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Evan Burton

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Posts posted by Evan Burton

  1. Whilst we are at it, let's again review what Jack said:

    Burton sidesteps the question and attempts to change the subject. All he has to do is produce a photo of ANY LRV


    WE have provided:

    - Multiple images showing the LRV stowed in Quad I of the LM.

    - Video images of the LRV being unloaded and assembled on the lunar surface.

    Jack attempts to weasel out by claiming video is not a photo... but what is a photo and what is video?

    A photograph (often shortened to photo) is an image created by light falling on a light-sensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic imager such as a CCD or a CMOS chip.

    Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.

    Let's repeat that:

    "... a sequence of still images..."

    When I see them, I will admit being mistaken.

    Yeah, sure you will.

  2. Nice try, but you still haven't answered: How can you explain that not one image, not one diagramme, not any piece of text or instruction or plan or anything has the LRV being mounted anywhere else but Quad I, which directly contradicts Jack's claim? Jack says it is one side (and produces no evidence for such) and EVERYTHING else says otherwise!

  3. It's hardly the point. How can you explain that not one image, not one diagramme, not any piece of text or instruction or plan or anything has the LRV being mounted anywhere else but Quad I, which directly contradicts Jack's claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - or at least some evidence. No, Jack's claim (and false promise) falls down because he cannot supply any evidence to support his statement and everything else says he is wrong.

  4. This was sent to me by Bill Wood, and it is worth sharing. Bill was a lead engineer on the Apollo TV camera.

    On April 11, 1961, I was assigned to a Pacific Missile Range tracking station on Tern Island in the French Frigate Shoals. We had been asked to track the Vostok missions. We modified our telemetry system to receive the Vostok T/M on 83 and 183 MHz and installed a low frequency interferometer array to receive the Vostok 20.005 MHz beacon. Shortly after sunset we first detected the HF beacon and then received both the 83 and 183 MHz telemetry downlinks. We were able to track the spacecraft visually with a Navy MK-51 gun director fitted with a large 20 power ship's binocular, that slaved our AGAVE telemetry antenna.

    Since our normal 225-260 MHz tracking antenna did not cover the Vostok frequencies, we installed a standard Jerrold USA TV antenna on top of the quad helix to receive the signals. We had several Nems-Clarke 1502A, tunable from 55 to 260 MHz AM-FM, receivers to copy the signals. The attached photos show how the site, antenna, and MK-51 looked in March of 1961.

    Vostok 1 was launched on a 65 degree inclination orbit. Tern Island was directly under the flight path with the spacecraft travelling from the northwest to the southeast. Since the mission was only one orbit, it never passed over any other US territory. It passed over the lower part of South America and up through central Africa and back over the Soviet Union. Check the attached pages from the site manual to see what the station looked like.

    We knew beforehand that such a mission would occur. So the liftoff at the Baikonur launch facility on the other side of the International Date Line was not a surprise to us. What was surprising was the sophistication of the telemetry we recorded. I had worked with the Corona project with our best spacecraft at the time. But the Soviets used a very different telemetry system that used digital pulse position modulation instead of FM/FM modulation. It was tricky to record but was usable by those who looked at the data.

    The one-two punch of the Yuri Gagarin flight, and the Bay of Pigs debacle a couple of days later must have energized Kennedy to find a way to recover national prestige. The very next month he announced his decision to go to the Moon in a speech before Congress on May 25, 1961. NASA then had to deliver on that promise.

    Looking back these fifty years I feel proud to have been involved in manned spaceflight tracking from the very first day!

    Bill Wood



    Extract from Technical Manual, showing island layout and electronics cabinet configuration.

  5. A slaughter is how most are describing it. Current predictions are for Labor to have 19 seats, the Lib / Nat coalition to hold 68 seats, including a large number of traditional Labor strongholds.

    Average swing against Labor has been around 17%, but there have been swings as high as 35% against Labor. The Greens picked up some of the vote but don't look to have gained a seat (though they might get Balmain after postal votes are counted). If they do, it will be the first NSW lower house seat they have won.

  6. Exit polls indicating a 16%, possible as high as 21%, swing against Labor. Labor could win as few as 13 seats; Libs expected to win by largest margin in Australian history.

    Good riddance, and that's what happen when you are incompetent, corrupt and do not listen to the voters.

  7. This is what you are seeing?


    I'm investigating the matter now.

    ETA: By the way, when reporting faults it is very helpful to describe exactly what you were trying to do, and what happened. A screenshot can also be useful. You guys probably don't see any difference, but to me there is a great difference between an attachment being refused / rejected, and the upload failing.


  8. Blah, blah, blah

    Exactly what part of "Requires two people to unload and assemble" don't you understand?

    And images have been provided to show the correct stowage location of the LRV, both packed and unpacked, on the ground and in space (obviously packed in space). It just demonstrates - again - that Jack fails to honour his commitments.

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