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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. “Real Politik" with Dr. James Tracy: Interview with Kris Millegan December 17, 2014
  2. JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the Struggle for Power by John M. Newman http://www.amazon.com/dp/0446516783/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_JXEPub1VQZ1ZX Nathan Heidenheimer says: “No history library should ever be without this historiographically explosive book. There, I've said it again.”
  3. From the article: "Harrelson shot Wood point blank in the back of his head — the first American judge to be murdered in the 20th century. After two years on the lam following the slay, he was apprehended in Texas, high on cocaine, where he admitted not only to Wood’s murder but bizarrely claimed he was an accomplice in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination." http://nypost.com/2013/06/23/woody-harrelsons-father-murdered-my-brother/ http://www.amazon.com/Run-Brother-Memoir-David-Berg/dp/1476717052/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420161293&sr=1-1&keywords=Run%2C+Brother%2C+run David Berg, author of the book and the victim's brother, has written a book about Charles Harrelson. David Berg is recognized at one of Houston's finest lawyers today.
  4. Rare dramatic video of President Assad greeting his front line troops today -- New Years Day. The sense of imminent danger is palpable. Gunshots and rockets can be heard. How Assad has survived the CIA, Mossad and Saudi Arabia attempts to kill him is hard to understand. We in the U.S. only get the propaganda our Neocon government wants us to hear. This is why the video is unique.
  5. Whereabouts of U.S. Spy Released in Cuba Deal Are Unknown The New York Times December 31, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/01/world/americas/whereabouts-of-us-spy-released-in-cuba-deal-are-unknown.html
  6. We have so much to Learn from Cuba By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. December 31, 2014 www.juancole.com http://www.juancole.com/2014/12/learn-from-cuba.html
  7. 1961 | The C.I.A. Readies a Cuban Invasion, and The Times Blinks By David W. Dunlap December 26, 2014 11:30 am http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2014/12/26/1961-the-c-i-a-readies-a-cuban-invasion-and-the-times-blinks/
  8. The Cuban with a deadly secret: ‘I shot JFK.’ A compelling case for a new suspect in the Kennedy assassination By Neil Tweedie, The Telegraph | November 18, 2013 | Last Updated: Nov 18 1:24 PM ET http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/11/18/the-cuban-with-a-deadly-secret-i-shot-jfk-a-compelling-case-for-a-new-suspect-in-the-kennedy-assassination/
  9. After posting the above reply, I received the following important articles that reinforce my own assessment: http://kingworldnews.com/paul-craig-roberts-russia-china-can-save-world-2015/ http://www.mediafire.com/view/08rzue8ffism94t/China-%20Russia_Double_Helix.docx In the second link, select the 50% option at the bottom to enlarge the document for easier reading.
  10. David: No need for you to apologize. I did not take your posting personally. Actually, I viewed your comment as an opportunity to say something on the forum that I had wanted to state for some time, which can be found in my final paragraph above. I believe the assassination of JFK was a super-mega turning point in American history and gave the key conspirators the means to achieve "their ultimate goal of world domination through the exercise of unbridled military and financial power." We now live in perilous times with the threat of world nuclear war being quite real and growing. JFK foresaw this and tried to head it off over 50 years ago by opening up a dialogue with the leader of the Soviet Union. I think JFK may even have identified those who sought world domination. The latter realized JFK was implementing measures to prevent them from achieving their goal, which is why he had to be eliminated. Robert Kennedy had to eliminated for the same reason. I am certain that Putin is well aware of the personal danger he is in today as his elimination would immeasurably advance the aim of those who seek world domination through a fascist form of capitalism. Doug
  11. I never used the phrase "home-grown" in what I wrote so I do not know precisely what you mean by this. It is too open to being interpreted in various ways for me to reply.
  12. http://news.yahoo.com/bay-pigs-veterans-feel-abandoned-again-us-113538129.html Another news article about the Bay of Pigs veterans being upset with Obama's reconciliation with Castro's Cuba.
  13. It is true that strong circumstantial evidence is lacking on the alleged role of Ed Clark in the JFK assassination. It should be noted, however, that until Barr McClellan wrote his book in 2003, few people outside of Texas were aware of the close connection between LBJ and Clark and of how the records of LBJ's secret financial empire were stored on a guarded floor in Clark's law firm located a block from the Texas Capitol Building. However, a reading of Draper's article above clearly reveals how close the two were and how powerful Clark was. Draper's article reinforces Barr McClellan's assessment that was based on his having worked as an attorney in Clark's Austin firm. LBJ was diabolically clever in his exercise of power for evil purposes. Until Billie Sol Estes gave me the name of Malcolm "Mac" Wallace in 1984 and Wallace's relationship to LBJ and Wallace's alleged connection to the JFK assassination, I had never heard Wallace's name. But the historical record compiled since then shows how close the two were, which is why when Wallace was caught soon after murdering John Kinser, the lover of LBJ's sister, Josefa, in Austin in 1951, he told the arresting officer that he worked for LBJ and had to get back to Washington. LBJ's lawyer represented Kinser at the subsequent trial at which the jury found Wallace guilty of homicide with malice aforethought. However, Wallace served no time in prison because of LBJ's exercise of power from behind the scene. When I listened to the interview about seven years ago on Unknowncountry.com of the Houston doctor who asserted that he had heard the deathbed confession of someone who claimed to know the details of the JFK assassination, I sent an email to the doctor seeking more information but never heard back from him. So my attempt to investigate this line of inquiry came to naught but not for the lack of trying. The value of the JFK assassination topic is that bit by bit, brick by brick, each member is making a contribution toward determining what actually happened in this crucial event that has so affected history that its impact is still being felt today through both the domestic and foreign policies of the United States. My own assessment is that those who planned and carried out the assassination, most of whom are dead today, have been succeeded in power by a new chosen group of persons who are aligned with the same interests and outlook. They are close to achieving their ultimate goal of world domination through the exercise of unbridled military and financial power. It has taken decades for them to arrive at this key point in time. Only Russia and China -- and an Act of God, such as drastic climate change or some earth-shaking Black Swan -- stand in their way as the U.S. is no longer a functional democracy but an empire ruled by the few.
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/29/us/politics/how-nixon-let-domestic-issues-evolve.html
  15. David: Thank you for this informative historical contribution regarding Ed Clark. I am calling it to Barr McClellan's attention as he is in the midst of completing his new book and may be able to put all the dots together through research to develop a fairly complete picture. Several years ago I heard an interview on Unknowncountry.com with a Houston doctor who had heard the deathbed confession of someone whom he would not name who knew the details of JFK's assassination. The doctor was affiliated with a hospital and hospice here in Houston. Since Clark was a Texan, it makes me wonder if he was the person making the deathbed confession. Doug
  16. From the article: Rupert Murdoch’s media empire is bigger than ever, but his neocon messaging barely stands out as distinctive, given how the neocons also have gained control of the editorial and foreign-reporting sections of the Washington Post, the New York Times and virtually every other major news outlet. For instance, the demonizing of Russian President Putin is now so total that no honest person could look at those articles and see anything approaching objective or evenhanded journalism. Yet, no one loses a job over this lack of professionalism. The Reagan administration’s dreams of harnessing private foundations and non-governmental organizations have also come true. The Orwellian circle has been completed with many American “anti-war” groups advocating for “humanitarian” wars in Syria and other countries targeted by U.S. propaganda. [see Consortiumnews.com’s “Selling ‘Peace Groups’ on US-Led Wars.”] https://consortiumnews.com/2014/12/28/the-victory-of-perception-management/
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEJhdFOeHbs Barr McClellan speaking at the National Press Club upon the publication of his book.
  18. Ed Clark, LBJ’s attorney and henchman, is a central character in Barr McClellan’s book, “Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.” Here is an article by Robert Draper upon Clark’s death. Texas Monthly November 1992 http://www.texasmonthly.com/content/death-fixer
  19. The plot to kill JFK In Chicago Nov. 2, 1963 By Edwin Black The Chicago Independent November 1975 http://www.thechicagoplot.com/The%20Chicago%20Plot.pdf
  20. Gerald Ford Moving the JFK Back Wound Published on Jul 2, 2013 Interview from June 30th, 2005, with former FBI agent James W. Sibert, one of the two FBI agents who attended President Kennedy's autopsy.
  21. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/critical-decisions-after-911-led-to-slow-steady-decline-in-quality-for-secret-service/2014/12/27/48fa3cd6-7f3a-11e4-81fd-8c4814dfa9d7_story.html Article in today's Washington Post on the decline of the Secret Service.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAWFvcrp-ao&feature=player_embedded
  23. Best Evidence The Research Video 37 min Featuring David Lifton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAWFvcrp-ao
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