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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. I want to bring Obsama bin Laden to the nearest thoroughbred racetrack.

    You pick 'em, I'll bet 'em, baby.

    Anyone who can choose a day to attack U.S. air defenses when they are all but eliminated due to scheduled security exercises can place my bets any day.

    Other than that, not much new here. While I'm thinking of it, I'll find some material related to methods of penetration by intel agencies of Internet forums by utilization of cover legends. Of course this method is not foolproof; more often than not the multi-posters behind the legends give themselves away by too rapid responses and obviously mutually exclusive literary styles.

    As a matter of fact, I've already exposed such an operation targeted on this forum.

    And since the owners don't seem to mind ... never mind.

  2. My reaction to your last two posts, is to say that it is rather obvious in my opinion, that the Eisenhower Peace Summit was opposed by individuals in the United States government at some very high level.

    We're almost there.

    The Peace Summit was opposed by individuals in the United States and Soviet governments at very high levels -- and their Cold War masters.

  3. George Michael Evica, in A Certain Arrogance, explores in depth the following topics:

    The American Psychological Warfare Master

    C.D. Jackson and SHAEF

    C.D. Jackson in North Africa

    General Robert Alexis McClure: American Military Psyops and C. D. Jackson

    C.D. Jackson: America's Psyops Chief

    C.D. Jackson Spreads His Psyops Wings Across America

    Jackson and McClure in Psyops Control

    C.D. Jackson, Dulles, and the CIA

    C.D. Jackson, Eisenhower, and the Control of Psyops in America

    C.D. Jackson and the Korean Brainwashing Problem

    C.D. Jackson and the Cold War Psyops Fronts

    C.D. Jackson and the Control of Nuclear War

    C.D. Jackson and the Elite Establishment's Psyops Programs

    C.D. Jackson's Waning Power

    C.D. Jackson and the Student Exchanges and Programs

    C.D. Jackson Fades

    C.D. Jackson and Lee Harvey Oswald: Degrees of Separation

    C.D. Jackson and Dallas

    Who Manipulated Lee Harvey Oswald

    Thanks to Professor Evica, Jackson no longer is a mystery man.

  4. I first raised the issue of Napoleon Valeriano on this forum more than a year ago, and I have been investigating the topic of his role, if any, in the Kennedy murder for some time.

    Further information is forthcoming on


  5. The "Len Colby" legend (an intelligence-related term of art with which you all should be familiar) is enhanced by making "him" appear to go against type by exposing perfidy committed by the power structures "he" commonly and disingenuously defends.

    This is the equivalent of a double agent offering accurate but ultimately insignificant intel product to the target entity in order to demonstrate or enhance his bona fides.

    Get it?

  6. If Oswald is innocent of murdering President Kennedy, I wonder why he smuggled his rifle into work that day. I'd be interested to hear a reasonable explanation for that behaviour. Or is it a mere (and extremely unfortunate) coincidence? Or were they really curtain rods?

    Please see the following threads on this forum:

    "Did Oswald Take Any Rifle to the Depository?"


    "Did Oswald Ever Possess Any Rifle?"

    For a more in-depth exposition, feel free to visit


  7. What a joy it is to be savaged by an intellectual pygmy of Charles Drago's measure.

    Given his and his friends history of desperately trying to get alternative views on this forum silenced and banned I have no doubt that John's analogy, (which has caused the most recent venting of the Drago spleen), is indeed apt.

    As I say I wish him well with his new venture and believe that he will have many happy months agreeing with people that already share his views.

    However if he could now do us the courtesy of being so kind as to bugger off from here it would be greatly appreciated.

    Buggering, sir!

    P.S. -- That's "people who" already share my views.

  8. Even if you voted Ashton onto the Deep Politics Forum he would not have lasted long. It would only be a matter of time before Ashton asked one of the members a difficult question. Like the Soviet Communist Party, you cannot afford the dominant ideology to be questioned.

    Dear John,

    You have disappointed me gravely by posting a pronouncement which, in its ignorance of the facts, mindless vituperation, and overall appeal to lowest common denominator "ideas" and emotions, is worthy of the McCain-Palin hate machine.

    It gives me no pleasure to note that you have echoed the sentiments of the likes of "Colby," Burton, and "Gray."

    Judge a man by the company he keeps.

    I speak for my fellow co-founders of the DPF when I inform you, sir, that "difficult" questions which challenge our individual and, in certain cases, shared opinions on deep political issues are not only welcome on our forum, but highly encouraged.

    Yet unless you are prepared to argue that "historical truth" is an oxymoron, you are otherwise sufficiently well-equipped in terms of intellect in general and understanding of the deep political milieu in particular to understand that, in certain instances, the endless posings of long-answered questions support the agendas of those you should be sworn to defeat.

    Just one example of many: As a matter of policy and principle, we at the DPF will not extend collegial treatment or otherwise offer respect to proponents of the so-called "lone nut" JFK assassination lie -- which is to say, liars. Again I must remind you: Anyone with reasonable access to the JFK evidence who does not conclude that conspirators killed the president is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

    We are, however, honor-bound to explain the historical truth of JFK conspiracy to those who honestly ask for assistance in their efforts to gain reasonable access to the evidence.

    These distinctions are not subtle, sir. I cannot believe you are incapable of understanding them.

    So I am left to conclude that your absurd, unfounded charge leveled against me and my fellow co-founders of the DPF serves another agenda.

    Fear not, John Simkin. There are plenty of rooms in the Internet mansion to house efforts such as the EF and DPF. Ours is in the left wing, so we can't even see your quarters from here.

    Rest easy, sir. The DPF will not accept advertising, so we pose no threat to the EF's financial bottom line.

    Stand down, old sentinel. The DPF will not publish the sort of mindless, unjustified, utterly venal attack on the EF that you have published about us.

    In closing, I might note that as a matter of policy the Deep Politics Forum will not publish pseudonymous posts. On this basis alone, "Ashton Gray" is disqualified from membership.

    So then ... It's back to the Politburo for me. Here's hoping it's back to reality for you.

    Charles R. Drago

    PS -- In my original DPF announcement, I warranted that, out of recognition of the finite and costly nature of website bandwidth, I would not respond to comments posted in response. I had not the slightest intention of dignifying your previously mentioned cohorts by acknowledging their waste products. Perhaps you were emboldened by the chance to attack an enemy sworn not to counter-attack. If so, yours was an act of intellectual cowardice worthy of your forum's co-owner.

    And it backfired.


  9. Dear Members and Readers of the Education Forum,

    I am pleased to announce the launch of the Deep Politics Forum.


    The following is excerpted from our Mission Statement:

    "The Deep Politics Forum is an online community dedicated to shining light into the shadowy reaches of historical and contemporary deep political systems and their objectives, strategies, tactics, and operatives, and understanding their social, economic, and cultural consequences.

    "Our mission transcends mere academic inquiry, which we accept as an invaluable tactic in a broader strategy to wield knowledge and truth as weapons in a coordinated assault on the manipulators who operate within deep political shadows."

    I invite all members and readers of the Education Forum to visit the DPF and apply for membership.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.

    Charles R. Drago


    Deep Politics Forum

    NOTE: It is not our intention to take up valuable bandwidth on any other Internet venture. Accordingly, all questions and comments regarding the Deep Politics Forum should be sent directly to our website and will not be addressed here.

  10. Dear Members and Readers of the Education Forum,

    I am pleased to announce the launch of the Deep Politics Forum.


    The following is excerpted from our Mission Statement:

    "The Deep Politics Forum is an online community dedicated to shining light into the shadowy reaches of historical and contemporary deep political systems and their objectives, strategies, tactics, and operatives, and understanding their social, economic, and cultural consequences.

    "Our mission transcends mere academic inquiry, which we accept as an invaluable tactic in a broader strategy to wield knowledge and truth as weapons in a coordinated assault on the manipulators who operate within deep political shadows."

    I invite all members and readers of the Education Forum to visit the DPF and apply for membership.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.

    Charles R. Drago


    Deep Politics Forum

    NOTE: It is not our intention to take up valuable bandwidth on any other Internet venture. Accordingly, all questions and comments regarding the Deep Politics Forum should be sent directly to our website and will not be addressed here.

  11. Dear Members and Readers of the Education Forum,

    I am pleased to announce the launch of the Deep Politics Forum.


    The following is excerpted from our Mission Statement:

    "The Deep Politics Forum is an online community dedicated to shining light into the shadowy reaches of historical and contemporary deep political systems and their objectives, strategies, tactics, and operatives, and understanding their social, economic, and cultural consequences.

    "Our mission transcends mere academic inquiry, which we accept as an invaluable tactic in a broader strategy to wield knowledge and truth as weapons in a coordinated assault on the manipulators who operate within deep political shadows."

    I invite all members and readers of the Education Forum to visit the DPF and apply for membership.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.

    Charles R. Drago


    Deep Politics Forum

    NOTE: It is not our intention to take up valuable bandwidth on any other Internet venture. Accordingly, all questions and comments regarding the Deep Politics Forum should be sent directly to our website and will not be addressed here.

  12. And so the saga ends on a sad note. We are left needing a moderator, and Charles is cast into the soup kitchen!

    The first can of Bon Vivant vichyssoise to Walker!

    I shall insist that Sister Julia Child-of-God is the chef and you are the taster

    I'm serious about the punctuation issue. You miss more periods than The Golden Girls.

    And for whatever it's worth, I love the taste of botulism in the morning. It tastes like ... victory!

  13. We could do with a couple of more moderators and members are free to apply for this task. However, they will be judged by their record on this forum before being accepted. People who have been in the past been placed on moderation because of breaking forum rules will not be accepted as moderators.

    Unfair enough.

    I'm put in mind of a classic Groucho-ism: "I wouldn't join a club that would have me as a member."

    Here in the Great Democracy, voter roles routinely are purged of individuals considered likely to support Democratic candidates. One of the criteria used to justify removal: So-and-so is a convicted felon.

    I mention this in asking for reconsideration.


    Sorry Charles you failed the interview

    Punctuation, I see, is not one of your strong points.

    I'd also note for the record that, much like most of what you believe to be the case, the "interview" never happened.


  14. I hope this is the proper/best location for this thread.

    I'm interested in a post-Nixon resignation time frame. Can anyone shed light on Watergate-related events within the continental U.S. that took place in the May through June, 1975 period and involved elements of LCN?

    Forgive me for being less than specific -- which, for the present, I must remain.

    Thanks much.


  15. Thanks, Jim.

    I'm following this thread closely, and I'm sharing it with a person who has an insider's perspective on most of its content. Should anything of value result, I'll be sure to share with one and all.

    In the meantime, one of Nagel's most intriguing and least illuminated references is to Field Operations Intelligence, a Far East-based outfit with which Nagel claimed affiliation.

    Prior to The Man Who Knew Too Much, the only other public/non-classified reference to FOI was in P.L. Thyrand de Vosjoli's Lamia.

    My VERY thin speculation is that FOI had something to do with the Yamaxxxxa gold seam. Sterling Seagrave, to whom I posed this issue and for whom I harbor the deepest respect imaginable, could not confirm my suspicions.

    Can you offer anything on FOI?



  16. We could do with a couple of more moderators and members are free to apply for this task. However, they will be judged by their record on this forum before being accepted. People who have been in the past been placed on moderation because of breaking forum rules will not be accepted as moderators.

    Unfair enough.

    I'm put in mind of a classic Groucho-ism: "I wouldn't join a club that would have me as a member."

    Here in the Great Democracy, voter roles routinely are purged of individuals considered likely to support Democratic candidates. One of the criteria used to justify removal: So-and-so is a convicted felon.

    I mention this in asking for reconsideration.


    Well, you gave it a shot Charles. It looks like you're overqualified--so to speak.

    Your clinical and mercilessly funny dispatch of Andy Walker was worth the price of admission alone.

    I notice Moe, Larry and Curly Joe have preceeded your post--yes Craig, you're Curly Joe. I think they're here just to keep the humour flowing but that's just my theory.

    p.s. is Peter Lemkin still with us?

    Yeah, Peter yet walks among the living.

    It's my understanding that he's spending time in the States and does not have computer access while doing so.

    And yes, the Stooges are among us.


    Great to hear from you, Mark.



  17. I'll get a grip on myself and move on.


    Charles, Benny Hill would have paid a fortune for material like that.


    It also by definition is a contemptuous person.

    Benny Hill did pay a fortune for this material. Where do you think Charles GETS his stuff?

    I hope you reconsider as a moderator, I assure you the options look bleak.


    Oooooooooh! I'm being called a plagiarist. First by "Colby," now by "his" putative herr apparent.

    Or I am noting nothing more than coincidence -- as opposed to happenstance and/or enemy action, as Ian Fleming might have it?

    It may be difficult for some of the limited intellects on this Forum to grasp, but original wit comes easy to some of us.

    So don't tell me I steal others' lines.

    Or pretty soon you won't have Charles Drago to kick around anymore.

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