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Terry Adams

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About Terry Adams

  • Birthday 08/03/1951

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    Whitesburg, Ky

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  1. Thank you Joseph, I have edited the quote to show that. Much appreciated!
  2. "The FBI also did not support the SBT as they believed all three shots that were fired hit their mark in both men. They still promote this today as they never accepted the claim of witness James Tague who stated that he was hit by a ricochet from a bullet that missed the presidential limousine totally." George Bernard Shaw I have always thought that what was seen on his face that day was a reopened cut from a recent shave.
  3. David Von Pein wrote: Each of those gunmen chose a high perch from which to carry out their attempted assassinations. And both shooters were lucky enough to find themselves being left completely alone for a number of minutes prior to firing their rifles, with no witnesses or bystanders or police officers directly interfering in any way with their preparations as they each got into position to shoot at their respective political targets. In the attempted Trump assassination, Crooks did have police interference. An officer climbed up on the roof and was raising himself upon a ledge to get a better look only to see Crooks pointing his rifle at him. The officer quickly dropped back down out of sight. Crooks then turned and took his shots at the President. The fact that Crooks was rushed to get off the shots, most likely, is the reason (along with Trump turning his head) that the former President was hit in the ear rather than in the head.
  4. Dr. Wecht was an amazingly intellectual person, yet, he could give an hour long description of the wounds that were inflicted upon the president, while explaining that they could not have been caused in any other way than that which he described. And, all being done in a way that everyone in the room could understand, regardless of educational background. He was truly one of a kind, in so many ways, and the lack of his presence will be extremely noticeable in any major forum discussing the assassination. He will be sorely missed!
  5. Sandy, whomever responds to your posting issue may help me too. I can't make a new topic. I try but forum software says I need to do something else. I would hope that someone would walk me through the process of starting a new topic. I hope you don't feel badly about my jumping on your wagon with you.
  6. Joseph, everyone else on the forum, I am so sorry. I thought I had looked the forum over and found it clear on the subject before I posted! I will try to be more careful next time!!
  7. https://www.dallasnews.com/arts-entertainment/2021/03/03/marie-tippit-widow-of-dallas-police-officer-gunned-down-by-lee-harvey-oswald-dies-at-92/
  8. Vince, I just watched this film of Oswald. In fact, I watched it 3 times. I have seen most of this many times over the years. I had not seen the clip that shows the reporter reading about Oswald's reaction when the complaint was read, in court, that he had killed the president. Oswald's response was "that's ridiculous" Oswald was either an amazing actor or he didn't shoot anybody, as he said.
  9. Why didn't Bobby refuse to ride in it? It's not like it would have changed anything in his relationship with Johnson anyway!! This is strange!
  10. Obviously, very thorough work on this. And very convincing. The Warren Commission really did not believe the masses would read their report, and they were correct. LBJ's response when receiving his copy was "It's Heavy". I also doubt he did any reading other than a summary. So, we believed what we were told.
  11. "You can see and feel a whirlwind of self-preservation and probably guilt emotion thoughts going on in his head. imo." Joe Bauer Joe, I have watched that interview a few times over the years, and I believe LBJ might have been doing a little bit of 'confessing'. His body language, especially the eyes darting around and then looking down as he talked seemed to indicate, at least to me, that he wanted to get something on the record.
  12. In my opinion, I have always believed Oswald used the iron sights, that is, for the 2nd and 3rd shot. I believe that he had every intention of using the scope, but when he missed so wildly with the 1st shot, he realized that he must use the sights on the rifle, if he has any kind of chance of scoring a hit with the Carcano!
  13. Micah, i am afraid that your statement is just wishful thinking,IMO. The powers that be will never upset the apple cart (ie: warren commission report)
  14. Going down the front steps (of the old homeplace) to go with my Uncle squirrel hunting. I had just reached the bottom steps when he said, "your boy's been shot". I said, "what are you talking about, Billy Joe?". he then told me that Robert Kennedy had been shot. I ran back inside and turned the television on and never left it again until Bobby passed away. i was 17 years old.
  15. Looking forward to getting your new book, Vince. I will be watching for the pre-publish date that allows us to order it!!
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