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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Dr. Cyril Wecht: Medical Aspects of the Kennedy Assassinations September 27, 2014 http://www.c-span.org/video/?321702-2/medical-aspects-kennedy-assassinations
  2. THE LBJ TAPES RFK VS LBJ Published May 13, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGg5XFkHjdY&feature=youtu.be
  3. Jim Marrs and John Barbour on Coasttocoastam tomorrow http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2014/11/16
  4. Newsmax TV to Air World Premiere of 'I Killed JFK' Thursday, 13 Nov 2014 03:26 PM Marking the 51st anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination on Nov. 22, 1963, Newsmax TVwill air the explosive, world premiere one-hour documentary "I Killed JFK" on Thursday Nov. 20, at 9 p.m. ET. The documentary adds to the diverse programming featured on Newsmax TV, the new news, information and lifestyle channel that is currently ramping up to a formal roll-out in 2015. Produced by Barry Katz Entertainment, "I Killed JFK" features never-before seen footage of the confessed killer of President Kennedy. The film presents compelling forensic and eyewitness evidence previously unavailable to the public. The documentary also includes interviews with the alleged assassin as well as two former FBI agents who found the assassin’s confessions credible. http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/Newsmax-TV-I-Killed-JFK/2014/11/13/id/607211/#ixzz3J0hJTA1Q
  5. Gaeton Fonzi on David Atlee Phillips Published October 18, 2014
  6. Cold War II: Interview with Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2014/10/24/cold-war-ii-interview-with-nikolay-patrushev-secretary-of-the-russian-security-council/
  7. Nixon Library releases previously classified audio By GILLIAN FLACCUS Nov. 6, 2014 6:50 PM EST http://bigstory.ap.org/article/80418515650b427b874a9f1c04dcc301/nixon-library-releases-previously-classified-audio SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — Newly declassified segments from the diary of President Richard Nixon's chief-of-staff provide a detailed, subtle portrait of the disgraced president as H.R. Haldeman recounts both moments of high-stakes diplomacy and unscripted daily life that would never make a White House memo or official document. More than 40 years after Haldeman made his last audio diary recording, the Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum in Yorba Linda on Thursday released 285 segments from entries spanning from 1970 to 1973. At the time, Nixon was engaged in delicate diplomacy that would lead to treaties to limit nuclear armaments and a reopening of China to the world. The segments include a reference to top-secret intelligence briefings the Nixon administration provided to China, and reveal Nixon's private musings as he wrangled with the then-Soviet Union over limiting nuclear weapons. Mixed in among the accounts of top-level diplomacy, however, are revealing nuggets of daily life: Haldeman surprising Nixon as he smoked a Russian cigarette after long negotiations with Soviet leaders, for example, and Nixon's team struggling to stay sober at a Chinese banquet as they felt obligated to drink toast after toast with top communist officials. This combination makes the diaries unique and reveals almost as much about Nixon as it does about Haldeman, said Luke Nichter, a Nixon expert and history professor at Texas A&M University. "It adds to this tapestry that we have on Nixon that we don't have on anyone else," he said. "These are not the White House talking points. This is what was really going on." Much of Haldeman's account of Nixon's February 1972 trip to China was made public earlier. But the declassified segments show the tension that was building between National Security Advisory Henry Kissinger and Secretary of State William Rogers as they tried to draft a communique about Taiwan that would satisfy China and conservatives back home. Kissinger set the stage for Nixon's groundbreaking China trip with secret diplomatic meetings, while Rogers essentially was cut out. As talks on Taiwan drew to a close, Rogers insisted on presenting changes to the communique that almost derailed the entire process, the declassified entries show. "Henry said that we now have a massive problem, because he took Rogers's alterations in and the PRC really blew up," Haldeman said on Feb. 26, 1972. "So, poor Henry's had to struggle with that situation now. He sounded pretty tired, but said he was going to work it out somehow." Later, Haldeman alludes to a top-secret intelligence briefing to a top Chinese defense marshal concerning the threat to China from Soviet military forces along the Chinese-Soviet border. The disclosures were part of Nixon's strategy of playing one communist country against the other to American advantage, but those intelligence briefings remained secret for decades until memos were declassified in 2003 after years of legal challenges. In his diary, Haldeman mentions them almost in passing before moving on to a description of his visit to the Forbidden City. The Chinese defense official "at dinner last night expressed enormous gratitude for the briefing we gave him on intelligence and so on, and that he had reported that to Chairman Mao, who was also very impressed," Haldeman said in the Feb. 25, 1972, entry. "He said no one had ever dealt with them in such a straightforward fashion before and that they deeply appreciated it." Reading about such a high-stakes diplomatic move through Haldeman's eyes is exciting for historians, Nichter said. "We were sharing more with (the Chinese) than we were sharing, not only with our allies in the region, but also with Europe and our other allies around the world — and that's shocking," he said. "This is what historians have long said, and Kissinger wouldn't talk about it." The declassified recordings also include an entry from a Cabinet meeting Nixon held the day the U.S. and former Soviet Union announced a breakthrough in talks to limit nuclear armaments in 1971, material on the Pentagon Papers, Vietnam talks and diplomatic negotiations with India, Pakistan and Israel. Haldeman, who died in 1993, kept a diary from 1969 to 1973, but switched from written to audio recordings in 1970. Eleven segments remain classified.
  8. Former News of the World executive Ian Edmondson jailed for phone hacking The 45-year-old former News of the World executive at the centre of the phone hacking scandal admitted offence The Telegraph November 7, 2014 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/phone-hacking/11215669/Former-News-of-the-World-executive-Ian-Edmondson-jailed-for-phone-hacking.html
  9. JFK Assassination Conference in Arlington, Texas Nov. 22-24 http://jfkconference.com/ Speakers: http://jfkconference.com/?page_id=11
  10. Yes, I would agree, John. Secret Agenda by Jim Hougan comes the closest to the truth, closely followed by Silent Coup by Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin. Len Colodny's files on Watergate are now at Texas A&M University. These will prove invaluable for future research. Here is a list of the files: http://watergate.brightpixelstudio.com/Content/Colodny%20Collection%20tape%20Interview%20list.pdf
  11. Yes, John, it pretty much happened as portrayed in the film although people who know me claim there is no resemblance between me and the actor who portrayed me. But his acting made for good theater. After the U.S. national elections are over next week and the media uproar dies down, I plan to post on the forum my memoir on Watergate, which contains a few new revelations. My hope is that those persons who are interested in the scandal will recognize the memoir as a meaningful contribution to the historical record.
  12. http://www.infowars.com/secret-project-created-weaponized-ebola-in-south-africa-in-the-1980s/print/ http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/cia-threatened-to-kill-me-basson-claims-1.69659#.VFJE0WctCM9 http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2001/01/15/the-poison-keeper
  13. The weekend Watergate unraveled: Bob Woodward and John Dean on Ben Bradlee and the still-missing tape By Jonathan Karl, Richard Coolidge and Jordyn Phelps Power Players October29, 2014 http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/power-players-abc-news/the-weekend-watergate-unraveled--bob-woodward-and-john-dean-on-ben-bradlee-and-the-still-missing-tape-113934239.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory
  14. John: In answer to your query, I had only one occasion to meet Ben Bradlee during Watergate. The first article in the Washington Post about the case appeared on Sunday, June 18, 1972, the day after the arrest of the five burglars inside the Democratic National Committee's offices in Watergate. Its title was "5 Held in Plot to Bug Democrats' Office Here." One of the reporters, Bob Woodward, had approached me Saturday afternoon at the arraignment of the burglars in court and started asking questions. I was not in a position to provide answers without saying something that could possibly incriminate Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy who had fled the crime scene and not been arrested. As Woodward wrote in that first article, "Caddy, who says he is a corporate lawyer, attempted to stay in the background of yesterday's 4 p.m. court hearing. He did not argue before Superior Court Judge James A. Belson himself but brought another attorney, Joseph A. Rafferty, Jr., who has experience in criminal law, to do the arguing." There were additional adversarial articles about me in the Post during the first month, such as on July 2, "Jury Probes Lawyer in 'Bug' Case" and on July 13, ""Bug" Case Attorney to Testify." On August 4, 1972, an editorial in the Post declared, "The lawyer for the five suspects fought fiercely to avoid being questioned by the grand jury." Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein jointly zealously investigated my role in the case as it evolved. In August 1972 I attended a luncheon for lawyers at which Ben Bradlee was the speaker. After his talk I went up to where he was seated and handed him my business card. He studied it for about half a minute, and looked up at me and remarked, "This is an interesting case, would you not agree?" I involuntarily nodded my head in agreement, which surprised him. He started to ask me something more but fortunately the moderator of the luncheon intervened and our brief meeting ended. I certainly did not want to get into an extended conversation with him. On September 25 of this year, Woodward and Bernstein were the featured speakers at a lecture series in Houston, where I reside. At the reception beforehand, I re-introduced myself to them, this after 40 years since I last saw them. They initially reacted as if they had seen a ghost, but then were genuinely delighted to renew acquaintances after such a period. They spontaneously autographed a copy of their book, "All the President's Men," for me, with Woodward writing, "Many thanks," and Bernstein writing "Holy S---!". Such was their surprise at seeing me. A photograph of the three of us appears as my profile photo on my Facebook page.
  15. I posted this excellent essay about Ben Bradlee on my Facebook page.
  16. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/book-watergate-tapes-august-26518638
  17. Lead Investigator in Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Quits — and if These Charges Are True, the Reason Why Is Quite Ironic Oct. 28, 2014 9:46pm Oliver Darcy The Blaze http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/10/28/lead-investigator-in-secret-service-prostitution-scandal-quits-and-if-these-charges-are-true-the-reason-why-is-quite-ironic/
  18. Paul: John Newman's presentation was masterful but it required intense concentration to keep track of all the names involved. So many of the names were those used by one person - David Atlee Phillips - that I am inclined to think Tony Sforza was Phillips. Maybe another forum member can provide the definitive answer. I was most interested in Newman wanting to talk about the PP section of the CIA, which apparently played the key role as its staff members went back to the OSS. Newman mentioned Howard Hunt as being a staff member and at the end of his presentation he asked for the slide about PP to be put up but the moderator unfortunately adjourned the presentation at that key point. One audience member wanted to dominate the Q&A and that wasted valuable time. I agree with Newman's methodology, which is to build brick by brick the case for proving beyond a reasonable doubt the assassination of JFK was a CIA dark operation. His analytical skills may make this possible. I cannot praise him enough. Newman's description of LBJ's role in the cover-up confirmed what many of us always believed and laid the groundwork for asking the question: Was LBJ at the top of the pyramid of conspirators, as Howard Hunt alleged in his deathbed confession? http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKphillips.htm
  19. John: Did Philby, Burgess or McLean serve in the British Embassy in Seoul during the early years of the Korean War? The reason I ask is that journalist Alice Widener visited General MacArthur in his retirement suite in the Towers of the Waldorf in New York City and he told he that almost every major strategic decision that he made while commanding the U.S. forces in Korea against the North Koreans was soon leaked to the communists by a high level spy.
  20. http://whowhatwhy.com/2014/10/26/the-deep-state-and-the-bias-of-official-history-2/ A new article by Peter Dale Scott
  21. AT LEAST TWELVE QUESTIONS JOHN DEAN DOESN'T WANT TO ANSWER By Roger Stone Mr. Dean, in your new book "the Nixon Defense" you largely omit your own role in Watergate saying those who want to understand what you did should read your book "Blind Ambition." Yet when confronted under oath about discrepancies between your sworn testimony and that book you said you didn't write Blind Ambition blaming it on ghost writer Taylor Branch and later on your editor Alice Mayhew both of whom denied it. In fact you said you never even read Blind Ambition before it was published. http://www.watergate.com/John-Dean/John-Dean.aspx You claim your book "the Nixon Defense" is based on new transcripts never before released to the public. In view of that fact that the New York Times reported your "friend" Professor Stanley Kutler was caught red handed changing the order and combining transcripts of Nixon's tapes to improve the way you look, why won't you make your secret transcripts available to an independent third party to verify their accuracy? You remember Kutler. You wrote the introduction to his book. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/01/washington/01kutler.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 You admit that you learned that transcripts of the Watergate bugs were being sent to White House Aide Gordon Strachan on June 19, 1972 yet you told Nixon that that there was no White House connection to Watergate until March 17 1973. Why did you lie to Nixon for nine months? You say your book The Nixon Defense is the definitive account of Watergate yet you either truncate or omit entirely your taped conversations with Nixon of March 13, 16, 17 and 20 1973 in which you can clearly be heard urging Nixon to commit crimes. What kind of lawyer urges his client to break the law? What did you mean when you told Nixon "we will win" at the end of the March 16th 1973 conversation? How did you fail to mention in the Nixon Defense that it was you who destroyed the notebook found in Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt's White House safe? Jack Caufield and Anthony Ulascewicz, both decorated ex-New York Cops who worked for you in the White House say in their published memoirs that you directed them to case out the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate six weeks before the break-in thus proving you had prior knowledge. Why should we believe you and not them? Pulitzer prize winning investigative journalist Clark Mollenhoff confirmed that Watergate burglar James McCord testified to the Watergate grand jury and the Senate Watergate Committee that you had prior knowledge of the Watergate break in. Why should we believe you and not him? Jeb Stuart Magruder testified under oath in a deposition that you were among those pushing the Gemstone break-in plan and that you had prior knowledge of the break-in. Why should we believe you and not him? (The Strong Man, James Rosen, Doubleday) You had access to the FBI’s investigation of the break-in. Why did you fail to tell the President that after repeated searches, the FBI was unable to find a working bug inside the DNC? Didn't you think it was relevant? How did your forget to mention that you ordered your investigator John Caufiled to dangle Executive Clemency to Watergate Burglar James McCord? How much money did you pay the seventh Watergate burglar Lou Russell to hide out in Silver Spring , Maryland after the Watergate arrests? Why do amounts traced to his bank account coincide with dates and amounts that you took from White House political funds? Why have you falsely denied your connection to mob connected high priced call girl and Madam Heidi Rikan who's call girl ring was supplying prostitutes to the Democratic National Committee? Why is you name and private phone numbers in her little black book? Didn't you really orchestrate the Watergate break-in to secure records of these connections as well as your own wife's past ? Why was Watergate burglar Eugenio Martinez arrested with the key to the desk drawer where a portfolio of photos of the available call girls were kept? Why are parts of your wife's testimony and in exhibits in your lawsuit unsuccessful lawsuit against Saint Martin's Press - a suit that was withdrawn-not settled, sealed? President Nixon had no prior knowledge of the break-in. So who were you protecting when you orchestrated the cover-up - the President or yourself?
  22. September 26, 2014 Kennedy Assassination and the CIA John Newman talked about declassified documents and codenames related to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Cuba, and the assassination… read more John Newman talked about declassified documents and codenames related to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Cuba, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  This was part of “The Warren Report and the JFK Assassination: A Half Century of Significant Disclosures,” a conference marking the 50th anniversary of the release of the Warren Report. http://www.c-span.org/video/?321703-3/kennedy-assassination-cia
  23. Kent Courtney, a close friend of Guy Banister, reported that he witnessed Mary Banister burning many of her husband's files after his death. http://www.jfk-online.com/jpskentchsca.html
  24. Paul: While I was in the U.S. Army from June to December 1961, serving my country on leave from being National Director of Young Americans for Freedom, YAF had a coup in its leadership. William Rusher, publisher of National Review, had spent his adult life in Young Republican national politics and wanted to bring YAF under his control as an adjunct of the Young Republican National Federation(YRNF). The reason YAF had been created was to appeal to youth outside of the YRNF. But Rusher wanted to control it like he controlled the YRNF from behind the scenes. So upon being released from active duty in the Army, I found that Rusher, using David Franke who was my close friend and who worked for National Review, had brought Richard Viguerie, a friend of Franke, up from Texas and installed in my position. I then decided to go to New York University Law School and to cease being an active member of YAF. The organization, in my opinion, lost its primary purpose. I now realize in hindsight that these internal struggles frequently happen in newly created organizations. Thus, I cannot comment on anything that occurred in YAF or its local chapters after I ceased being active in it in 1962. While I was an undergraduate at Georgetown University I had a working scholarship in the years 1957-58 at Human Events, the conservative publication. M. Stanton Evans was its managing editor. He was a graduate of Yale University and a bright dedicated conservative. Through him I came to know his father, Medford Evans, who was the regional director of the John Birch Society that included Texas and Louisiana. I introduced my mother in Houston to Medford Evans and they corresponded by mail about conservative and JBS activities in Texas and Louisiana. That is about the extent of my knowledge about the JBS in Texas and Louisiana. A lot of this history is covered in the book, "The Other Side of the Sixties", by Prof. John Andrew. http://www.amazon.com/The-Other-Side-Sixties-Conservative/dp/0813524016
  25. The Shifting Politics of Cuba Policy The New York Times Editorial October 26, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/26/opinion/sunday/the-shifting-politics-of-cuba-policy.html
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