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Gerry Down

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  1. No talk of shrapnel here. Could he have been shot? The bullets were flying into the crowd, lots of opportunities for grazing injuries on people from the bullets.
  2. Well he's right in one sense. People are questioning that, but those people have not provided any evidence of shrapnel heading Trumps way, or where such shrapnel might have come from.
  3. Elm street was sloped. So there was a safety factor there. I wonder which is more sloped - Elm street or the Butler roof.
  4. I'll help you out Steve as you don't seem to understand. The bullet that entered the front of the throat and the bullet that entered the back were fired at the same time. Two different assassins. The bullet that entered the front of the throat struck the bullet that entered the back, mid-way inside JFKs neck. The bullets bounced off each other. The bullet that entered the front of the throat richoched back out the same hole it went in. The same with the bullet that entered from the back. The bullet that exited out the back hole landed on the top part of JFKs seat where Landis found it but then forgot about it for 50 years until he remembered it recently. The bullet that exited back out the front of the throat wound went on to hit Connolly.
  5. How do you think the rifle got so far away from his body?
  6. I would imagine if the bullet just grazed the ear, it would leave the type of wound described. Perhaps a millimetre contact. But I'm not a ballistics expert.
  7. I think no sutures were needed because the wound was 2cm wide and the ear is cartilage. You can't suture a 2cm wide wound. Just best to leave it and put some gauze on it.
  8. That's close enough for me. It sounds like the one bullet passed through both.
  9. You're not suggesting you can decipher 1/8 of an inch off blurry Dealey plaza photos are you?
  10. Agreed. We should be able to discuss the Trump assassination attempt in relation to the JFKA. We are not. Why? Because Trumps would-be assassin was a registered Republican, and left-wing individuals on this forum want Crooks to be a LN as a result. They don't want to entertain the idea that he was a patsy framed by left-wing entities. The JFKA assassination is a different matter. Left-wing individuals on this forum are happy to endorse the idea that the left-wing LHO was a patsy framed by right-wing entities. I've got a feeling that if LHO was a registered republican, alot of people who currently view LHO as a patsy would insist he was a LN. Its a shame politics comes into the JFKA like this. We should be able to study and research the JFKA independent of political viewpoints.
  11. I never said Oswald was a lone nut. I think he's still a mystery 60 years later.
  12. I'm too busy studying the JFKA to have time to study the 9/11 attacks.
  13. That's why they call them the 9/11 hijackers. They took over a plane. Like one would take over a thread.
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