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K K Lane

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  1. Thank you for the constructive idea. I enjoyed the light-hearted back-and-forth on page 1, but then inevitably the thread got toxic, so I very much appreciate your effort to elevate.
  2. Thx for this update. Morley has made a persuasive case that NARA-driven government disclosures on JFKA have been useful, but I maintain that only a motivated proactive effort from within the federal government will provide major advances in our JFKA understanding. By "motivated proactive effort" I mean someone at the top levels who has the authority and overt desire to re-create Church committee transparency on JFKA and related matters.
  3. It may not be a mod "conspiracy." I started the first thread on the Trump assassination - comparing it to JFKA in making the point that JFKA had a more organized feel to it. Unfortunately the thread got completely hijacked by folks making (silly) political points. I actually asked the mods to move my thread to political discussions. I didn't catch your thread but maybe the mods just (quite reasonably) decided anything Trump related can't avoid politics.
  4. Moderators: I started this thread and I now request that this thread be moved to political discussions because a couple people have hijacked the thread to push their political views and advance hoaxes that even Snopes has exposed. My initial motivation for this thread was the comparison of various ad hoc assassination attempts to the seemingly better organized JFKA. The people who hijacked this thread have made such a comparison/discussion impossible.
  5. Fair point. That interview with the red-head scares me, frankly. As with JFKA the line between incompetence and conspiracy is blurry.
  6. My reaction: there SEEMS to be a difference between random-assasination attempts (Trump, Ford, Reagan) and JFK (and MLK that seemed more organized by government elements. Again,this difference isn't dispositive, of course, but I find myself more and more thinking JFK, RFK and MLK are a different breed of assassination.
  7. Thanks, JIm. Great substack article. It's amazing that even after several years of JFKA deep-diving, there's stories like this that come up that I'd never heard of. How do you assess the claims he made? What corroboration is there and what do you think was in the picture at the home of Ruby's sister?
  8. The biggest challenge for LNers: the earwitnesses and Z-film show shots too close together for LHO to execute with the alleged murder weapon. The biggest challenge for CTers: proving an alternative theory. It's shocking to me that the CTers can't agree on virtually anything: whether the Z-film or medical evidence was faked, whether there was a second LHO, what the shot sequence was... The absence of a clear CT consensus strengthens the LN argument.
  9. Thanks, Pat. I'm through the first 90 minutes, and it's been fantastic. Never having met you it was great to see and hear you.
  10. I started this thread to discuss the claim that Trump has been shown information (that he can't share) about JFKA that prevented him from releasing more JFKA documents. This post then went on an entirely different - but sometimes interesting - diversion to political topics unrelated to my initial post. Now, speaker Mike Johnson has admitted that he changed his long-held views on FISA after becoming speaker and being shown intelligence that he can't share with either the public or even other Congressman. I recall Chuck Schumer's "warning" that senators and congressmen must be careful going against the intelligence community because the IC has so many ways of exacting revenge. How can the truth emerge about JFKA (or how can the country make sound public policy at all) if the IC can always make unchallengeable security claims that can't be publicly shared to get their way?
  11. Thanks for your input and your mention of Todd Kosovich. Although I'm a CT'er I recognize and appreciate the extensive resources you've organized and shared as well as your contributions to this forum.
  12. David, did you grab the Perry video that VP posted that then was taken down? It's this type of situation that prompted my initial question: I don't want to "lose" important videos. Your archives are valuable and cover quite a bit of history. You wrote that you don't cover CT-related videos. Do you know of anyone else who has organized JFKA videos?
  13. David: Could you please explain the extent of your video archive? Do you capture any video that surfaces on JFKA - like, for example, the Dr. Perry video posted by VP in the other thread? And I noticed some of the Dan Rather Youtube videos from the assassination weekend were taken down. Do you have copies of them? Generally, what's your goal with capturing JFKA videos? Thanks.
  14. This is a political post that has nothing to do with JFKA. Please move it to political discussions.
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