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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. I listened to his entire closing impeachment speech. He is a true statesman, and we need him in the Senate. He is a fighter. My first job after being graduated from Georgetown U. in 1960 was to work with Charles Edison, who lived in the Towers of the Waldorf-Astoria. He was Sec. of the Navy under President Roosevelt, and later governor of New Jersey. When I worked with him, he was chairman of the McGraw-Edison Company. He was an ardent supporter of Senator Barry Goldwater and told me that he admired Goldwater because "he is Jewish, which means he is a fighter." Gov. Edison's political philosophy was that the American Eagle needs two strong wings, a liberal one and a conservative one, if it is to fly straight. In those days Conservatism did not exist in American politics. This ideal is not a viable one today. Charles Edison, son of Thomas Edison, and I never dreamed that awakening the dormant conservatives by energizing a Conservative Movement in 1960 would turn out to be a modern-day nightmare in which today's evolved "conservatives" harbor an admiration of Putin and have no use for our Constitution and our Democracy.
  2. Nancy Pelosi delivers brutal response after McCarthy’s acting replacement orders her to vacate her office immediately - Raw Story
  3. MAGA Cult deprogramming is the first step towards sanity and redemption.
  4. Both Adam Schiff and Katie Porter would be great U.S. Senators. So would Pee-wee Herman if he were still with us. He truly was an original.
  5. I reacted too soon in making a rash assessment on Gov. Newsom's appointment. This was because I so much wanted Rep. Adam Schiff be appointed. The New York Times today has an article on the many merits of Newsom's decision. Now I see the wisdom in it. My hope is that next year Schiff will be elected the Senate in the general election.
  6. Paul Krugman on "Why MAGA Wants to Betray the Ukraine": https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/02/opinion/columnists/maga-republicans-ukraine.html?unlocked_article_code=R7TZj0hSLkp5YIiMxJbhd1F0B3qziMrweq_yfJebB9_VJO6NMe6aoupFjMLw-QzU23Y4NjBIQe63kOLYAmjI8x1wwh3JKoglw2uCCKNYdWmVhMFxfHhbYYvdlKrrg6OiP2F1H0I2Wb65_ioE-7pZoUObyPZQ1obPhz6hViFpQIcMQ6mcAu6FUh7ZA2tC0AmLxv2PGyNPHfRmVvLL8j8IOmfsTs_Y9XBVqTYVJ8mm4k_eToo6IYdHlxyqp0I7JRWCuW5raSrStcv_1ak4ZhC7cOvNlnRc_mTy2hjnKLXRTX6N1UihogpD4hMYjcMa3oM1l5w5H7d8hqR6pZDzvxwNcx9-i5uD8s3Yl_LyMrY&smid=url-share From the article: The answer is, unfortunately, obvious. Whatever Republican hard-liners may say, they want Putin to win. They view the Putin regime’s cruelty and repression as admirable features that America should emulate. They support a wannabe dictator at home and are sympathetic to actual dictators abroad. So pay no attention to all those complaints about how much we’re spending in Ukraine. They aren’t justified by the actual cost of aid, and the people claiming to be worried about the cost don’t really care about the money. What they are, basically, is enemies of democracy, both abroad and at home.
  7. From an article in today's Washington Post: Inside the meeting, Democratic leaders showed a video of McCarthy on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, in which he attempted to blame Democrats for wanting to shut down the government. The charge was a misrepresentation of the events of the past several weeks, when House Republicans were unable to fund the government with only Republican support. All but one House Democrat voted for the eventual short-term government funding bill. Democrats inside the room were “outraged” at seeing McCarthy trying to blame them, according to Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.). “His performance was a very clarifying event for Democrats,” said Connolly, who added he will vote to remove McCarthy.
  8. Rightwing activist helps fund ‘predatory payday lenders’ in supreme court case | US supreme court | The Guardian
  9. Gov. Newsom's choice to replace Senator Feinstein is so controversial and weird that it calls into question his judgment in seeking the Democratic nomination for President. Laphonza Butler's Non-California Residence Raises Questions (newsweek.com)
  10. Ron, sorry about that. The article says, "A whistleblower lawsuit against Attorney General Ken Paxton can move forward, the Texas Supreme Court ruled on Friday, setting the stage for the Republican to again face the allegations that spurred his impeachment." [Basically, it says Paxton's legal problems are not over until the fat lady sings.]
  11. Great news for Texans and freedom loving Americans everywhere Texas Supreme Court clears way for Paxton whistleblower trial (houstonchronicle.com)
  12. Joyce Vance on the threat to Trump of plea bargaining by others. https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/this-is-how-we-do-it?r=5pqyc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
  13. The super rich pay almost nothing. https://apnews.com/article/leak-tax-return-irs-charges-213909430bcaf8b50600d67bfe45f89a
  14. Paul Krugman: Hail to the fraudster in chief. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/28/opinion/donald-trump-fraud-case.html?unlocked_article_code=3uvoaj4p6SozeQTCEUKjISmIw8nFeSoMFGrMdVu54gRX82o9kqmVEttTNW_gtXv4qZGuNAlxsvwSAEx34RUcq_VcvjJnc0ci_DqFyCWKtRphe53-Ttx_3gIQt0Fil9lAmktl5rvSG2Uq3j-FMM-vGBems1IOxaNq49UV4IpBZTC6FrBYTYLpCpyCb3eeuCHer7kZEDeB1X2ywOSaoAd769YtOV5bg84TICZHTqcpuNe7Ug0KnUOjovTL2Ijo46EXaHKGNbQJYX3cANvxx0bBH5ZzwKcIsHJ2aoWH6HBtlpPe21qX8rTihUrj52Rz7dR03G9f2grnQr3kQ_HwBWLFjp8&smid=url-share
  15. Rich GOP donors to meet in Dallas to survey candidates https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/us/politics/haley-desantis-megadonor-meeting.html?unlocked_article_code=SGAd9e9-M-rmDWK_f_TOhTqv4R3mIyazzTgXzSciGuSuKsEpljPdE-ZW530WKwiWyq7H8C7o0fitQGLZ1H1ldiCHxosYxhD0WIxl23Plb8X7USsqYPJ72AL0ZfIrcswny6UmhigDcqJm4N50lCZK_rNgI5WJdPD-Jb0RwO78AjPKgL1fDhQjsTxcoygqaHigPk7ufMQqs2GxNSh1C_mGW6rElYv3sQF6X_TwQHtd2mHY6r4ovlwLmZxLTg71Zlp3y0zDDGUW4GRl-thRCmAm1VnlFT048E4i5vQP2M0LpWSU07Rz7cE__3Paab--akcwl5s0DkAn8P3ACMDvi0yDYiP1QHab0wYY-V7kT-Es&smid=url-share
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