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Paul Baker

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Posts posted by Paul Baker

  1. Hi Bill,

    I guess I'm a little wet behind the ears here, compared to some of the other members of this site. I've been hanging around for quite a while, but I've read too many ridiculous posts about film alteration, and felt the need to respond in some way, even if my only form of defence is sarcasm. If common sense prevailed, I'd come up with something a little more sensible. There are a number of coherent and intelligent people that contribute to this site - you included, of course - but I believe there's a majority that serves just to obfuscate the truth, whatever that may be.

    For the record, I think Oswald did it alone. This is only because, in all the books I've read and documentaries I've watched about the assassination, I've yet to come across a convincing argument to suggest an alternative. I don't mind telling you that, because don't think you'll be offended. I can be persuaded otherwise - because I enjoy a healthy and enlightening debate, and I never mind admitting I'm wrong.


  2. In the Zapruder frame, "Gin and Tonic" man does have his right arm at a peculiar angle. It could be that his arm is in a sling, or perhaps he has his fist embedded inside a glove puppet, or he could be holding a Jack Daniels and Coke. Difficult to tell. I don't believe the Cancellare images show a man holding "several large signs", as Jack suggests.

    Let's assume that he is holding a sign. Would that be indicative of some sort of protest, akin to "Umbrella Man"? That would be a likely explanation.

    Of course, he could be holding a diagram up to Badgeman, the mythical shooter behind the fence on the knoll, to indicate precisely where to hit JFK to indicate a shot from behind. Seems unlikely.

    Why is this significant in any case? I'd be interested to know.

  3. Jean had said on Black Op Radio that she had gotten back out of the street before the first shot was ever heard.

    The interview with Jean Hill can be found at http://www.blackopradio.com/inc_favorite.html

    (The usual banal Black Op interview technique - since Jean Hill promotes the conspiracy angle, the interviewers simply nod their heads at everything she says, regardless of how ridiculous it is).

    Though I'm not sure why any of this is important. Did Lambchop shoot the president? I'm sure with increased scrutiny a certain person will be able to find the outline of a gun in its hoof.

  4. There are a few peculiarities in this story, but I can't see a definite answer. The amount of blood around the body is suspicious, given that a tight torniquet had been applied. That's assuming it wasn't applied where the body was found. Was there much blood leading up to the body from the bear trap?

    Also, it's odd that this man, as owner of the land, wasn't aware of the location of that particular bear trap. In any case, it would have been noticeable due to the chain holding it to the tree.

    There's something in there I'm missing, I'm sure ...

  5. I joined the Education Forum via links from Wikipedia whilst reading about the assassination of JFK. I'm not a teacher or academic, just an interested party. I find conspiracy theories and theorists fascinating - JFK, Apollo, Princess Diana for example - but am fairly level headed myself. In my opinion, observation - and common sense - dictates that neither the Zapruder film or any of the Apollo pictures were altered or faked. I always look for evidence first, rather than working backwards from a potentially flawed conclusion. I'm not cantankerous or dogmatic, and am as happy to be proved wrong as I am right.

    I don't have much to say in terms of relevant biography. My name is Paul Baker, I used to be 35 years old, I live in Berkshire, England, I work in IT. I hail from a scientific background - mathematics, chemistry and physics - so approach problems rationally. I'm not a serious researcher, more an observer, but will always interject with a sensible argument if I have one.

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