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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. Two areas of interest:

    1. Gordon Winslow and I have enjoyed some interesting and mordantly humorous interactions at JFK Lancer events. Most memorably (for me, at least), he moderated the (in)famous Gerry Patrick Hemming Panel on which I sat with Jerry Rose and John Newman.

    Gordon is a Connecticut Yankee, by the by. He plays his cards very close to the vest, and truth be told nothing I might learn about his beliefs and allegiances would surprise me.

    That being said, on a basic human level I find Gordon to be an intelligent, witty, sarcastic chap whose company is always entertaining and whose presence on this Forum would be enlightening.

    2. For Bill Kelly: I'm aware of an early USMC investigation focused, if the stories are to be believed, on Japan in general and Atsugi in particular. If memory serves there is first-hand testimony and a document trail to support this story. Can you tell us more of what you know?

    And if you've done so on a previous thread, please direct us.

    Many thanks,


  2. "I believe that the 'history' you speak of should be saved, locked, and set aside in a section specifically created for the purpose of documenting the number of incidences, and on what basis this type of disruption and dissemination of misinfo/disinfo, may be happening. This could serve as a record for keeping track of the distributors, their names, IP addresses, etc., as well as the time of occurrence, by whom, and what trigger factors might have been involved to provoke it. This would enable the admins and the moderators to ascertain what, if any, distinctive patterns might be involved, or at work, here.

    "In any event, it could be utilized as a method of trouble-shooting, or defusing future instances of this type of behavior."


    This is precisely the way that we, in aikido-like fashion, turn the enemy's energy against its source.

    There is so much to learn from them. But there are many hidden dangers along this route.

    That this T. Folsom character represents -- wittingly or otherwise -- the enemy is beyond question. Let's enjoy all that he/she/they hand(s) us.


  3. But when we strip away the towel, let's make certain that the revealed microphallus is mercilessly mocked.


    All these aspersions about the precise nature of F's membership - I'm shocked and disappointed. Is there a Freudian analyst in the house?



    Just tryin' to hit him/her where he/she lives: right in the family jewels.


  4. I rise in defense of the original "The Truth About T. Folsom" thread.

    As satire it is nothing more than a tedious one-trick pony. In the hands of a reasonably gifted writer, this failed lampooning of conspiracy realists' positions might have been carried out more concisely and/or cleverly. But the ham-handed nature of the post aside, there is much to learn from it about the hidden agenda of Mr./Ms. Folsom's masters.

    In terms of style, the post seems to have been written by a more accomplished correspondent than the originator of earlier, Folsom-signed screeds. If, however, we're talking about one person, then the qualitative disparity may be accounted for by the taxing of his/her minimal literary skills (writing in one voice seems overwhelmingly challenging to this character; two voices simply sets the bar too high).

    Further, the substance of Mr./Ms. Folsom's attacks tell us much about the paucity of ideas and the greater tactical ambitions of his/her masters.

    There's no "there" there. And he/she is not fooling us. So why bother?

    Because in the eyes of history, serious responses to LN provocations (which by definition are devoid of fact and insight and made by accessories after the fact to murder) will elevate the lies to co-equal status with the conspiratorial truth. Mr./Ms. Folsom accomplishes his/her mission simply by provoking return fire of a collegial nature; under such circumstances, the "debate" continues into the forseeable future -- and that's all they really want.

    To paraphrase Robert De Niro as Al Capone in "The Untouchables" -- "What have they got? The Bug? The Pose-ur? The WC?

    They got nothing! Nothing!"

    But when we engage them with anything but contempt, we turn "nothing" into "something."

    So ... The antidote to Mr./Ms. Folsom is not elimination of their discharges, but rather exposure.

    But when we strip away the towel, let's make certain that the revealed microphallus is mercilessly mocked.

    Charles Drago

  5. An Open Letter to All Who Would Respond to T. Folsom:

    As I have done on numerous occasions, I present yet again a basic, guiding premise for our work:

    Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the case of the murder of JFK who does not conclude that the act was the product of a criminal conspiracy is congnitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

    Rational, collegial exchanges with such individuals are impossible and counter-productive. If we are dealing with someone who is impaired, then we must act with sensitivity and patience even as we refrain from debate on the issue. If we are being taunted by an agent provocateur, then we must respond with contempt and ridicule. The latter course is best realized with more than a touch of dark humor.

    While it is impossible -- for me, at least -- to determine with any degree of certainty where Mr. or Ms. Folsom falls in regard to the categories detailed above, I am of the opinion that he/she is an enemy agent.

    If such is the case, we should keep in mind Mr. Bugliosi's pathetic effort to establish a counterbalance to my aforementioned premise: something along the lines of his oft-repeated "no one in his right mind can now argue that LHO didn't do it alone". Mr. or Ms. Folsom appears to be taking the insulting, dismissive tone established by Mr. Bugliosi and attempting to reinforce the "level playing field" fantasy for his basic position on the issue at hand.

    Do not waste your time on this accessory after the fact.

    But I could be wrong. Mr. or Ms. Folsom could be suffering from dain bramage ... er, brain damage. But to make such an assessment requires too great a leap of faith; one cannot suffer harm to an organ that is not present.

    Charles Drago

  6. 1. Was Oswald involded in ANY way during the assassination?

    He was involved with Judy Baker.

    2. Where was the shot fired from that struck Kennedy in the upper back?

    Jackie, with a derringer, in the limousine.

    3. Where was the shot fired from that caused Kennedy's throat wound?

    No shot. "Wound" was a pre-emptive tracheostomy performed in anticipation of a shot to the throat.

    4. Where was the shot fired from that struck Connally in the back?

    No shot. "Wound" was caused by too many slaps to the back by LBJ.

    5. Where was the shot fired from that struck Connally in the wrist?

    No shot. "Wound" was self-inflicted due to frequent J. Edgar Hoover limp-wrist impressions at Murchison's party.

    6. Where was the shot fired from that struck Connally in the left thigh?

    No shot. "Wound" was inflicted by Nellie, who neglected to wear eyeglasses during previous evening's sex romp.

    7. Where was the shot fired from that struck Kennedy in the head?


    8. Where did the shot originate that dented the chrome frame of the limousine?

    No shot. "Dent" caused by Kellerman banging his head when car slammed to a halt.

    9. How many shots were fired that day in Dealey Plaza?

    Well over one hundred, if you count the gun-toting celebrants at the Knoll party that evening.

    10. Why don't the Dallas doctors recollections of the wounds match the Bethesda autopsy findings?

    Why do you keep bothering the adults?

    11. Where was Oswald at the time of the assassination?

    Copulating with your mother.

    A question for the serious historians, researchers, and analysists who grace this Forum with their labors:

    Why are you bothering with this idiot?


  7. It's plugola time!

    THE Jim Tague is an e-Bay seller specializing in JFK assassination-related books, magazines, and ephemera. Search for the seller identified as:


    I've made many "buy it now" purchases from Mr. T., and in every instance the transactions have gone perfectly.

    I don't recall seeing Harvey and Lee for sale on the site, but Tague does sell bound collections of documents related to Armstrong's research.

    Well worth the visit.


  8. Well, I guess I gotta ask eventually. Do you think Charles Manson was part of something bigger, i.e., MKUltra kind of mind control? Or is it just a coincidence that Squeaky Fromme was gunning (if not bulleting) for Ford?


    I eagerly bring to your attention author Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces trilogy -- in particular the volume sub-titled "The Manson Secret."

    It would be easy to dismiss Levanda's subject matter -- unless, of course, one reads his work.

    Based on what I can gather from your posted areas of interest, I'm convinced that you'll be thrilled by this material.


  9. On the JFK forum of late there has been much talk of Camarillo, California.

    For those of us devoted to the music and legacy of Charlie Parker, the State Hospital in that town holds a special significance.

    Upon his release from a prolonged "time-out" there, Bird wrote "Relaxin' at Camarillo," one his most often played compositions.

    Two youtube versions thereof:



    The second, by the late, magnificent pianist Tommy Flanagan, is rather interesting.


  10. Iraq is the latest in a long line of so-called perfect failures.

    Mistakes? Don't fool yourselves.

    All is proceeding according to plan, with self-correcting mechanisms functioning as designed in response to unanticipated events.

    The Cold War has been replaced. The money flows, the power accrues.

    Who could ask for anything more?


  11. To carry this line of thought forward:

    The highest placed facilitators of the plot -- specifically, those charged with priming the false sponsor pump -- decide that one of the most efficient ways to maximize hatred of JFK and RFK among leaders of the anti-Castro community is to have the latter bring to the Kennedys what the Cubans view as a viable whack-the-Beards operation, but which the facilitators understand in advance to be absolutely unacceptable to the president and attorney general.


  12. John,

    Interesting, but ...

    I'm most interested in the immediate post-high school years. I'll re-read Twyman, where we find the lengthiest (not to be confused with "most revealing") discussion of DSM's past.

    How did this guy attract the attention of his ultimate masters? My educated guess is that it happened early -- very early -- in the game. Was it a combination of physical size, athletic ability, above-average IQ, criminal record/tendencies, pwsychological testing results?

    Or is it simply a matter of fire water seeking its own level?


  13. Myra,

    Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a sociopath to your door.

    Whatever the hell that means.

    Seriously (and again, for the love of God please don't conclude that I harbor the slightest admiration for DSM), given what we know of ARTICHOKE and MK/ULTRA and similar operations, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that "talent" still "in neutral" can be spotted and shifted to a specific end of the light spectrum.

    The recruitment, indoctrination, and professional develoment, if you will, of DSM are for me extremely important areas of study. I suppose it's the nature v. nurture debate in yet another formulation, but everything we can learn about how this frankenstein was built can help us put an end to the building.

    If you recall, one of the most intriguing and impervious-to-revelation aspects of the entire Kim Philby affair was the search for the recruiter of the Cambridge ring. There would be no DSM, no H. A. R. Philby, without the talent spotters.

    And make no mistake; they're at work to this day.


  14. Myra,

    Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a sociopath to your door.

    Whatever the hell that means.

    Seriously (and again, for the love of God please don't conclude that I harbor the slightest admiration for DSM), given what we know of ARTICHOKE and MK/ULTRA and similar operations, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that "talent" still "in neutral" can be spotted and shifted to a specific end of the light spectrum.

    The recruitment, indoctrination, and professional develoment, if you will, of DSM are for me extremely important areas of study. I suppose it's the nature v. nurture debate in yet another formulation, but everything we can learn about how this frankenstein was built can help us put an end to the building.

    If you recall, one of the most intriguing and impervious-to-revelation aspects of the entire Kim Philby affair was the search for the recruiter of the Cambridge ring. There would be no DSM, no H. A. R. Philby, without the talent spotters.

    And make no mistake; they're at work to this day.


  15. Morales had quite dark skin.

    This is him below on the right during a basketball game.


    Is there a more compelling, complex character in this story -- including LHO?

    A man of extraordinary courage and significant intellect ... a man of color ... a descendant of the oppressed ... twisted by and taking orders from his Caucasian masters as far back as high school.

    Do not misread me. One needn't be a person's "fan" to appreciate greatness -- even when it is placed in service to the dark side.

    I do not know of a more disheartening example of the Stockholm Syndrome than DSM advocating for his captors -- those who ultimately became his killers.

    Who talent-spotted this guy? How did he enter the secret world? Too many gaps, too many counter-intuitions in this story.

    The widow Morales was said to have lived in Boston for a time. What tales might his family have to tell? Any notion of their whereabouts?

    Where do we find such men?



  16. From my introduction (page v) to George Michael Evica's A Certain Arrogance:

    In a 1946 letter to [C.D.] Jackson, General Robert McClure, at one time Eisenhower's chief of intelligence for the European theater, boasts to his civilian psyops counterpart of the scope of their manipulation [of the media].

    "We now control 137 newspapers, 6 radio stations, 314 theaters, 642 movies, 101 magazines, 237 book publishers, 7,384 book dealers and printers, and conduct about 15 public opinion surveys a month, as well as publish one newspaper with 1,500,000 circulation ... run the AP of Germany, and operate 29 library centers."

    Fariness and balance, it seems, did not originate with the Fox network's alleged news division.'

  17. I am literally left dumbfounded that there are adults, who can read books and drive cars and go on dates with girls who still believe in all of this conspiracy hogwash.

    Hey Terry,

    Hey Myra,

    Wanna double-date?

    I'll find a girl for me, but one of you will have to drive because I've got some reading to do in the back seat. We'll start with drinks ... if you're both old enough, of course.

    All I ask is, no convertibles, please.

    The Hogwasher

  18. Mr. Hemming, allegedly quoting the ex-SS sniper who did the job, on the reason for targeting Governor Connally:

    "'He didn't bid high enough.'"

    Gerry, Gerry, Gerry ...

    As for Ms. Oliver: During the JFK Lancer conference at which Judge Tunheim was a featured speaker, Bev told a small group of researchers that she had been contacted (via post, if memory serves, but perhaps by an intermediary) within the past few years by ... wait for it ... an alive, well, and living in Europe Jack Ruby, who urged her to confirm his identity by posing questions about their shared past that only he could answer.

    According to Oliver, she put together ten questions that fit the bill. "Jack" got nine out of ten right, and the wrong answer, she claimed, could be explained by an honest difference in the way the correspondents referred to the performance space at the Carousel Club ("stage" v. "runway").

    Oliver swore to secrecy those who were regaled by her tale.

    It hit the floor within an hour, and Oliver claimed to be enraged and terrified by the betrayal.

    She then wouldn't stop talking about it.

    I bring these stories to the Forum's attention in order to illustrate -- if further illustration truly is necessary at this late date -- just how difficult it always will be to weigh the value of "confessions" -- pseudo or otherwise.


  19. Myra,

    Gary has struck ... well ... gold.

    Gold Warriors is solidly within the top tier of deep poltical histories -- a tier in which its counterparts are numbered in single digits. Its importance to an understanding of how this all works cannot be overestimated.

    Sterling and Peggy Seagrave have enriched us with this history of the secret government's secret treasury. It is beautifully and powerfully written, too.

    Top of the list, my friend.


  20. Myra,

    Intentional? I hope so.

    Thanks to Michael for the kind words. And he's right, The Politics of Heroin (find the paperback third edition -- significantly updated), which originally appeared as The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, is as close to a Bible as you'll get on this subject. It's far more substantive, if less cutting edge, than Coup, and must not be overlooked.

    Hope you have a lot of spare time this summer.


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