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Sandy Larsen

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About Sandy Larsen

  • Birthday 11/18/1955

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  1. Dr. Michael Baden says that he believes the Magic Bullet Theory, and that Oswald was the lone assassin, among other nonsense. Why does he believe or say such obvious nonsense? Is he simply not too bright? Or is he participating in the coverup? Or is a CIA limited hangout? Something else? Something is wrong with him. Any opinions?
  2. The rifle in the photos doesn't match the rifle the DPD supposedly found. The sling on one is attached on the side, but attached to the bottom on the other.
  3. Didn't you read my prior posts (in this thread) Greg? I've said a number of times that I identify the man facing Gloria Calvary as Billy Lovelady. I base that identification on the following: The the man's hairline in Darnell is consistent with Lovelady's. The man is standing in the location where Lovelady was standing earlier In addition, Lovelady is nowhere else to be seen in Darnell. The guys walking down Elm St. Extension are not Shelley and Lovelady, as has been demonstrated. And I argue that the one guy in plaid shirt walking down the street isn't Lovelady. I believe that Lovelady wore a red and white striped shirt that day, not a plaid shirt. I believe that the guy with a plaid shirt in the films is a different guy. I believe that the coverup artists used Darnell as a basis for fabricating their fake narrative -- that S and L walked down Elm Ext. and into the west entrance of the TSBD... the purpose of that narrative being to discredit Vickie Adam's testimony. I believe that, when Lovelady's shirt came under question, someone in the government got the big idea of giving a duplicate shirt to Lovelady, which had to be custom made. I didn't just pull this idea out of thin air. There is evidence to support it all. For example, the shirt seen in the films has a pocket, in contrast to Lovelady's plaid shirt, which doesn't.
  4. The evidence proves they lied in every case. I don't just pull my allegations out of thin air.
  5. Right. Earlier I couldn't figure out how that dark thing could possibly be a human being because it is far too wide. But today I figured that the dark thing could be a combination of a woman in all black AND her shadow.
  6. Greg, I made an animated gif from Darnell frames that shows the man momentarily turning his head to the west. In it, it is pretty easy to make out his receding hairline and ears, and barely see his eyes and mouth. The turning of his head shows that the back of his hair is toward the TSBD, thus proving he is facing Calvary. I posted this clip years ago and I have a bookmark to the post. Unfortunately I can't access my bookmarks because I am away from home.
  7. Gloria Calvary is not blocking the view of Prayer Man's legs. Though it appears there might be another woman in all black who is. Calvary is the one standing next to the woman in all white.
  8. This simple clip from Darnell tells a lot. Zoom in and look, at the left part of the steps, for the woman in all white. Tommy Graves and I positively identified her as one of Gloria Calvary's coworkers who was standing next to her watching the motorcade, as can be seen in Zapruder. To the coworker's left is a woman in all black. This is Gloria Calvary. (Her skirt is hidden here, but in some frames it can be seen that her skirt is a lighter color... same as can be seen in Zapruder. It can be seen in the above clip that the coworker is climbing the steps. (This is more clear if you observe more frames.) In contrast, Calvary is 100% standing still, standing face-to-face just below a man I identify as Billy Lovelady. She is obviously talking to the man. You can see the man raising his head a bit. If you watch more frames, you can see him raising his heads several inches. He apparently bent over momentarily to better hear Calvary. If you were to watch later frames, you would see that the coworker has Calvary's arm and pulls it in attempt to get her to climb the stairs with her. But Calvary stays put.
  9. How can I be wrong? Baker himself said that the man was walking away from the stairwell. If the man were in a room (for example, the second floor lunchroom), it couldn't be said that he was walking away from the stairwell. Obviously Baker lied later on, just like Shelley and Lovelady lied later on. Obviously the coverup artists had enlisted their help to support their (fake) narrative.
  10. Because I believe that Oswald is holding a camera. I believe that because: The kind of camera I have in mind has a viewfinder on top. Overhead light enters the viewfinder on the top of the camera and exits the viewfinder's lens on the front of the camera. This explains the bright spot near Prayer Man's hand. When PM raises his hand, both hands go up. That is because this type of camera is held with two hands. When PM raises his hands, he raises his left hand a little more than his right, as though he is rotating a camera to it's correct orientation (i.e. with the viewfinder up).
  11. It is clear in Darnell that Calvary was standing still. In contrast, her office mate was walking up the steps. In fact, one can see that Calvary's office mate was pulling on her arm, trying to get her to go up the steps with her. I've probably studied this part of the film more than anybody else. I used a program that allowed me to singles-step through the film forward and backward so that I could easily see changes frame-to-frame. Calvary wasn't going up the steps.
  12. You are nitpicking... Baker said the man was walking away from the stairwell, which means he was in the hallway.
  13. Calvary is not going up the steps, though her office-mate (girl in all white next to her) is. If you single-step through the video, you can see Calvary's office-mate pulling on her arm, trying to get her to go up with her. Thank you Greg.
  14. Oh come on Greg. Calvary and the man (Lovelady) are very close to each other and are facing each other. Calvary is motionless, as opposed to climbing the steps. Certainly she would turn around and face the street if she weren't talking to the man. For a moment, Lovelady's head drops down. It appears that he is bending over... surely to better hear Calvary. Why else would Calvary just stand there facing the man, if not to speak to him? This is a no-brainer.
  15. A picture of Lovelady in bright lighting has been posted. The hair on the top of his is very thin and you can see his scalp on top. His scalp would be even more visible out in bright, overhead sunlight, thus making it look like a receding hairline... as is seen in the man talking to Gloria Calvary in Darnell.
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