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Micah Mileto

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  1. They were trying to provoke him into fighting back so they could justify murdering him. Not necessarily evidence for a conspiracy - that's just how cops are.
  2. I'm not even saying I think the autopsy photos are fake, it's just that they are a contendor for the worst chain of custody of any piece of evidence in the assassination.
  3. The "flap covering the hole" idea was not just exclusive to Robert McClelland and Kenneth Salyer. Wallace Milam wrote about being present at a 6/4/1993 event in which the speakers included Parkland Drs. Peters, Shaw, Carrico, Baxter, and Jenkins. Published under the title PARKLAND DOCTORS VS. DR. CHARLES CRENSHAW in the journal Dateline: Dallas, Volume 2, Numbers 1 and 2, Spring/Summer 1993, it reads (Link): ADDENDUM 1. On Thursday. June 4, I attended a symposium sponsored by the Dallas Council on World Affairs. This remarkable meeting featured a speech by Dr. John Lattimer and a panel discussion by the following Parkland doctors who were present in the emergency rooms and treated President Kennedy and Governor Connally there: Dr. Paul Peters. Dr. Robert Shaw. Dr. James Carrico, Dr. Charles Baxter, and Dr. Marion Jenkins. Drs. Kemp Clark, Robert McClelland, and Malcolm Perry had been scheduled to attend, but were not present. Drs. Carrico and Shaw were substitutions for Perry, Clark, and McClelland. [...] 3. But the highlight of the evening was the remarks of the five Parkland doctors. They their remarkable posture--support for the Warren Commission and HSCA conclusions that Kennedy was shot in the head from the rear, while at the same time adhering to their sworn statements and writings describing, a large wound in the back of the head, which they clearly believe to be an exit wound 4. I was able to speak personally with all but Baxter. I asked each specifically "When you are called to testify again about the President's wounds, will you continue to describe their nature and location in the same way you did in CE392, before the Warren Commission, and before the HSCA?" [The moderator of the meeting changed my written question from "When you are called to testify..." to "If you should have to describe . ." Each Dallas doctor said he would stick to his previous statements. 5. I was able to ask Drs. Jenkins, Peters, and Carrico about the autopsy photo which shows the occipito-parietal area of the President's head completely intact. All three doctors say the large skull defect they saw in the emergency room is underneath the scalp of the President. They say they believe the prosecutors have pulled the scalp back into place, thereby, covering the wound. 6. Clearly, this is to be the "reconciling" position for the future. I confronted each of the three Dallas doctors with these obvious problems: a. There are no incisions to indicate that any reflecting of the scalp has taken place. b. These photos are supposed to have been taken BEFORE the autopsy procedures began. c. There is a flap or scalp/bone hanging from the right side of the head anterior to the ear, in the frontal region. [They are unable to explain this.] d. Why would anyone draw the reflected scalp back over such a crucial piece of evidence as a hole in the back of the head—especially in the light of the fact that there are no pictures which show the defect? [Dallas doctors have no explanations for this.] 7. When asked the hypothetical [but obvious] question: "If this picture was taken before the autopsy began, and there is no reflected scalp here, is the condition of the President's head consistent withwhat you saw in the emergency room in Dallas?", the three Dallas doctors refused to comment. 8. It will be interesting to see how long these men can maintain this intellectually-untenable position. On 12/23/2003, Parkland Drs. Ronald Jones, Charles Baxter, Robert Grossman and Adolph Giesecke appeared together on CNN’s Larry King Live (Video [transcript]): MACK: Oh, we cover the entire subject as best we can in a neutral way. And one of the difficulties -- and this has come up in the show already -- is how to make some sense of some of these things. For example, most of the medical people at Parkland describe a big hole in the president's head in the rear or right rear, and yet the autopsy photographs and X-rays of the body don't show a big hole over here. How do you make sense of all that? KING: Dr. Jones? JONES: I think the explanation for it is that some of those films that -- and the pictures that were taken at the autopsy had pulled the scalp up and perhaps covered this large hole because you can see an occasional picture where there's an entrance wound of the skull.
  4. Where does it say this, that Robert Bouck thought there was a conspiracy? https://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/master_med_set/pdf/md123.pdf https://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/master_med_set/pdf/md125.pdf Bouck did tell the ARRB he felt there was a conspiracy https://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/master_med_set/pdf/md258.pdf
  5. Video unavailable. Reupload? Here is only the transcript https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/lkl/date/2003-12-23/segment/00
  6. Chesser and Mantik said they were denied permission the most recent time they wanted to go back and study the x-rays. Is there any way we could have some kind of effort to just go back to see whether the "T" mark is real or copied? Chesser is saying here that he may have verified physical proof of evidence substitution?
  7. I've always thought that if one day the Single Bullet Theory is ever scientifically disproven, the government and media are suddenly going to try pushing the narrative that Oswald personally modified his ammunition to make the first shot subsonic, to help quiet the sound of the shots, to explain how a 6.5 round could pierce the back and fall out of the clothing, leaving only a bone fragment to exit the throat, or if it transited the body and barely exited the throat and fell into the limo.
  8. How do you keep a conspiracy of 3 or more people? Do you immediately give up and declare "three people can keep a secret, but only if two of them are dead"? Or, do you give it the old College try? The Nazi SS were specially selected through numerous filters to create a team of the biggest jerks in the world. And what about a team made up of people who have secrets of their own to hide, or addictions to feed? A person doesn't need to be James Bond to suffer and risk their life maintaining lies. Maybe they aren't that hard to find if you look in the right places. Maybe normal is a myth.
  9. I am not a back-of-head wound theorist. But to be fair, nobody has disproven that a staged x-ray could be made using a substitute brain like James Curtis Jenkins suggested, or merely re-arranged brain or other matter like plaster. Humes said they assisted the morticians, and I think it was either Paul O'Connor, Tom Robinson or John Van Hoesen who at one point said that they had to remove excess plaster from the skull cavity because they used too much at first. Then, what if the skull and skull fragments were rearranged? And we already know the HSCA's interpretaton of the open-cranium photos are impossible unless a piece of the back of the skull was replaced after removing to fit the brain through. If you have no specific answer but to say that back of the skull on the x-rays looks "too smooth", wouldn't that just sound like the earlier conspiracy researchers who incorrectly argued the black patch on the face represented damage rather than trapped air which created an illusion of a "smooth" looking black hole thorugh the skull bone?
  10. I don't know, Cliff. What if the clothing was starched around the collar and that's how a peculariar bunching situation could've happened? Have experiments been done on replicating the clothing holes and motorcade photos by playing around with starch on the fabric?
  11. Somebody needs to go see the x-rays and check to see whether the emulsion over the "T" really is unbroken, but I fear another Prayer Man situation where suddenly it becomes impossible to do a bit of checking up.
  12. The NARA website has published high-quality copies of the autopsy protocol without Burkley's signature. Burkley's signature is probably not there because copies were made of the protocol before Burkley wrote his signature on them. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7460586?objectPage=7
  13. Lifton ultimately ended up saying he wasn't sure whether Oswald the person on the Sixth Floor holding a rifle out the window, as shown in this December 2021 appearence: https://youtu.be/Rhqz9BiO2T8?feature=shared&t=2286 https://youtu.be/Rhqz9BiO2T8?feature=shared&t=2286
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