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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Luke Nichter writes on Facebook: While our pub date is not until Sept. 22, we got word that THE NIXON TAPES: 1973 received a Kirkus starred review, to appear in their Aug. 1 edition. Approximately one of ten books receives a starred review. "Brinkley and Nichter (The Nixon Tapes: 1971-1972, 2014, etc.) conclude their project of publishing highlights from Richard Nixon's infamous tapes with this volume from the last year of recording. "They've killed me. Get rid of the old son of a bitch—people don't want him anyway." Thus spoke Nixon at the end of a bitter year, though it was better than the one that followed. "They" were the Washington press corps, the intelligentsia, the liberal establishment—everyone who stood in Nixon's way, which, by 1973, was just about everyone. This volume finds Nixon often exulting publicly thanks to the emerging success of his rapprochement and trip to China, the winding down of the Vietnam War, and growing détente with the Soviet Union. Some of the most affecting conversations on these tapes take place between Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev and their interpreters, groping toward friendship. Yet, in the private moments the tapes record, Nixon is also constantly worried about his enemies and, more so, his friends: "Nixon's greatest downfall," write Brinkley and Nichter, "was his lack of trust in subordinates." The unfolding Watergate hearings, which would find Nixon's counsel John Dean folding before investigators and would result in the near-sacrificial firing of some of his closest aides, occupied much of Nixon's time and attention, even as he chalked up real accomplishments. Brinkley and Nichter preserve Nixon at his best and worst. About the only serious criticism to bring against the enterprise is the simple wish that they had annotated more, since as the events recede, fewer readers will be able to immediately identify what Nixon means when he refers to the bombings of Haiphong and interventions in Cambodia. Even without extensive commentary, however, this volume is endlessly fascinating, constantly raising questions about what might have been—and sometimes proving Nixon right, especially on the matter of trust. Essential for students of late-20th-century American history and the Nixon presidency." http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0544610539/
  2. Carl Bernstein: THE CIA AND THE MEDIA http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php
  3. Interview with Jim Douglass - MLK, JFK, RFK and the Unspeakable
  4. Gil Jesus: Was Lee Harvey Oswald REALLY Guilty? An examination of the evidence July 6, 2015 http://www.giljesus.com/
  5. Evelyn Lincoln (JFK) explosive-content letter sells for $2900 Posted by James on July 5, 2015 at 10:33pm in Town Square http://live.autographmagazine.com/forum/topics/evelyn-lincoln-jfk-explosive-content-letter-sells-for-2900-2?fb_action_ids=1602195866697884&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B994830883890985%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D [Note: there is a dispute whether it sold for $2900 or $3900.]
  6. John: The pitch to get me to become a CIA agent was not connected to the attempt to get me to pass "hush" money to the Watergate defendants. The job pitch in April 1972 was made by CIA Legal Counsel Lawrence Houston and seconded by Howard Hunt. When Watergate broke two months later, that was the end of that matter. John Dean was behind the attempt to get me pass the "hush" money to the defendants. He was in the words of the FBI's 1974 internal report on Watergate the "master manipulator" of the cover-up. He knew me because I had been assigned to do volunteer legal work for the campaign under his direction starting two months before Watergate broke. Unless there is evidence of which I am at the present time unaware of that Dean had a connection to the CIA, the two approaches to me were unrelated. As far as there being "inducements", there was nothing in these two transactions that could be so construed. I never heard anything more about the idea of the construction of a luxurious hotel on the Nicaragua seashore. I do not know if it was ever built. I have never heard of Bruce Jones or someone named Hull and am unaware of infiltrators into SDS.
  7. John: No, I cannot name any specific Sandinista leader that would have been targeted. CIA Legal Counsel Lawrence Houston in April 1972 made the pitch, with Howard Hunt's concurrence, that I should consider becoming a CIA agent and that if I were to agree to this, my assignment would be to construct and open a luxurious seaside hotel in Nicaragua to which the Sandinista leaders would be lured and compromised. The pitch was in general terms with no names provided. I knew that this was something in which I did not want to get involved but responded to Houston and Hunt that I would think about it. Less than two months later, Watergate broke and the pitch became moot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandinista_National_Liberation_Front
  8. Dark Journalist interview of me on Watergate and the JFK Assassination Published June 30, 2015
  9. Dark Journalist interview of me on Watergate and the JFK Assassination Published June 30, 2015
  10. JFK’s proposal to Jackie at Martin’s Tavern is ‘legend’ no more Washington Post June 23, 2015 By Emily Heil http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/reliable-source/wp/2015/06/23/jfks-proposal-to-jackie-at-martins-tavern-is-legend-no-more/ [When I was a student at Georgetown University from 1956-60, I dined frequently at Martin's Tavern on Wisconsin Avenue not far from the campus. After JFK and Jackie got married they lived in a Georgetown-type house on N St, halfway between the Tavern and the university. [in the Watergate case in 1972, a person that I learned later was retired NYPD detective Anthony Ulasewicz was assigned by John Dean to recruit me to pass "hush" money to the defendants. He suggested to me on the phone that we meet at Martin's Tavern to discuss the matter. Jerome Powell, the managing partner of the law firm for which I worked, nixed the idea immediately and said that if the unidentified person who was calling me on the phone had anything legitimate to discuss, he should come to our law firm to do so. I turned down Ulasewicz's offer in a telephone conversation over the July Fourth holiday in 1972. After the "hush" money scandal broke in the spring of 1973, I told the prosecutors that had the meeting gone forward at Martin's Tavern, I would have ordered its oyster stew, which was so delicious I remember it to this day.]
  11. The Lake Pontchartrain Training Facility and the McLaney Brothers June 28, 2015 http://gaylenixjackson.com/jfk-assassination/the-lake-pontchartrain-training-facility-and-the-mclaney-brothers/
  12. The latest information https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2322&category=Environment
  13. Nanny's never-before-seen private photos of JFK, Jackie, and their children Daily Mail June 24, 2015 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3136206/Never-seen-photos-offering-rare-glimpse-private-lives-former-President-John-F-Kennedy-wife-Jackie-children-set-auction.html#ixzz3e5d4FDLS
  14. John Dean’s Role at Issue in Nixon Tapes Feud http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/01/washington/01kutler.html?_r=1&hp=&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1435169226-oFXjgDEP3Up+dBQMver/GQ
  15. Bob Woodward’s Intelligence Credentials & Assassination Politics of the Nixon Era By Alex Constantine / Covert War Against RockMay 22nd, 2013 http://www.constantinereport.com/bob-woodwards-intelligence-credentials-assassination-politics-of-the-nixon-era/
  16. http://www.dickrussell.org/articles/jfkcuban.htm Dick Russell on the Cuban Connection.
  17. George Orwell – One Final Warning Two-minute excerpt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXm5hklbBsA
  18. Kennedy and the Cuban Connection Donald E. Schulz Foreign Policy No. 26 (Spring, 1977), pp. 57-64+121-139 Read online free http://www.jstor.org/stable/1147900?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  19. From the Wall Street Journal article: The same cannot be said of “One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon,” by former New York Times reporter Tim Weiner. This is little more than another anti-Nixon hit job—as if the world needed any more of those. Mr. Weiner does not attempt to sketch Nixon’s entire life and focuses solely on the presidential years. http://www.wsj.com/articles/our-most-peculiar-president-1434748763
  20. Dorothy Kilgallen, Mark Lane and Frank Sinatra http://spikethenews.blogspot.com/2015/06/kilgallen-and-lane.html
  21. JFK Assassination Conference 2015 in Dallas http://jfkconference.com/ Lee Harvey Oswald Conference 2015 in New Orleans http://oswaldconference.com/
  22. Here is the memorandum that JFK signed ten days before his assassination: https://research.archives.gov/id/193642 Here is a past posting in the forum on this memorandum: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=15472 Google also placed these forum postings among those dealing with Memorandum 271: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19433 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17083&page=3 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3017 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9487 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2696
  23. The photo posted on the forum was not posted by me. When I signed on to join the forum in 2006, another member posted that photo before I had a chance to insert the one I had selected. Since I was the new kid on the block I decided not to make an issue of it and let it ride. Here it is nine years later.
  24. Brian: I had the same reaction as you did. Weiner fails to mention that it was LBJ who got us deep into Vietnam, issuing a new policy in 1963 within days of JFK's assassination. It was LBJ's payoff to the military-industrial-oil-intelligence complex. Nixon inherited that mess -- really a tragedy-- when elected in 1968. He quotes only Philip Habib in support of his thesis that Nixon sabotaged the peace negotiations and prolonged the war. Weiner comes across as overly biased.
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