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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Here is an virtually unknown aspect of JFK: How he first became interested in UFOs. He was on the Board of Overseers of Harvard University in 1957 and established a professional relationship with Prof. Donald Menzel at the University. Menzel, an astronomer, was the nation’s most outspoken debunker of UFOs but in reality he led a double life and worked closely with the NSA and its predecessor on the subject as he was actually a believer in UFOs. Menzel told JFK that once the latter had received his top security clearance, the two could talk. JFK just prior to his assassination wrote a letter to the CIA to request information it had on UFOs. For more on this story listen to the interview in the link below with Stan Friedman. Start at minute 14 to get the background but Friedman makes his disclosure about what his found at the Harvard Library at minute 19, which was a file marked “JFK” in the large Menzel file that he was researching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxXuw763O_U http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Howard_Menzel
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/world/europe/paris-terrorist-attacks.html French Prime Minister now can use an anti-radical Islamic campaign to revive sagging public opinion polls. The question arises how to define "radical."
  3. From the article: When Muslims kill, the crime become a political cause celebre that we call by the nonsense term “terrorism.” When Christians, like Norway’s Anders Breivik, massacre 77 schoolchildren, it’s just a crime by a madman. Western politicians have cynically used Islamophobia to advanced rightwing political agendas and curtail freedoms. http://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/01/eric-margolis/blowback-2/ I wonder how the Islamic world will view what appears to be a merger of convenience of the Mossad and the CIA: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/10/us/politics/reaching-outside-cia-obama-calls-on-treasury-official-to-become-agencys-no-2.html
  4. Richard Charnin posted on Facebook: Jan. 10, 9am: the best-selling JFK-conspiracy books based on Amazon sales rankings: 1 JFK and the Unspeakable 2 Reclaiming Science: The JFK Conspiracy 3 The Man Who Killed JFK 4 David Ferrie 5 Dr. Mary's Monkey 6 They Killed our President 7 Me and Lee 8 JFK Assassination Rehearsal 9 Not in Your Lifetime 10 On the Trail of the Assassins 11 Crossfire 12 Hit List 13 Last Investigation 14 JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate JFK 15 Echo from Dealey Plaza 16 LBJ: Mastermind to Colossus 17 The Men on the 6th floor 18 Killing JFK: History of Deceit 19 Survivors Guilt 20 Girl on the Stairs
  5. This is a truly interesting thread to read with a number of the comments showing deep research into Judyth's claims. I found Patrick Block's cogent comment (#40) to be a particularly sophisticated argument as to why she should not be written off completely as a purveyor of falsehoods. One thing is certain: Judyth is extremely active and is constant presence for good or for bad in the JFK assassination controversy, sort of a one-woman band.
  6. http://www.nixontapes.org/rmh.html Professor Luke Nichter of Texas A&M University has maintained a website (see link above) for several years devoted specifically to the Nixon-Helms conversations that is complete except for a few after Nixon appointed Helms to be Ambassador to Iran. Here is his recent book: http://www.amazon.com/Nixon-Tapes-1971-1972-Douglas-Brinkley/dp/0544274156/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420839506&sr=1-1&keywords=Luke+Nichter
  7. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/uknews/paris-gunmen-likely-military-trained/ar-AA7SOAd?ocid=iehp
  8. http://joanmellen.com/wordpress/ Jean: I suggest that you contact Joan Mellen whose book "A Farewell to Justice" is a definitive study of Jim Garrison.
  9. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21461 John Simkin wrote that the CIA thought Garrison would get a conviction against Clay Shaw.
  10. After a terror act, first ask if it is a False Flag http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/01/first-question-ask-terror-attack-false-flag.html
  11. Robert Kennedy, Jr.: JFK’s Secret Negotiations with Fidel http://www.ipsnews.net/2015/01/opinion-jfks-secret-negotiations-with-fidel/ http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/JFK-Nephew-Claims-CIA-Worked-to-Prevent-Normalization-with-Cuba-20150106-0053.html
  12. I do not recognize the name of Edgar Eugene Bradley and know nothing of what is described in your attached intelligence report. However, it was well known that Dr. Wesley Swift was a close associate of Gerald L. K. Smith, a notoriously vocal anti-Semite. Both, of course, are deceased. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_A._Swift http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_L._K._Smith
  13. Was A Wichita Man Part of the Kennedy Assassination Puzzle? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JePCoo3W_Vs http://www.amazon.com/Flight-Dallas-Evidence-Involvement-President/dp/1412072360/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420648614&sr=8-1&keywords=flight+from+dallas Poster’s note: Billie Sol Estes told me in 1984 that LBJ used Malcolm (Mac) Wallace as his stone killer to eliminate those he targeted – and that a military plane was used to transport Wallace to and from the locations of the targets. The pilots only followed orders and did not know the purpose of the person (Wallace) they were transporting.
  14. http://www.rense.com/general32/skol_ov23.htm More on Skolnick's allegation that Saddam Hussein and George H.W. Bush were business partners.
  15. LBJ - John Connally Telephone Conversation About Conspiracy Rumors 1967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N50cBXvS_G0
  16. Mark: When I first read it I thought it was a satirical effort by John John to send a message of what he might actually do if he were elected president. But the presentation is confusing and your assessment may be correct. It appears his death came within the same sidereal hour as the other Kennedy family deaths. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17723
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_(magazine) Hachette and George Magazine Also, here is an interview with John John about The New World Order and his intent to run for president in 2000, as discussed by Skolnick. Note the ownership of the interview at the bottom: http://www.givemeliberty.50megs.com/Kennedy%20Jr.htm
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfy_jiP6vS0
  19. Jon: In answer to your question, I believe that it was “domestic” rather than “foreign,” although some of those involved in the three hit teams in Dallas on November 22, 1963, were foreign born (including Cuba) and perhaps a Corsican. At the top of the pyramid was Vice President Lyndon Johnson. “In December, 1966, Edward Jay Epstein wrote an article for the Esquire Magazine where he claimed that Reynolds had given the Warren Commission information on the death of John F. Kennedy. Reynolds said that Bobby Baker had told him that Kennedy "would never live out his term and that he would die a violent death." Baker had also said that "the FBI knew that Johnson was behind the assassination".” http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKreynoldsD.htm I find intriguing Stephen Ward’s comment: Stephen Ward, an osteopath whose patients included Winston Churchill, Duncan Sandys, Ava Gardner, Mary Martin and Mel Ferrer. His friends included Prince Philip. His MI5 controller was said to be Keith Wagstaffe. After the Cuban Missile Crisis Ward told Christine Keeler that he believed John F. Kennedy would be assassinated. He told her and Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that." Steven Ward reportedly worked for the British security service MI5. http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/mandy-ward-rachman-sexpionage.html Then there is the alleged role of organized crime, with foreign ties: http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKSinvestigation.htm
  20. Skolnick in his interview focuses attention on the book, "Farewell America": From one of the reviews: The introduction or Forword is by William Turner, who was an FBI guy with ties to Jim Garrison. Turner helped locate an overseas opy of the Zapruder film. This was important because no one had seen it before in public. Only a few pictures were published in the mainstream media. When people saw it, it seemed evident that Kennedy's headshot was from the front (Grassy Knoll area). Farewell America" discusses this and even has a map on the location of the shooters. This is important because this was written a long time before the public realized the truth of these statements. Turner also had access to Kennedy people and has written about similar things in FBI circles before. All in all a fascinating book I cannot endorse enough. It did not change my mind, but it confirmed my beliefs with a lot of logical evidence. http://www.amazon.com/Farewell-America-Plot-Kill-JFK/dp/1883955327/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420420750&sr=1-1&keywords=farewell+america+the+plot+to+kill+jfk
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IB5JGfxIxFk Penn Jones, Jr, interviews Mark Lane on the mysterious deaths of persons connected to the JFK assassination.
  22. http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/marquette-says-it-hasnt-suspended-professor-john-mcadams-b99411727z1-286304231.html http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/demonstrators-take-both-sides-of-john-mcadams-controversy-at-marquette-b99413516z1-286591391.html Two recent articles from the Milwaukee Journal about the controversy,
  23. Sherman Skolnick - The Death of John F. Kennedy Jr. http://vimeo.com/107715556 [poster's note: posted for informational purposes only]
  24. Here is additional information on the Bay of Pigs supplied by retired Detective Rothstein: In 2008, Don Roberts of Noblesville, Indiana, tells the local newspaper reporter, William Fouts, that he was an aircraft maintenance technician aboard the Essex in 1961. On April 2, 1961, the Essex sets sail from Norfolk Virginia. He recalls that in the pre-dawn hours of April 15, jets began launching from the Essex deck. “By sunrise, bodies were spotted in the water. Smoke could be seen rising over the horizon from Cuba. Over the next several days, the crew listened as CIA operatives stationed on the Isle of Pines pleaded for more air support. .” He stated, “He watched in horror as dead and wounded U.S. and Cuban personnel were brought aboard ship. He listened on the radio as CIA operatives pleaded for help, and like the rest of his shipmates, he felt anguish as the Essex headed for home leaving the invasion forces to their fate on the beaches.” But, President Kennedy had suspended air operations in support of the invasion. Even as more dead and wounded men, including Marines, arrived aboard the Essex, the crew heard U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson, as well as the Navy’s Chief of Operations deny news reports that U.S. ships were off the Cuban coast. On April 22, 2011, the Bangor Daily News wrote a story about Torrey Sylvester of Houlton, Maine. Torrey had served on board the USS Conway 507 and was part of the invasion group with the Essex. Rothstein had met Torrey when he lived in Maine and had many conversations about the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Fifteen years earlier, Torrey had written a story about the Bay of Pigs Invasion and had sent it to the Naval Institute Proceedings for publishing. They wouldn’t print it because it was too sensitive. In May of 2011, Rothstein went to the local American Legion Club in Paynesville, Minnesota. As he entered, his old classmate from Paynesville High School, Billy Quarfot, greeted Rothstein saying, “Hey, after fifty years, you are not a xxxx anymore. Look at the story in the VFW magazine of April, 2011. It verifies that the Essex was involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion.” The story was written by Tim Dyhouse and gave a brief description of the ships and personnel involved in the attack. Rothstein smiled; he had known the truth for fifty years.
  25. In early March of 1961, the Essex was at its homeport in Quonset, Rhode Island, when strange things started happening. Sailors were dispatched for rifle squad practice with a Marine leading the team. Old timers (salts) stated that this had not happened since WWII; something was up. The Essex sailed to the Norfolk Virginia Navy Shipyards. On Sunday morning, all liberty and leaves were cancelled. Train cars loaded with supplies pulled up next to the ship and the supplies were loaded onto the Essex. The word was that the Essex was going to Nova Scotia for special operations. On Monday morning, as the Essex set sail, Rothstein was ordered to Winch #2 to prepare to take on cargo. Rothstein was the winch operator with his assistant, J.C. Adams. Armed Marines and sailors were posted everywhere; only authorized personnel were allowed on deck. The Essex pulled alongside a heavily guarded barge with two long cylinders on the deck. Rothstein loaded both cylinders on board and watched as they were sent below deck in the bomb elevator. They were “special” bombs. The Essex then headed for the open sea in due haste. When the Essex reached the Atlantic Ocean, it made a sharp turn to starboard (right). We were going south. If the Essex was going to Nova Scotia, it would have made a turn to port (left). Something big was up. As the Essex began to near the coast of Florida, a squadron of US Navy jets was seen approaching the Essex; they did a fly-by and prepared to land. The Essex was not designed for jets; now it had been modified to have jets land and take-off. We knew for sure something out of the ordinary was going on. When it got dark, the Captain of the Essex, Captain Searcy, advised the crew that they were on a special mission. The Capt. ordered “Darken Ship and No Communication” was in effect until further notice. We were advised we were going to Cuba. General Quarters was sounded. We were going to war. Every day after that, till three days before the Bay of Pigs invasion, we practiced for the invasion. The jets were painted white; the only markings were numbers on the planes. The numbers on the ships were painted over. The flags were taken down. When refueling and replenishing occurred, the flags would be raised as the ships started their approach and lowered again immediately. Three days before the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the bombing, to soften up the beach at the Bay of Pigs, started. At night we headed to the beach. The Destroyers would go closer and bombard the beach. During the day, we would head out to sea and re-supply. On the day of the invasion, at approximately 0315 hours, Rothstein was manning the helm of the Essex when Capt. Searcy came out of his quarters. The Captain’s Quarters are on the Bridge during operations. Captain Searcy informed the crew on the Quarter Deck that the President of the United States, John F Kennedy, had just ordered him to stop bombing the beach. Capt. Searcy knew that the revolutionaries would be killed. He was pissed but, “Orders were Orders.” The next three days were spent bringing survivors and bodies on board. Rothstein again manned Winch #2 and the bodies were brought aboard in cargo nets and put in boxes and then taken to reefers. There were many cargo nets of bodies; it was a gruesome sight to behold. The Bay of Pigs was lost and it would seal the fate of John Kennedy. You do not double-cross the OP40 operatives. One of the leaders of the revolution was CIA Operative Frank Sturgis of OP40. He was one of the operatives left behind in Cuba and was imprisoned. Sturgis and Rothstein would meet again years later. Detective Rothstein, of the New York City Police Department, would arrest Frank Sturgis when he came to New York to kill Marita Lorenz. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20008&page=3 ----------------------------------------------------------- The above is excerpted from a topic on the Forum concerning retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein. Rothstein, as a young man, was a sailor in the U.S. Navy was assigned to the Essex. He describes above the "special" bombs, actually nuclear bombs, that were hoisted onto the ship and then into the area below. He helped hoist them aboard. That was how serious the U.S. considered the Bay of Pigs operation. He also maintains that from the Essex U.S. planes took off and dropped bombs on Cuba for three days. There was significant U.S. air power exercised before the Bay of Pigs operation was aborted. He says the pilots of our planes were the elite. They wore white uniforms, instead of the usual color, but refused the request from their commander that they leave their dog tags behind before taking off. He is willing to talk to any forum member about this. He has a wealth of information about the Bay of Pigs and is friend of others who were actually involved in the military operation and who are willing to disclose what they know. Please contact me if you want to talk to Detective Rothstein on the phone and I shall supply his phone number.
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