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Carrie Gallagher-Driscoll

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Everything posted by Carrie Gallagher-Driscoll

  1. Nic- I apologize. I really wasn't trying to be condescending at all. I too am a part of "the next generation." I am only 26. I've been researching since I was 9 which would be 1988. I understand where you are coming from. I've spoken to Marina several times. I agree that Oswald deserved justice.And yes, his death certainly did matter. However, Ruby did stand trial. He did go to prison and he died there. And since you are asking about justice, then what happened with Officer Tippit? He was killed that day too. I don't forget that Oswald was a person. Believe me I don't. I am not saying that your research is stupid by any means. Santayana did say that, "Those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it." I am saying that I believe Oswald's murder was a diversionary tactic. Think about it, how much time have you spent asking who let Ruby in. THAT part doesn't matter in MY opinion. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong. But, how much time have you spent asking "Why was Johnson ducking into the floorboard before he made the turn from Houston onto Elm?" "Why were Jean Hill and Mary Moorman's pictures confiscated?" "Who is the Badge Man?" Why were witnesses mysteriuosly disappearing?" Nic- If you are interested, since you are one of the "next generation" that Jean Hill so believed in educating then perhaps I can get you in touch with some who were there. After all, the truth about history lay with a school teacher (Jean Hill, deceased), a car salesman (James Tague) a cop (Jim Leavelle), a Russian immigrant (Marina Oswald-Porter) and various others. I do apologize for sounding condescending. Perhaps I worded my thoughts wrong. I think it's great that you are so young and digging as deeply as you are! It's hard being younger though because very few take you seriously. But, I do have some things that you might eb interested in. To be honest, I got on here to connect with some old friends that I haven't spoken to in about 5 years. I don't speak anymore. I haven't given an interview since 2000 which was also the last time I was in Dallas. I am amrried now. I have two little boys. I really don't have time anymore. What I do have is 17 years worth of interview notes, about 5,000 books, Lord knows how many magazines and newspapers. I cherish my relationships with Leavelle, Tague, Porter, the late Jean Hill, the late Madeliene Brown, and Beverly Oliver Masagee. But that is all they are now. Cherished relationships. They are no longer witnesses to me. I call Leavelle "GrandPa Jim". Would you be interested in having any of these things that I mentioned? All I ask is that they aren't sold or misused. You still have the time and energy to do this thing. I don't. E-mail should you have any other questions or should you want these things. Keep up your interest Nic. So few our age do. -Carrie
  2. Nic- The story about Putnam has been stated before. I have looked into it as thoroughly as I can through Cheryl and LeeAnne. All they know it what J.A. told them. I wish Smith had said something before his death but he didn't. Now, everyone that could say 100% whether Smith was telling the truth the truth or not is dead. In reality it doesn't matter. The fact is that Ruby DID get in the basement whether let in by J.A., walking past Vaughn or whether a buddy of his from Press Corps got him in. It's kind of like in the game Clue when a noise in heard in the library causing everyone to leave the living room only to discover that the maid was murdered in the living room while they went to investigate the noise. Kennedy was killed in Dealey Plaza. Not the basement of the DPD. Unless you believe Oswald had a hand in it then his murder meant nothing anyway. The only significance I can see is as a distraction in which the entire world was looking at the first murder on live T.V. So, in that case it would be time to look back into Dealey. I've researched for 17 years and started out as one of the most rabid conspiracy theorists around. The more I looked and the more people I spent time with I realized that none of these people had the ability to orchestrate a cover up like that. Jim is a great guy. He's a "straight shooter." in Texas lingo and his story has remained the same since Day 1. Roy Vaughn is one of the most honest cops that is around. Have you seen JFK? Remember Beverly Oliver's character saying, "Mr. Garrison, they killed the President of tegh U-nited States. You think they're gonna think twice about a two bit showgirl like me?" Have you seen Executive Action? Look what happened to Bowers, Ferrie, and countless other witnesses. There is no doubt in my mind that IF a conspiracy took place, those that know the facts took them to their graves. All of the others were just unfortunate witnesses to the crime of teh century. Was Ruby told to knock off Oswald? Maybe. But I think it was just a diversion. I don't think either one of them had a clue. Just an opinion. If you'd grown up with it like I have you'd share my opinion. Regardless, keep seeking your truth. It's the only one that matters in the final analysis. . -Carrie
  3. Wow. I hear more about Jim every day. I have heard more theories about that day than I can shake a stick at. Oner of them involves a family member of mine. Do I believe it? No. But I'll share it anyway. My Uncle Don's father in law was a deputy named J.A. Putnam on the Dallas PD. He was a fairly good cop from what other officers have said. He didn't take payoffs or anything. At one time, J.A.'s wife Edith was a stripper when they met. However, as far as I know she was not one of "Ruby's Girls." J.A. sat at a family function in 1965 or 1966, he said that he "Let Jack in through a side door that day. He has coffee and sandwhiches and we all knew Jack. I didn't think much of letting him in. He just wanted to witness history. I never thought he wanted to make it." J.A. spent the next six months or so drinking heavily and then murdered Edith. I THINK Leavelle was the Homicide Detective on the scene. Don't quote me though. He did a short sentence in prison and then got out and spent some time getting close to Aunt Cheryl and my cousin LeaAnne and then he killed himself. Keep in mind I wasn't born when any of this happened and I'm going off of my Grandfather, Smith Perry's diary that we discovered after his death in 1995. Obviously, I didn't get to ask him any questions and I don't speak to my Uncle Don but that's what I know. As I said, I don't believe it. I've known Jim Leavelle for ten years. I called him in high school at the urging of Jean Hill when I was writing an article for the school paper. I refer to him as GrandPa Jim as I know him better than I ever knew Smith. He was supposed to give me away at my wedding. James and I eloped so that didn't happen. He was the first to know when I had both of my sons. I also have a picture of me that Jim took when I was 16 in his cream colored suit that he wore November 24, 1963. Many people have changed their stories over the years but Jim hasn't. I think maybe he's one ofthe few we should take at face value. I don't doubt anything that Jim has ever told me. You guys shouldn't either. Besides, even IF Vaughn didn't let Ruby in, what does it matter now? Oswald and Kennedy are both gone and the events of November 22nd and November 24th can never be reversed. I used to be the biggest conspiracy theorist known to any of you. I just don't think it matters much anymore. And I no longer look at Jim as a former DPD Homicide Detective. He's just Jim. A husband. A father. A Son. And a cop that had the fortune or misfortune to be in the basement with Oswald that day. He's still just Jim.
  4. Bonjour Mark. I don't think I've seen or heard from you since... what 1995? I still have those two videos you gave me. I have been able to add information gleaned from them over the years. I think I'm going on year number 17 with the research. I think that's how old I was when we met. The Paschall film is very interesting. Have you ever succeeded in getting it aired? I know the Beta showed quite a bit. Have you done any computer enhancements yet? My husband has done some interesting things in looking at some of the pictures I've gotten from various witnesses over the years. If you have someone that can do it, you should. I also have a friend in LA that does documentaries. She has one airing at the Sundance Film Festival this year. Perhaps you two should talk. Let me know if you've had any new developements. -Carrie
  5. I currently reside in South Carolina. I have been a Kennedy assassination researcher since 1988. I am currently 26. I am personal friends with James Leavelle (Handcuffed to Oswald when he was shot), Marina Oswald-Porter, the late Jean Hill (the Lady in Red in the Zapruder film), Beverly Oliver-Massagee (the Babushka Lady in the Zapruder film), James Tague (the man by the triple overpass) and many other well known Kennedy assassination witnesses. I have spoken at several World Conferences. I am also apparently, the Georgia-based researcher born in 1979 mentioned in the Tonahill essay. I would say that I want to belong to the forum because I am apparently known to you already and could answer questions and steer people toward FACTS that I know about the case. I know participate in theory as the only thing that I know for sure after seventeen years of research, countless summers spent with witnesses and over 5,000 books is that I didn't do it.
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