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Evan Burton

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Posts posted by Evan Burton

  1. Serious question for Steven: is there any conspiracy you do not think is valid? Serious: you have indicated support / belief in anti-vaccine, anti-GM, MH-17, etc. Out of interest, is there a mainstream conspiracy theory that you think is not true? I think it would be worthwhile exploring what beliefs we have in common rather than what we do not.

    Very simple if I dont comment on it ,it isnt true. EXAMPLE :NO UFO's. I do think governments could use the UFO story for is own purposes.

    Like in 1950s the Airforce used UFOs to hide sighting of advanced convential air craft.

    Now Evan try this: you need a strong immune system to make antibodies. Said antibodies are the reason you get vaccine

    OK But Evan if you have a strong immune system you dont need vaccine to get antibodies.

    THUS FLU vaccine only helps 9 % of the people who get it and side effects with additives harm more than 9 %.


    We give lots of vaccines below 2 yrs of age kids.

    Japan almost ZERO under age two.....Evan is Japan stupid ??...or BIG PHARMA can trick a lot of people...

    Sooo much wrong there. Let's start with Japan. Japan banned the MMR vaccine, not vaccination in general. It decided to go with individual vaccinations rather than a combined vaccine because of unfounded fears of the MMR vaccine. The result?

    "The increase in autism and autistic spectrum disorders in this part of Yokohama displays the same increase over time seen in other parts of the world. Here, though, the increase occurred even when the MMR vaccine was withdrawn. This destroys any possible causative link between use of the vaccine and autism. Perhaps the most important features of the study were that it comprehensively covered a population, and that the population was served by a special service testing children for developmental; disorders and using standard methods over the whole period. The quality and validity of the study is superlative, and the size good. Whatever causes autism, it is not the MMR vaccine."


    " Although anti-vaccine proponents will likely applaud Japan's immunization schedule, it is important to note that vaccine-preventable infections are still a big problem in Japan. In early 2000, there were 20 to 30,000 reported cases of measles a year in Japan, with actual numbers of cases 5 to 10 times higher due to under reporting. Although rates are trending down, as recently as 2008, Japan had 11,015 reported cases of measles, compared to 140 in the US."


    Next, vaccinations help the body build defences against disease. A strong immune system does not mean you won't get a disease. The immune system needs to be exposed to a weakened version of the disease so that it can mount defences, successfully overcome the disease and 'remember' it. Next time the immune system encounters the disease, it can mount a rapid and effective response against the full strength disease.







    It is a little worrying that say your interests include medicine yet you don't know these basic facts.

  2. Serious question for Steven: is there any conspiracy you do not think is valid? Serious: you have indicated support / belief in anti-vaccine, anti-GM, MH-17, etc. Out of interest, is there a mainstream conspiracy theory that you think is not true? I think it would be worthwhile exploring what beliefs we have in common rather than what we do not.

  3. It needs to be noted that despite the method of his removal, if the Labor government had broad support then they would have been re-elected.

    The simple fact is they were not, and that was due in large part to the areas of the government that were NOT being run well. Inflation was at a record high, unemployment likewise.

    There are more myths. For example, that Whitlam ended Australian involvement in Vietnam. The previous McMahon government had ordered the return of most Australian in Vietnam; what Whitlam did was suspend - not remove - conscription in Australia. Conscription in Australia could be reactivated today but requires the consent of both houses.

    I liked him - but he was flawed, just like anyone else.

  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-03-10/gough-whitlam/3945026

    I have a soft spot for Gough. He had a tremendous wit and was a great Australian who achieved great things. Sadly, with the revisionism of death, people are forgetting how badly the country was run under Labor in 1972-75 despite all the strides made forward.

    I think O'Connor's attempts to develop Australia's natural resource base were done in our best interests; I only wish that he had looked for a legitimate loan broker for petro-dollars instead of the scum Khemlani.

    I also though that Whitlam's method of removal was vile, though subsequent elections showed that he was going to lose anyway.

    In some ways I think he did a good job: he knew they wouldn't last and so tried to achieve as much as possible (despite the cost) whilst they clung to power.

    He was also the last Australia PM who had served in the military.

  5. Meticulous Visual Recreation Of Moon Landing Shows It Wasn't A Hoax

    By using its new dynamic lighting technology, GPU manufacturer NVIDIA has graphically recreated the Apollo 11 moon landing site — and the results are crushing a number of wild claims made by conspiracy theorists.

    Yes, it's a clever bit of self-promotion, but what NVIDIA Corporation's developers have done is actually quite interesting. To show off the power of its new Maxwell graphics processing unit (GPU), Nvidia's game demo team sought to digitally reconstruct one of Apollo 11's most iconic photographs — Neil Armstrong's shot of Buzz Aldrin as he climbs down the lunar module's ladder.

    Read more:


  6. OSCE Bociurkiw, we saw signs of heavy machine guns, no sign of missle


    That's not quite correct. He did say say it "looked" like machine guns fire... but he also said that they were not qualified to tell if there was missile damage, so they would not even be able to tell even if it was there. Yet people who do have the expertise say it does look like a ground-to-air missile strike:



    It is impossible from these photographs of the damaged plane to determine what specific model of missile was used. But the SA-11 is a member of a class of weapon that carries a fragmenting warhead with a proximity fuze. If a missile like that functioned as designed, it would cause damage like that evident in the debris of Flight 17.

    “The perforation holes that are visible indicate that they are consistent with a foreign object entering from the exterior of the aircraft to the interior of the aircraft, given the contour of the aluminum around a majority of the perforations as well as the visible blistering of the paint around some of the holes themselves,” Reed Foster, an analyst at IHS Jane’s, wrote in an assessment provided to The Times.

    He added: “Most of the smaller holes look to be caused by a high-velocity projectile, as opposed to simple shearing or tearing caused by the forceful separation of the panel from the airframe.”

    Mr. Foster also noted that the shrapnel damage was different from what he would expect after an aircraft engine explosion, which could cause “longer, thinner, oblique tears across the aircraft skin.”

    His observations were consistent with the profile of surface-to-air antiaircraft missiles designed to destroy fast-moving military aircraft at high elevations.

  7. A great example why I don't bother to reply to such nonsense. I haven't said any of this is a "commie conspiracy"; what's more Steven Gall has never been in my workplace, never had any exposure to the RAN and knows nothing about what happens there; he makes up association because he reads sensational news articles. He then tries to link occurrences in a navy training establishment between thirty and forty years ago with 9-11.
    What about priests who diddle little boys Steven? Why don't we raise that in relation to "abuse & coverup"? Do you happen to know any God-fearing paragons of virtue who liked to slide their sausage up little boy's bums?

    Australian investigators looking into abuse in the military have revealed that 227 sailors aged 16 or younger were allegedly raped or brutalized in the 1980s at the HMAS Leeuwin navy training base, Agence France-Presse reported Monday


    Golly wasnt Burton there in the late 80's ??? (GAAL)

    Do you happen to know any God-fearing paragons of virtue who liked to slide their sausage up little boy's bums? BURTON


    GEE to interact with this man of style and taste really brings out the highest in debate.(GAAL)

    Actually, no. I never served at Leeuwin. Thanks for intimating I was involved, though. Just shows again you know nothing about the facts.

    I raise the pedo priests because you have a strong religious bent; I bet there have been kiddie diddlers in your branch of christianity. The church has admitted there have been, some have been caught and charged, and the church has helped others escape or cover up their activities. You like to draw long bows, so when you talk about "commie conspiracies" and "abuse & coverup", just remember you are talking about your very own group, too.

  8. A great example why I don't bother to reply to such nonsense. I haven't said any of this is a "commie conspiracy"; what's more Steven Gall has never been in my workplace, never had any exposure to the RAN and knows nothing about what happens there; he makes up association because he reads sensational news articles. He then tries to link occurrences in a navy training establishment between thirty and forty years ago with 9-11.

    What about priests who diddle little boys Steven? Why don't we raise that in relation to "abuse & coverup"? Do you happen to know any God-fearing paragons of virtue who liked to slide their sausage up little boy's bums?

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