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Evan Burton

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Posts posted by Evan Burton

  1. There was an interesting comment made by James R. Clapper, former US Director of Intelligence, during an address at the National Press Club of Australia.


    The former intelligence director was asked how current events compared to Watergate and he said the behaviour under scrutiny now was more serious. “I think you compare the two, that Watergate pales, really, in my view, compared to what we’re confronting now.


  2. Many thanks. I was just wondering if his views on the Moon / Moon landings ever..... coloured.... your assessment of other things he said. 

    As you may have gathered, I hold opposing views to Mr Lear with respect to the Apollo programme!

  3. I would love extraterrestrial craft to be true. Seriously... meeting a race of people from another world. It would be fantastic.

    Problem is, despite the fact we seem to have every event on the planet recorded on mobiles (cell phones to our US friends), we still have no credible imagery of UFO or alien visitation.

    As Mulder had on his wall: I want to believe!

  4. It's a generational thing. Every few years there are young people who get taken in by the claims. Most ask questions, do research, and decide for themselves that the 'moon hoax' claims are rubbish. Some however get sucked into the rabbit hole. For the most part, there is no saving those people,,, though we can try.

  5. Hi Cory, welcome to the Forum.

    I don't know if this is inappropriate to ask (if it is, forgive / forget) but what can you tells us about your relationship with Mr Lear (if anything)? I have read many of his claims and find them.... err.... unconventional.

  6. WTF is going on with trump and his administration? Okay, making major changes will take time but Trump is acting as far from presidental as you can get.


    Sure, he's different, not a mainstream politician but a bit of a radical.... however he seems to be deliberately trying to screw things up. He's alienated former allied nations, alienated US departments, even caused great concern within his own party!


    What's going on? He seems to be trying to destroy himself.


  7. Captain Randy Cramer claims to be an officer who has been given authorization to address the public on behalf of a covert "special section" of the United States Marine Corps. He joined guest host Jimmy Church (email) to discuss his 17-year tour of duty off-world on Mars, and his years serving aboard a secret space fleet.


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