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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. JFK and the Big Banks I strongly recommend listening to this fascinating interview with Nomi Prins. She makes many revelations, one of which was how JFK would only grant 20 minutes in the White House for anyone who was from Wall Street or the Big Banks. In particular JFK got into a verbal battle in LIFE magazine with David Rockefeller. "Was JFK the tool of the Eastern Establishment, or was he its bitterest enemy? Don Gibson challenges the conventional wisdom and asserts, with powerful support from Kennedy's own words and actions-and those of his enemies-that Kennedy was always on the side of economic, political and social progress. To achieve his goals of government for the people, JFK crossed swords courageously and vigorously with the real centers of power. They punished him with the ultimate sacrifice - his own life, and fifty years of crushing defeats of our American ideals. In this intriguing and penetrating analysis, Gibson looks at what JFK himself said, wrote, and did, contrasting that with the words and actions of his enemies-the Wall Street Journal, Fortune magazine, and the corporate and banking magnates themselves, who, as this book shows, truly despised the President. Conventional wisdom depicts Kennedy as a cautious president committed to the status quo and to the Establishment. This book makes a compelling case to the contrary, showing that President Kennedy was always willing to do battle for his progressive policies, even in the face of vicious attacks. With its clear and lively style, this book is a revelation to the general reader and to the specialist, opening the way to a new understanding of the meaning of Kennedy's legacy." http://www.amazon.com/Battling-Wall-Street-Kennedy-presidency/dp/1615779604/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1430876175&sr=1-1&keywords=donald+gibson+battling+wall+street Arthur M Schlesinger, Jr. in his book on the Kennedy presidency, A Thousand Days, wrote that Kennedy was not part of what he called the "New York establishment": "In particular, he was little acquainted with the New York financial and legal community-- that arsenal of talent which had so long furnished a steady supply of always orthodox and often able people to Democratic as well as Republican administrations. This community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders, Robert Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations; its organs, the New York Times and Foreign Affairs.” Once LBJ became president, he was one of Rockefeller’s biggest boosters and even encouraged him to run for president in 1968.
  2. Roger: The making of the documentary is being postposed for a couple of months. In light of the delay the poster may have to be revised before being released to the public again.
  3. Brian in his original posting wrote: "While there is a lot of evidence to suggest Nixon was not involved, I would argue that the research community as a whole has let Nixon off easy for being such an obvious suspect and his known propensity to do whatever was necessary for his political survival." Roger Stone's response asserts the case that Nixon was not "an obvious suspect." I agree. I concluded my memoir on Watergate posted Nov. 20, 2014, in this forum as follows: “President Nixon’s cosmic downfall because of Watergate was, in my opinion, blowback or what goes around, comes around, or perhaps a morphed form of Karma. This was because the principal purposes of the burglars going into the Democratic headquarters, in addition to getting lists of the clients of both the female and male prostitution rings thought to be there and to plant a new wiretap bug, was also to copy secret Cuban government intelligence reports suspected to be there. The documents linked through a chain of events a decision by Vice President Nixon in 1960 to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy three years later. It was about that “Bay of Pigs” thing. Possible possession of the reports by the Democrats, which included additional intelligence as to persons involved in JFK’s assassination, if released publicly during the 1972 presidential campaign, posed a serious threat to Nixon’s reelection but an even far more serious one to the CIA for its role in the assassination. “But that is a story for another time.” In the next week or so, I plan to post in the forum an abbreviated rest of the story based on what Howard Hunt told me shortly before he entered prison in 1975 to serve the sentence that Judge Sirica had imposed on him for his role in Watergate. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21500
  4. Bob Woodward’s Intelligence Credentials & Assassination Politics of the Nixon Era By Alex Constantine / Covert War Against Rock May 22nd, 2013 http://www.constantinereport.com/bob-woodwards-intelligence-credentials-assassination-politics-of-the-nixon-era/ [Poster's note: Lyn Colodny posted this article on Facebook today and I thought it pertinent enough to reproduce here for informational purposes.]
  5. Roger Stone again responds: I appreciate the constructive dialog on the issues at hand. Due to my having known Martha Mitchell personally, seeing her instability first hand and understanding her deep hatred for Charles Colson, who was both an internal political rival of her husband and the man she blamed for embroiling John Mitchell in Watergate, I take her claims with a huge grain of salt. Martha Mitchell would certainly have read about or heard the Watergate tapes in which Colson suggests scapegoating Mitchell for the entire Watergate affair. I don't ignore her claims but I do discount them. In this case they are self-serving. As for the murder of RFK I find it interesting that both MLK and RFK were killed after a FBI wiretap picked up King telling an associate of his intention to endorse Robert Kennedy in the 1968 contest. RFK startled his own staff days before the California primary when he told a college audience that as president he would reopen the file on his brother's assassination. I interviewed the late Frank Mankiewicz, RFK's Press Secretary, on this point. Those who killed John Kennedy would without a doubt have been alarmed. The man with access to the content of the FBI taps on King was LBJ, not Richard Nixon. In fact Nixon wanted to run against Robert Kennedy because by 1968 RFK, who was far more polarizing than his brother, would have been unable to carry any southern state. Recall that in 1960 the deep southern states went for JFK largely because of LBJ's presence on the ticket and Johnson's quiet assurances to southern Democrats that JFK would not really move any civil rights legislation. Only by winning the states in the Deep South did JFK narrowly beat Nixon in 1960. Pat Buchanan, a Nixon aide at the time, writes in his most recent book that Nixon savored a faceoff with Bobby because of this changed dynamic. Nixon himself told me he preferred RFK as his opponent in 1968 although he did not tell me this until 1985. Nixon believed RFK's open opposition to the Vietnam War would have locked him out of the Deep South. I totally agree with Brian Schmidt that the forces that killed JFK also killed RFK (and MLK) and I intend to write a future book on both. Henry Cabot Lodge was posted in Saigon where the CIA was running counter-insurgency operations. The Lodge brothers were also close to Allen Dulles. Cabot Lodge was clearly complicit in the murder of Diem in which he worked hand-in-glove with the Agency. It is conjecture on my part but I think Lodge learned of the plot to kill JFK from his CIA contacts. I am grateful to my friend Doug Caddy for posting this dialog on the Education Forum.
  6. Roger Stone has requested that I post his response to statements made in this thread and it is my privilege to do so: ----------------------------------- I fully recognize that history has branded Richard Nixon as a villain and the man people love to hate but the posting by Brian Schmidt claiming Nixon was somehow complicit in John Kennedy's murder is rich with conjecture and inference and devoid of any actual evidence. While there is substantial evidence of Lyndon Johnson's involvement including fingerprint evidence tying LBJ close associate and convicted murderer Malcolm 'Mac" Wallace to the assassination, there is no such evidence tying Nixon to the crime. As many as six eyewitnesses report to either the FBI or the Dallas Police seeing a man closely meeting the description of Wallace in the sixth floor window of the Texas School book depository as detailed in my late friend James Tague’s excellent book, LBJ and the Kennedy Killing. Many critics have claimed Nixon's attended a post midnight meeting at the ranch of LBJ crony and Nixon campaign donor Curt Murchison Sr. I believe they are conflating a reception honoring J. Edgar Hoover earlier in the evening at the Murchison spread with a the late night meeting behind closed doors which included Hoover, Ed Clark, D.H. Byrd, H.L. Hunt lawyer John Carrington and the late arriving LBJ. To those who say this is not possible because LBJ was "seen” in Fort Worth that night I would refer them to Phil Nelson's excellent book, LBJ- the Colossus, which details Johnson's frequent use of a body double, a Johnson cousin who would later die mysteriously. In Nigel Turner's excellent television presentation, The Men Who Killed Kennedy Part 9, both the Murchison housekeeper and chauffeur confirm the late night final planning session at Murchison's residence. Nixon, however, was seen in the roof top restaurant at his Dallas hotel as late as 11:30 that night as reported by the Dallas Morning News. On November 21st Nixon held at press conference in his suite at the Baker Hotel in Dallas predicting JFK would drop LBJ from the 1964 ticket because of the latter's growing vulnerability in both the Bobby Baker and Billie Sol Estes scandals. I confirmed that Johnson and Nixon spoke that morning and LBJ told Nixon he was concerned by the "atmosphere of hate" in Dallas and that he asked Nixon to "tamp down" Congressman Bruce Alger, the only Republican in the Texas Congressional delegation and a vociferous critic of Kennedy. Perhaps that's why, upon learning of Kennedy's murder, Nixon called FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and asked him "was it one of those right-wing nuts?" That Hoover responded "No, Dick, it was a communist" shows Hoover giving Nixon the party line. Nixon, for his part, called on the people of Dallas to give the President a courteous and polite reception in his hotel press conference. In 1963 Nixon was powerless. Sure he still nursed political ambitions and knew all the players but he had no governmental power. He was also one year past from his disastrous 1962 run for Governor of California for which he had substantial problems raising money. Nixon was considered washed up and politically dead in 1963. Who did Nixon control in 1963? The CIA ? The FBI? The Dallas Police? The Dallas District Attorney? The answer is none of these. Somehow Schmidt believes that Nixon was in on the Kennedy murder because he traveled to Vietnam to secure the release of a POW. When Jesse Jackson negotiates privately for release of US hostages he's a hero but when Nixon does it (while out of office) it is somehow proof of his involvement in Kennedy's murder. Absurd. There is substantial evidence that it didn't take long for Nixon to figure out who did kill Kennedy. His body man, Nick Ruwe, was adamant that Nixon recognized Ruby on television. In 1972 Nixon would tell former LBJ aide George Christiansen,”Well, Lyndon never liked being No. 2 to anyone." Nixon himself would tell me. “the difference between Lyndon and me was-- we both wanted to be President but I wasn't willing to kill for it." It's true that Nixon told two different stories about when he learned of Kennedy's murder. At the time Nixon landed at Idlewild airport after flying from Dallas to New York it was known that Kennedy had been shot but that he had not yet been declared dead. Nixon would first claim that he heard on the taxi-cab radio that JFK was dead, then claim he heard it from a woman on a street corner while stopped at a red-light. I chalk this up to Nixon's desire to be seen in the best possible light: he understood his public imagery was inextricably linked to JFK, even in death. Nixon's doorman at his Fifth Avenue apartment house confirmed Kennedy's death. Minutes later Nixon would call Hoover to ask who was responsible. Why would he do so if he already knew? Schmidt claims, without foundation, that Johnson and Nixon had a "deal." Really? What was in it for Nixon? For Nixon to see his immediate benefit in Kennedy's murder he would have foreseen the rise and defeat of Goldwater (he didn't), LBJ's escalation of the Vietnam War and his subsequent unpopularity and withdrawal from the 1968 race, as well as the murders of both MLK and RFK, all of which created a "perfect storm" for his comeback. While Nixon was a consummate politician, no one could have foreseen this turn of events in the immediate aftermath of Kennedy's murder. Nixon's efforts to obtain the CIA's files on Kennedy's assassination, which he called 'the whole Bay of Pigs thing,” proves he understood the CIA's role in the murder and wanted the proof to obstruct the agency’s opposition to his Vietnam withdrawal, China opening and SALT agreement with the Russians. Later he would want the goods as a hedge against impeachment. According the deputy FBI director William Sullivan, Nixon was fully aware of Warren Commission member Gerald Ford's alteration of the Kennedy autopsy records to accommodate the so called "single bullet theory". This best explains Ford's subsequent pardon of Nixon that most likely cost Ford re-election Schmidt goes on to accuse Nixon of complicity in the assassination attempt on George Wallace .Wallace was shot while running for President as a Democrat and after the legal deadlines had passed to get on the ballot as an Independent in most states. Wallace ran as a Democrat after John Mitchell leveraged Wallace's brother Gerald's IRS problems by threatening Wallace away from a problematic Independent candidacy. Murray Chotiner told me this directly and it is confirmed in a book by Clark Mollenhoff. Wallace was creating chaos in the Democratic primaries with no prospect of nomination. What would have been Nixon's motive to have him murdered? By 1972 he was no political threat to Nixon. Nixon certainly understood that those who voted for Wallace in the 1972 primaries would support him over liberal George McGovern in the general election. It's easy to hate Nixon. He was a man of immense contradictions and flaws as well as great vision. But the idea that Kennedy's death alone opened a pathway to Nixon's return to viability or that he was a participant in Kennedy’s murder in any way is unsupportable with any solid evidence.
  7. http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2015_03_01_archive.html Part II of A Tale about a Tail Number
  8. LEE H. OSWALD AND RUTH HYDE PAINE: The Big Picture by Linda Minor February 4, 2015 Edited Remarks from JFK Conference http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2015/02/edited-remarks-from-jfk-conference.html
  9. http://www.aol.com/article/2015/05/01/watergate-complex-suffers-structural-collapse-washington-author/21178933/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl2%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D-1558413990
  10. I have known Roger Stone since 1973 when I served as legal counsel to the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NIPAC) of which he was an officer. NIPAC was highly successful and credit for this goes to Roger and his late colleague, Terry Dolan. Roger has always been a political activist. He courageously goes where others fear to tread. A recent example was when John Dean spoke at the Austin Book Fair. Roger was the first member of the audience to ask a question and he made Dean look foolish and hypocritical. Robert Morrow was the second person to ask Dean a question and again Dean looked like a deer caught in a car's headlights. The event was televised nationally. Since then when Dean speaks in public, the only questions that he will entertain are those submitted in writing so that they may be screened.
  11. DARK JOURNALIST: Agent Oswald - The CIA Patsy - RARE JFK Assassination Documentary Published February 7, 2014 [Poster's note: I am posting this for informational purposes]
  12. The Obama Administration’s War on Whistleblowers Published April 28, 2015 Speakers included William Binney, former high-level National Security Agency (NSA) official; Thomas Drake, former NSA senior executive; Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. military analyst and the Pentagon Papers whistleblower; Ray McGovern, formerly CIA analyst who chaired the National Intelligence Estimates in the 1980s; Jesselyn Radack, former Justice Department trial attorney and ethics adviser, and now director of National Security and Human Rights at the Government Accountability Project; Coleen Rowley, attorney and former FBI special agent; J. Kirk Wiebe, 32-year former employee at the NSA.
  13. Report Says American Psychological Association Collaborated on Torture Justification http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/01/us/report-says-american-psychological-association-collaborated-on-torture-justification.html http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/05/01/us/document-report.html
  14. When I copied the original article and pasted it, it came out as one big lump without being broken into paragraphs. So I posted the link to the original article at the beginning to make it easier to read. The events are somewhat dated but this is how history is accumulated. There are undoubtedly interesting stories remaining to be told about the JFK assassination if the persons with the knowledge feel that now is the time to do it. Deathbed confessions, for example, are always intriguing as is a story told by a client to his lawyer with the tacit understanding that after the client's death the story may be released publicly.
  15. JFK assassination Rick Nelson on Lee Harvey Oswald Night Fright Show / Brent Holland Published March 4, 2015
  16. Museum curator sheds light on accused JFK assassin NewsWest Recorder by Expositor Staff - Nov 22, 2013 http://www.manitoulin.ca/2013/11/22/museum-curator-sheds-light-accused-jfk-assassin/ KAGAWONG—Rick Nelson, curator of the Old Mill Museum in Kagawong, told the Recorder last week that when the museum held its annual History Night this past summer, focussing on the Daniel Dodge story and the Kennedy assassination, he and fellow researcher Bill Tuttle just barely scratched the surface on Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of US President John F. Kennedy, on Friday, November 22, 1963.“I had barely got into his personality at all or was able to share the important things I had learned about him when I was staying with his former wife Marina and her second husband in Dallas back in 1994,” said Mr. Nelson.The genesis of all of this began when Bill Tuttle and Mr. Nelson travelled to Dallas in May 1992. “We met the curator of the John F. Kennedy Assassination Museum (the consultant for the Oliver Stone movie ‘JFK’) and he set us up with a number of people directly related to the case, witnesses and authors so we could do some film interviews. Then when we got back to Sudbury and decided to put on a JFK symposium at Laurentian University the following year to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination in 1993.”“The Dallas museum arranged to bring some people up and that included Marina Oswald and her second husband Ken Porter,” he said. This was the first time he had met her and they became friends. Several months later Mr. Nelson found himself in Dallas helping out at the museum after the curator died.“Marina put me up at her home between 1994-1995,” said Mr. Nelson. “During the time I stayed with her, I got a three dimensional profile of Lee Harvey Oswald. We all know Lee Harvey Oswald from books and news reels but the wife of the alleged assassin was able to fill in a lot of background information with her firsthand account. She flushed him out as a real person.”“I came away with the viewpoint that I didn’t think much of him when all was said and done,” said Mr. Nelson. “Based on what she told me he already had a tendency towards violence and was a wife beater. Before you factor in the assassination, what he did and the way he treated her, I didn’t think much of him as a human being. He couldn’t hold down a job, he couldn’t have a conversation with anyone without having an argument. He didn’t have any friends and he was very political, which took him away from what Marina perceived to be the important issues. She would say to him, ‘stop spending so much time being James Bond and get a job, you have two kids to feed’.”“He was a Marxist communist pro-Castro individual,” said Mr. Nelson. “In the late 1950s he defects to Russia; how many people do you know defect to Russia? This was at the height of the Cold War. As a former member of the military, he offered the Russians his knowledge of American military technology but the Russians thought he wasn’t stable and passed on the offer.”“They weren’t going to allow him to stay in the Soviet Union, so he slit his wrist; this was one of his first violent acts to try to get attention. So the Russians felt sorry for him and let him stay. They shipped him to Minsk, had him working at a factory, where he met Marina at a union dance and within six weeks they got married. She once said to me ‘I should never have gone to that dance’.”Mr. Nelson explained within a year of Lee Harvey Oswald’s marriage to Marina, he became disillusioned with the communist lifestyle in the Soviet Union and wanted to return to the United States. He got a loan to cover the travelling expenses and he and his wife, and now a child, returned to the US where they settled between Dallas and New Orleans.It was at this time that Oswald’s next violent act was to shoot at a retired general in Dallas, but he missed the target. “That crime was left unsolved until after the Kennedy assassination,” said Mr. Nelson. “Lee told Marina he had done this but rather than turn him in, she told him if he ever did anything like that again she would leave him. If she had turned him in at that time President Kennedy would be alive today. I think that is why she is so traumatized and racked with guilt to this very day.”“She believes he wanted to kill Richard Nixon,” continued Mr. Nelson. “Nixon was making an appearance in Dallas, and after the previous unsuccessful shooting attempt on the general he got his gun and said he wanted to check out Nixon. She locked him in a bathroom until he had calmed down. Once again, another opportunity to have him dealt with had been lost,” said Mr. Nelson. “However, Marina was a very young Russian immigrant in a strange land, could hardly speak English and was totally dependent on him. She worried that if anything were to happen to him she would be forced to go back to Russia. So she had to live with his faults.”Mr. Nelson noted that in November 1963, Marina and Mr. Oswald had separated and were living in different parts of the city. His difficulty finding work and the domestic violence had led her to break up with him for awhile. He’d come and visit on weekends so he could visit the kids. The second child had just been born.“Her landlady helped him get a job at the Texas School Book Depository,” continued Mr. Nelson. “She knew the supervisor, put in a good word for him, and he got hired. This was six weeks before the assassination took place. At that time he wouldn’t have known this was going to be the location that President Kennedy’s motorcade would be passing through because the parade route had not yet been made public.” Then the route was published and the night before the assassination Oswald visited Marina and picked up his rifle that he had secretly stored in her landlady’s garage, said Mr. Nelson.“Initially Marina thought he had indeed assassinated the president but over the years she began to do her own research and came to the conclusion he might be innocent of the crime. It also might have been her mechanism to deal with the guilt she was facing,” said Mr. Nelson.During his stay with the former Ms. Oswald, Mr. Nelson, “spent a lot of time sitting at her kitchen table, talking about a lot of things with her and her second husband. It wasn’t always about the assassination, but the conversation always seemed to come back to her first husband, Lee.”“With Lee Harvey Oswald there was a pattern or theme of violence there,” continued Mr. Nelson. Especially the domestic violence. I came away with the impression that here was a guy that if one was to go out and have beer with him, you probably would have ended up scuffling with him.”He was complex. “Marina told me about a conversation they had during the Cuban Missile Crisis. During this time, she wondered if she should to go back to Russia, her fatherland. Over there people would have duties to perform in a time of war. However Lee Oswald said President Kennedy was going to get everyone out of this mess. Everything she learned good about President Kennedy had come from her husband, Lee Harvey Oswald. So why would he kill him?”“It must be a terrible burden to be the wife of the alleged assassin. For this reason, it was hard to get Marina out of her funk. So I would try to distract her with humour. She had a great sense of humour when she allowed it to surface and loved to laugh, and she had a great laugh,” said Mr. Nelson. “She is a compassionate person, always wanting to give of herself.”“A researcher once asked me why I never kept a daily journal of my time with Marina,” said Mr. Nelson. “I said that everyone she ever trusted wrote a book about her and she felt used. So for me it would have been a betrayal of trust.”“However this is the 50th anniversary of JFK’s murder, she’s in her early 70s now and I think it’s time to share a little bit about this nice lady and what she has gone through,” said Mr. Nelson.Just before History Night in Kagawong last August, “I called her up to wish her a happy birthday. The 50th anniversary of the assassination was approaching and I asked if she had been getting calls for interviews. She said yes and she had refused to give the interviews. Then she told me she was fed up with the whole thing, and that it was never going to get resolved. She felt too much time was being spent on who killed Kennedy versus who didn’t kill him.” Then she asked me, ‘do you think he did it?’ I said I definitely believed her husband had been involved in the plot, but I didn’t want to directly challenge her and say that I thought he was responsible. I could tell she was in despair. I said you have survived this tragedy and have managed to make a life for yourself. She had remarried and had a wonderful second husband, her children have grown up to be fine citizens and they have lived productive lives. I told her she is a great mother and grandmother. I said to Marina that that should be your legacy. I said I’m proud of you and it was at that point that she told me to lay off,” said Mr. Nelson, chuckling. “She was having trouble accepting the compliments.”“Will this thing ever get solved?” posed Mr. Nelson. “There are way too many different theories going on, even 50 years after the fact.”The only person who knew for an actual fact what happened was Lee Harvey Oswald, said Mr. Nelson. “In 1993, just before the curator of that Kennedy museum died, he made the comment that when he goes to heaven, the first person he wanted to speak with was Oswald. He had a lot of questions for that boy. Three months after that conversation the curator was in heaven from a stroke. I hope he got his answers, assuming Oswald was in heaven to greet him.”
  17. Watergate Bugging Again Andmagazine.com By Jeff Stein July 16, 2013 http://www.andmagazine.com/us/13124.html#.VUAxsCxuIfI.facebook
  18. Weekend Edition April 24-26, 2015 Agency Shrinks & LSD: From Timothy Leary to the Unabomber A Psychedelic History of the CIA by JEFFREY ST. CLAIR and ALEXANDER COCKBURN http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/04/24/a-psychedelic-history-of-the-cia/
  19. Danny Vasquez lists the names of five persons who have seen the alleged film. One of them is a prominent member of our forum. I have decided not to list the names of the five persons for privacy reasons.
  20. Danny Vasquez wrote on Facebook on April 21, 2015: In the following the late Rich Dellarosa speaks for himself, as he always did in his replies to some questions in 2009...about the often asked... The "other" Zapruder film -- FAQs Since I appeared recently on Len Osanic's "Black Op" radio program, I have been receiving several questions, I'll try and answer them here: 1. Where can this film be viewed? I really don't know. I believe that copies exist in various places around the world. However I have no knowledge where it can be viewed. I never at any time possessed a copy myself. When I saw it, the film was shown by a person unknown to me along with some others in a suburb of Washington DC (College Park, MD). 2. Do you believe it is an unedited version of the Zapruder Film? Personally, I do not believe the film is in any way a version of the Zapruder film. The Z film appears amateurish to me and unrealistic in the sense that it seems like an animated "cartoon". The "other" film seemed to be professionally done with great color rendition and smooth panning. Additionally, I am unsure as to whether Zapruder shot the film attributed to him. A French photo journalist who saw the film on several occasions does refer to it as an unedited version of the Z film FWIW. 3. What are the major discrepancies in what is seen on both films? The "other" film shows the limo on Houston Street as it turns onto Elm. The Z film does not even though Z testified that he began filming when the limo first came into view and did not stop filming until the limo left the Plaza, The 'other" film shows the limo making a wide turn onto Elm, nearly going up on the curb and as though it first was headed to the service road in front of the TSBD. Greer apparently struggled to navigate into the center of Elm. The crowd appeared quite animated as the limo progressed down Elm St. In the Z film, the crowd appears frozen. In the "other" film, the Umbrella man is seem pumping the umbrella up and down, not just holding it over his head. I've concluded that he may have been signaling the various shooters to open fire -- that JFK was still alive. In the Z film the open umbrella seems stationary except that a slight rotation can be detected. The dark complected man with the cap alternately nicknamed TA (The Accomplice) and The Cuban is seen in the "other" film motioning with an upraised arm while he stepped into the street and was approaching the limo. He formed his up-raised hand into a fist -- perhaps the infantryman's signal to "stop." I have concluded that he was trying to attract Greer and Kellerman to stop the limo exactly at his position -- which they did. the Limo was stopped ~2 to 3 seconds. The Z film shows no stop. The stop was so sudden that it jostled the occupants forward. A portion of this forward motion can be detected in the extant Z film. With the limo stopped, Greer turned to face JFK. At that moment JFK received 2 shots to the head: one from the rear causing his head to move forward slightly and one to the right temple, fired from the front, resulting in a violent explosion out the rear of JFK's head and sending a huge spray of blood and brain matter toward DPD Officer Hargis hitting his helmet with what William Manchester termed a "red sheet" and with such force that Hargis later said he thought he himself was hit. This most gory explosion of matter is not accurately portrayed in the extant Z Film. Apparently once that Greer saw that JFK was hit, he then swung around and accelerated the limo leaving Dealey Plaza and passing the lead car to entrance the Stemmons freeway. 4. If the Zapruder film is altered, why did "they" leave in the explosive head shot? The first thing to keep in mind is that "they" never believed the Z film would be viewed by the public. Members of the WC stated that they believed only a few college professors would even read their report. With Time, Inc. and the FBI controlling access to the Z film they could control who could view it or even selected frames from it. If questioned, they could always say it was being withheld due to concern over the Kennedy family's right to privacy. In 1975, the extant Z film was shown on national TV on Geraldo Rivera's "Goodnight America" program by Robert Groden. That segment can be found on MPI's DVD Image Of An Assassination." The public was shocked to see the head shot. To many, the Z film was proof of a second gunman, one firing from the front. To counter those beliefs a Nobel winning physicist (Luis Alvarez) concocted a "jet effect" theory to explain how a shot from the TSBD could cause the violent "back and to the left" reaction defying Newton's 2nd law of motion. Newton's second law of motion can be formally stated as follows: The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. The alterationists IMO HAD to leave in the fatal head shot. They couldn't very well claim that JFK was a victim of whiplash. At the necessary time Dr Alvarez was dragged out to produce a total canard. 5. Why was the Zapruder film fabricated/altered? IMO, and simply stated, the purposes of altering the Z film, in order of priority, were: To remove all evidence of multiple shooters To remove evidence of shots from any direction but the rear if possible To remove evidence of Secret Service complicity 6. On 11/23, Dan Rather claimed to have viewed the Z film, the first reporter to do so. He claimed that JFK's head was throw violently forward not backward. How can that be? IMO, he may have been shown an early attempt of an altered film in which the frames were reversed. But it is possible that he saw NO film at all --and he was instructed what to say. Keep in mind that on 11/22, Rather was simply a TV reporter for the local Dallas CBS affiliate -- but virtually overnight he was promoted to CBS's official White House Correspondent. Quid pro quo?? 7. Will the "other" film ever become accessible to the public? I truly doubt it. It is a dangerous property because that one film proves that JFK was murdered as a part of a well planned and executed conspiracy. It lays the WCR bare as an intentionally written pack of lies and proves the complicity of the Secret Service, the FBI, and the highest levels of the U.S government. I have known of ~ a half dozen people who have seen the film in the distant, past -- yet no two ever saw it in the same place at the same time. I truly wish that someone would come forward and report a more recent viewing. ----------------------------- Danny Vasquez wrote on Facebook on April 22, 2015: What are the major discrepancies in what is seen on both films? The "other" film shows the limo on Houston Street as it turns onto Elm. The Z film does not even though Z testified that he began filming when the limo first came into view and did not stop filming until the limo left the Plaza, The 'other" film shows the limo making a wide turn onto Elm, nearly going up on the curb and as though it first was headed to the service road in front of the TSBD. Greer apparently struggled to navigate into the center of Elm. The crowd appeared quite animated as the limo progressed down Elm St. In the Z film, the crowd appears frozen. In the "other" film, the Umbrella man is seem pumping the umbrella up and down, not just holding it over his head. I've concluded that he may have been signaling the various shooters to open fire -- that JFK was still alive. In the Z film the open umbrella seems stationary except that a slight rotation can be detected. The dark complected man with the cap alternately nicknamed TA (The Accomplice) and The Cuban is seen in the "other" film motioning with an upraised arm while he stepped into the street and was approaching the limo. He formed his up-raised hand into a fist -- perhaps the infantryman's signal to "stop." I have concluded that he was trying to attract Greer and Kellerman to stop the limo exactly at his position -- which they did. the Limo was stopped ~2 to 3 seconds. The Z film shows no stop. The stop was so sudden that it jostled the occupants forward. A portion of this forward motion can be detected in the extant Z film. -------------------------------- Danny Vasquez wrote on Facebook on April 22, 2015: The people who saw THE OTHER FILM are very willing to talk about it. Some who saw it were in military circumstances. Some were in college settings. Some were in intelligence connections. But all described the exact same film.
  21. From the article: In 1993 Cleveland Cram completed a study carried out on behalf of the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI). Of Moles and Molehunters: A Review of Counterintelligence Literature was declassified in 2003. Cram, who investigated the activities of James Angleton, argues that several senior CIA officers, including Clare Edward Petty, Angleton's assistant, were convinced that the former Chief of Counterintelligence, was a KGB agent. In his book, Oswald and the CIA (2008), John Newman argued: "In my view, whoever Oswald's direct handler or handlers were, we must now seriously consider the possibility that Angleton was probably their general manager. No one else in the Agency had the access, the authority, and the diabolically ingenious mind to manage this sophisticated plot. No one else had the means necessary to plant the WWIII virus in Oswald's files and keep it dormant for six weeks until the president's assassination. Whoever those who were ultimately responsible for the decision to kill Kennedy were, their reach extended into the national intelligence apparatus to such a degree that they could call upon a person who knew its inner secrets and workings so well that he could design a failsafe mechanism into the fabric of the plot. The only person who could ensure that a national security cover-up of an apparent counterintelligence nightmare was the head of counterintelligence." http://spartacus-educational.com/2WWcia.htm
  22. http://www.defenseone.com/technology/2015/03/air-force-might-have-protect-money-laundering-space/108132/
  23. The Nixon Tapes and What We’ve Learned From Them Downloadable Materials Video Large H.264 MP4 Small H.264 MP4 Audio MP3Ken Hughes,Luke Nichter,John Prados March 20, 2015 10:00AM - 11:00AM (EDT) Miller Center/Virginia Festival of the Book Event Television Broadcast: April 19, 2015 Including Transcript http://millercenter.org/events/2015/the-nixon-tapes-and-what-weve-learned-from-them
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