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Cory Santos

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About Cory Santos

  • Birthday 04/01/1976

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    Law, history, politics.

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  1. In that case, why has the Kennedy family kept-and continues to keep-so many items hidden for so long? Where is the outrage over that? What are they hiding? That is, if Jim is correct. I disagree however. It is entirely plausible that some records will provide nothing to either side but will enlighten the enemy on sources and methods. Thus, who do researchers trust to make that determination? The AARB? The President? RFK, Jr.? A new board? Who?
  2. Give me time to provide a good reply. I just got back from a business trip. Thank you for the question.
  3. How were the prior releases in his financial interest? I do not follow your logic.
  4. If he does not release them with RFK’s approval due to national security, would you be okay with that?
  5. If RFK, Jr. reviews the records and says they are not relevant but are a threat to national security and should not be released, will you be okay with them not being released?
  6. Thank you. It’s unfortunate. Some members feel the need to throw mud every chance they get instead of keeping this a professional forum to talk about the JFK records. I have better things to do and I will simply ignore those type of comments going forward.
  7. Can you be professional for five minutes and not hijack a thread?
  8. Charles part of what I want this thread to be about is the historical significance of why people feel the way they do. Can you please explain all of your feelings on why the records need to be released considering what I stated above? Especially, what if the record show nothing but do jeopardize national security? What if RFK Junior looks at the records and agrees that they jeopardize national security and don’t shed any light on the assassination? Would you take his word for it or would you still want them to be released?
  9. One would expect that forum members should be excited that this fair and free election resulted in RFK, Jr. having great influence under President-elect Trump. As Mr. Kennedy wants the release of all files, one would expect that now some type of release will happen. Considering that under President Biden the records were not going to be released and presumably also if the election result had gone another way, I rather expected more enthusiasm in the forum. Nevertheless, the count down is on. Will the records show anything or be a big nothing? The real election question is who will win if the records are released, lone nutters or conspiracists? Another important question is if the records are released and show nothing either way but affect national security, what precedent will be set regarding releasing records regarding historical events and the impact upon national security-which is a very important issue. This really has serious national implications to carefully consider. Either way, I wonder if the records truly support one side over the other if, like this election, either side would accept the facts and come together. If a clear photo of Oswald in Mexico City, withheld for obvious national security reasons is released or, contra, a photo of him standing near the entrance of the TSBD exists, for example, can one side leave their built in opinions and accept the other side? I hope for America they do. I write this so the forum can monitor and note the updates to whatever does or does not happen regarding the records. One last point, my hope is that this thread will be used for serious, academic, professional discussion and not low level attacks on either side.
  10. So again, here we are at the river. Where are the moderators? Attacks by many on President Trump, Republicans, our countries institutions. All in violation of the so called forum rules. It’s very embarrassing and hardly educational.
  11. So even Cliff agrees with me on one narrow point, CIA had nothing to do with it. Again it’s a simple misinterpretation of what Pres. Trump said and what he meant.
  12. He could, and probably does, mean a benign cover up- which the CIA admits to- when referring to them being behind “it”.
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