always does so when a lung is damaged. It deviates to the healthy lung. Now at Z 246 John Connally has just begun his turn. he has to continue to twist that body, while being hardly able to breath Then he he pauses for around a second Still with the wound and still having difficulty breathing and still in pain. We know that had to be the case because when he did arrive at Parkland the two complaints he made were about the pain and being unable to breath. Then he had to twist his body back to facing front Then Nellie tries to protect him by pulling him towards her. It appears that she held onto his waist. That means she held onto the very area that had been damaged. And you think I have a hurdle. I would much rather have my hurdle than yours. james.
  20. Mark, It is 5 wounds not 7. Well if you are convinced that he received his wounds there I doubt I'll be able to change your mind. But if he received these wounds there can you demonstrate how he achieved his wrist wound. I described that in a reply to David. I will be interested to see your explanation, because his wrist entry wound is blocked for a bullet. James.
  21. Mike, There is no appropriate reaction post 312. That is because he is given no opportunity to show the pain he must have felt. The reason for that is that he is struck by Z 317 and he is lying face down on the floor of the car by Z 337. In those 20 frames he has moved from sitting upright to lying flat on the floor. In real time that is just over 1 second. As I have said, a number of times before, that is likely as fast as JFK is moving and he is doing so because he is reacting to the impact of a bullet. So what is the appropriate reaction, it is the astonishing speed which Connally moves between 317 and 337. I may be wrong, but I believe it was you who pointed out that the speed that Connally moves is because Nellie is pulling him. I checked the frames, in case I had missed something. Nellie is not even looking at John during this sequence, let alone dragging him down. What I did notice was that because of the speed by which he makes this move he actually bumps into Nellie. It is around the Z 325 area. If you look at the film you will see what I mean. You will see her bending down on her RHS as he completes this move. It is roughly the 325 - 337 area. I have said this numerous times since I created this thread, but this movement by John Connally is so extraordinary that I have no explanation for it other that he had to be reacting to a shot. James.
  22. David, The section you have highlighted is during the period when Connally is turning to face forward. Halfway through Nellie grabs him and tries to drag him our of danger and towards her. As I have pointed out a number of times, although we cannot see her hands, it appears she is holding onto his waist and dragging him towards her. The point I make is that if that is right then she is holding onto the injured area. If you have 10cm of rib smashed and someone grabs that very same are you would react. I do not see the kind of reaction that suggests Connally has such a wound and is reacting to someone grabbing that area. As for the number of bullets, Connally has to have been shot by 2 bullets: the chest wound and the wrist wound. This is not because I say so, it is because of the unique nature of his wrist wound. After Charles Gregory completed his medical work and wrote out his medical report, he also drew a drawing illustrating this wound in the margin of his report. Although he had adequately described where the wound was, the drawing emphasises it. The entry wound was on the left hand side of the back of the wrist. It was about 2 inches up from the thumb. The exit was roughly in the middle of the palm side of the wrist. The trajectory angle to meet both these entry exit points is quite sharp. Therefore the lefthand edge of the wrist needs to be in a particular position for these wounds to be made. There are very few points in the Zapruder film where the wrist is positioned to allow such a wound. The traditional view of this wound is that it is a through wound, usually described with entry on palm side and exit on the back side. That is just nonsense. Charles Gregory completed his report and drew that drawing around 4:00 and well before the the plane carrying JFK had even landed in Washington. Because I do not see appropriate reaction from Connally before Z 312, that makes clear he is reacting to the wound that we know he received, that is why I have said Connally had to be wounded post Z312. AS I have pointed out, this is confirmed for me by the extraordinary movement Connally makes when he moves from a sitting position to one lying beneath Nellie and doing to in just over a second. It is guess work at the moment, but I suspect that is very close to the speed that JFK is moving and he is doing so because he is reacting to a wound. James.
  23. Mark, That is the classic view. The cheeks being puffed up suggest the right lung has collapsed, which indeed it had. The dropping of the shoulder suggests the consequence of the bullet striking the body. All of that makes sense. But here is what does not make sense. On the assumption that the bullet did strike at Z 233/4 then the following had happened. a) 10 cm of his 5th rib had been blasted away b. A significant number of extremely sharp bone fragments were all round this area of his body c) His right lung had collapsed. After the Z 339 sequence basically Connally losses consciousness and it is only when he gets to Parkland that he regains consciousness. When he does so he complains bitterly about his his pain and breathing. Now until Z339 Connally is fully conscious and, according to you, has now suffered the above three conditions. Yet Connally turn on his right side ( the very side that has been struck ) and twists until he is virtually looking at JFK + Jackie. When he is conscious at Parkland he is very aware of his damaged rib and the pain it gives him. Yet during this sequence when. according to you he has already been struck by a bullet, there is no expression of discomfort let alone the pain he later feels. In addition he will also have considerable difficulty breathing because his right lung has collapsed. During the 17 frame sequence when he is looking at Jackie there is no indication that one of his lungs has collapsed, let alone that he has lost 10cm of his fifth rib. My point is this:- If you are right why do we not see indications on his face that he has suffered such damage. Robert Shaw was explicit that anyone receiving such wounds would be immediately aware of them. So why is he not aware? Second, assuming you are right what causes his collapse at Z 317 - 339. the speed of that is remarkable. I am working on getting a value for that movement. It looks around as fast as JFK's movement to the left and he was reacting to a bullet. I can hear you reply, well maybe he is now collapsing because of the wounds he received earlier. There is a logic there, but there is also a problem. Jfk's movement is responnding to the impact of a bullet striking and the transfer of that momentum. If we are saying that Connally is now reacting to his wounds and is collapsing under the pressure of them there is a significant difference. In JFK's situation there has been a transfer of momentum. In Connally's example there is no such transfer and the person collapsing has a collapsed lung and serious injury to their right. Yet Connaly moves to his left at a speed not dissimilar to that of JFK. As I said I am working at the moment on defining just how fast this movement is by Connally. JFK's backward movement is assessed by William Hoffman for Josiah Thompson at -75.6 ft/sec2 If Connally's movement comes anywhere near that I suspect that will be proof conclusive that his movement was not under his own steam. Something else caused it and that can only be the impact of a bullet. James.
  24. Mike, I am perfectly serious about Connally being wounded post Z312. I explained, in some depth, why movement in those jump seats were very difficult. I went through the entire Z sequence from z246 making it clear what happened and why it is clear that John Connally could not have been injured during this sequence. It is clear that you remain unimpressed. If John Connally was indeed injured at the Z130 - 146 window how is it that with the damage he sustained to his right chest area he is able to twist to his right from 146 onwards. Note I said twist. The small room that these jump seats provided does not allow a man over 6 feet tall to turn. So in order to turn round to see JFK he has to twist his body. He is doing that on his RHS where he is severly wounded. There are only 7 frames that show Connally moving his mouth, that means he made this turn without showing pain. Then what about the sequence, just before the head shot where Nellie is pulling him towards her in order to protect him. To do that she has hold of his sides, including his right side where he is severly wounded. How is that possible. And finally there is that 20 frame sequence when Connally moves from a sitting position to lying on the floor of the car in just under a second. The only othere person who is seen to move at that speed is JFK and we know the reason for his speed is because he is reacting to shot to his head. At present I am applying the principles that Josiah Thompson used in his book six seconds in Dallas. If I get speeds and velocity approaching anything like those of JFK, what explanation will you have for that. After all, according to you Connally has already been injured and therefore it cannot be a bullet. In just over a second Connally moves right across the car. No one else makes a similar movement aside from JFK and I can ascribe no rationale for it other than he is reacting to the impact of a shot. James
  25. Although I was always intending to asses when John Connally received his wounds ( as part of my “Single Bullet Theory” project ) at a later date, the thread on the JFK Assassination forum and book by Bill Cheswick prompted me to look at it earlier than I had intended. What I consider important is not just stating when the strike took place but also indicating why the most accepted viewpoint is not the moment when John Connally was actually wounded. The link below is to “Part 2b: The Visual narrative.” Shortly I will post “Part 2c: The Mathematical explanation.” It is all very well to state that here is when “such and such” happened. For an analysis to be taken most seriously, and especially one like this that is seriously questioning the establish viewpoint, there needs to an academic process that demonstrates that what is being proposed has academic substance. And that is what “Part 2c: The Mathematical explanation”, is all about. It should be posted reasonably soon. The remaining 3 parts, as well as Part 2a, will not be posted until April 2013. We are under a year before the 50th anniversary. It seems appropriate that it be established that John Connally was not wounded before Z 312. After all for nearly 50 years this distortion of truth has been fostered, and it is one many of us believe. I count myself as one of those misguided individuals who accepted that John Connally was wounded between Z 230 and Z 246. It is time the truth be told. The document, whose link is below, is 12 pages long and about 2MB in size. Although the link is due to expire in December, I will probably be removing the expiration date and leaving it as a perpetual link. https://www.transfer...3xfBVPFsINa81A2 James.
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