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Joan Mellen

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Posts posted by Joan Mellen

  1. I was wondering if during your research on Angel Murgado aka Angelo Kennedy, you got the chance to speak with fellow travellers like Jose Luis Hernandez and in particular Luis Bandrich? It appears possible that some JFK assassination peripherals and even direct participants may have been sourced from the ranks of Brigade 2506.

    Given that many of these guys stayed in close contact over the last 44 years, there may have been some chatter regarding this.

    Also, do you know if Jim Garrison had ever considered Nestor 'Tony' Izquierdo as a suspect?

    I did not speak with Jose Luis Hernandez or Luis Bandrich. These names are not part of my research. Nor do I have evidence that Jim Garrison considered Nestor "Tony" Izquierdo as a suspect.

    During your research, did you find any evidence of any contact between Lee Harvey Oswald and David Morales, Rip Robertson, E. Howard Hunt or William Seymour?

    NO, I did not find concrete evidence of contact between Lee Harvey Oswald and Rip Robertson, Hunt or William Seymour. With one exception: there was a suggestion that David Morales appeared in the training camp north of Lake Pontchartrain where Lee Harvey Oswald was seen by a number of witnesses.

  2. John it is certainly an interesting story that has developed in front of us in the past few months. Although the Mellen story in the Solares Hill supplement to the Key West Citizen states that the three traveled together it is my understanding that the version in her book is consistent with what Angel Murgado says: that he and deTorres went to the Odio apartment alone and Oswald was already there when they arrived.

    If the story in the Citizen correctly summarized her interview with Mr. Murgado, why would she change it for her book?

    Angelo Murgado says, repeat says, that Oswald was there when he arrived. This is attributed to him, not to me. He is on the record as saying Oswald was already there. So I must say he says that is what happened....HE SAYS.....Fairness decreed that I give his side of the story. So I added the attribution: HE CLAIMS. HE SAYS.

  3. Joan Mellen is a professor of English and creative writing at Temple University in Philadelphia. She is the author of seventeen books, ranging from film criticism to fiction, sports, true crime, Latin American studies and biography. Her early work was about the cinema. Her “Women and Their Sexuality in the New Film,” published in 1974, was a landmark work in feminist studies. Larry McMurtry pronounced it “brilliant” in his "Washington Post" review. Her study of the image of women in film was followed by the companion study, “Big Bad Wolves: Masculinity in the American Cinema.” Her book about “The Battle of Algiers,” written in 1972, has been quoted widely in connection with the events of 9/11.

    In 1972, she was awarded a prize by the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper organization in Japan. This led her to write five books about Japan, including “The Waves at Genji's Door: Japan through Its Cinema,” 1976. Her 1981 novel, “Natural Tendencies,” is set in Japan. More recently, she has written two books about Japanese film for the British Film Institute, “Seven Samurai” (2002) and “In the Realm of the Senses” (2004).

    She is also a biographer. Both “Kay Boyle: Author of Herself” (1994) and “Hellman and Hammett” (1996) were "New York Times" Notable Books of the year. “Hellman and Hammett” was also a finalist for the "Los Angeles Times" book prize.

    She has written for a variety of publications such as the "New York Times," the "Los Angeles Times," and the "Philadelphia Inquirer, including the "Baltimore Sun" where she is a frequent contributor. She has also lectured widely at universities and festivals, including, twice at the Harbourfront International Festival of Authors and, most recently, during the summer of 2005 at the Shaw festival in Niagara-On-The-Lake.

    In 2004, she was awarded one of Temple University's coveted “Great Teacher” awards for outstanding achievement, in particular in the graduate program in creative writing.

    Joan Mellen lives in Pennington, New Jersey.

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