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Donald Diabo

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Posts posted by Donald Diabo

  1. correction. there were 4 bullets in all, 3 hulls on the floor and 1 that was in the chamber when the rifle was found. i think it was captain fritz who cycled the rifle and an unfired round ejected.

    hence, my question , again goes along with this is, why cycle the rifle to load a fourth round when the damage was done?

    time, being of the essence for escape, why load a fourth round? then hide the rifle?

    time was of the utmost essence but the supposed shooter had time to load a fourth round then hide the rifle. is it clear now?

  2. i lived in north dallas back in the '80's. i loved it. had many friends.

    i often visited dealy plaza.

    when the 6th floor meuseum opened, i was there too.

    i witnessed a conversation, which i am positive, between posner and robert groden.

    i overheard a loud conversation between them i opened my big mouth in agreement with one of them on a certain point one of them made concerning the assassination.

    they both looked at me, dumbfounded. i felt so stupid to have intruded on they're conversation.

    i am sure it was posner but it could have been groden or oliver stone.

    gary mack was ever present.

    one day before i say goodriddance, i shall return to the place i once lived.

  3. Nothing in the way of evidence was found so we retraced our search back down, floor by floor. Shortly after we arrived back on the 6th floor, Deputy Eugene Boone located the assassin's rifle almost completely hidden by some overhanging boxes near the stairwell. I filmed it as it was found. In my shot, the figure of Captain Fritz is standing within the enclosure next to the rifle. He knew then that the possibility of a fire fight with the sniper had greatly diminished. He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived. Still pictures were taken of the positioning of the rifle, then Lt. Day slid it out from its hiding place and held it up for all of us to see. The world has seen my shot of this many times. Lt. Day immediately turned toward the window behind him and started dusting the weapon for fingerprints. Day was still within the enclosure formed by the surrounding boxes. I filmed him lifting prints from the rifle. He lifted them off with scotch tape and placed them on little white cards. When he had finished, he handed the rifle to Captain Fritz. Fritz pulled the bolt back and a live round ejected and landed on the boxes below. Fritz put the cartridge in his pocket. I did not see Fritz pick up anything other than the live round. . . .

    tom alyea.

  4. "The presence of the cartridge in the chamber did not necessarily mean that the assassin considered firing another bullet, since he may have reloaded merely by reflex.51

    Apart from the cartridge in the rifle, three expended cartridge cases were found in the southeast portion of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, lying between the south "


  5. Recently everytime I go to the forum I am forced to log in before I can even preview posts. Quite often I would just read posts etc. only logging in to make an attempt at contribution or to view pictures.

    Does everyone else experience this. As I type there are 16 folk on the forum 7 members, 7 guests and 2 anonymous. I assume this is the whole education forum and not just the JFK section?

    Has there been a policy change applied, and if so, is it just to the JFK section?



    yes this is exactlty what is happening and i am wondering whats up, also.

    not to mention what happened a couple of days ago when somehow the bandwidth was exceeded and i had to give up on trying to read

    posts muchless log in.

    i was following the wikipedia/cia discussion at the time, then abruptly could not get a connection to the server for some time before i gave up and went to bed.

    i thought this to be an unnerving occurance.

  6. dear,lee. if you cannot find that sorf of info, what makes you believe that i could?

    i'll give it a shot (maybe three) but dont hold your breath.

    as to the post, the man did say he was open to discussion.

    oh, and happy new years and all the best, to you and yours.

    a great big CHEERS to everyone.

  7. "How could a bullet entering the back of the neck and exiting below the Adam's apple end up hitting Connally where it did? "

    it could! if fired from a lower trajectory than which the WC claims. certainly, not from the 6th floor, TSBD.

    however, i endorse nothing nor claim any proof.

    ford's reassessment of the wound causes the theory to point directly to the said snipers lair. if the former wound placement were allowed to stand in the record, it would only serve to foment

    more question by the citizen. imo.

    back in the 63, what person questioned anything the government said. writers,communists, entertainers, youth,dreamers ?

  8. dear ashton. no doubt you are a knowledgable and worldly human, and i have the utmost respect for you.

    i just wanted to say thank you. i enjoy your postings and understand and respect your opinions. your humor is a great welcome in my world.

    thanks again and keep up the great work.

    all the best to you and yours in this holiday season.

  9. it is not something particular to this forum. it is a nuisance and i have encountered it at work. it sure is a load of spam. at times i get 4 to 8 a day of that stockmarket spam crapola. i keep placing it on the blocked e-mail list but it just keeps coming. however,it should be noted that i use a shared computer at work.

    i dont get that sort of junk at home.

  10. I wish to pose questions concerning the rifle that was found on the sixth floor.

    Thus, my question; Why would a sniper, manipulate the bolt action to load the fourth bullet, if the goal was met by the "third" bullet?

    Did the sniper believe he had sufficient time to make his escape?

    Or, did the sniper expect to be caught? (time is of the essence)is it not?

    Where is the fourth bullet, that was ejected from the rifle shortly after it was found?

    I have not seen nor read any evidence as to its whereabouts.

    true, perhaps i have not stumbled upon it, yet!

    So help me out.


    I'm talking about the round that was chambered and that chief curry(i believe it was) ejected it while in the 6th floor shortly after

    the rifle was found.

    i posted this within an on going argument on this forum. it got lost.

    is this a point of concern? or not.

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