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Don Bailey

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Posts posted by Don Bailey

  1. Hugh Anesworth's story about finding a brocken soft drink bottle near the concrete steps one or two days later, adds creadence to Sitzmans story about the young black couple throwing down the bottle. !

    Hi Robin,

    If you were to break, smash or drop a bottle it would make a totally different pattern then what you see in the Couch film. Plus, it would leave glass fragments within that area.


  2. There are no other photos of Dan Mitrione Sr. that I can find on the internet. The only photo of Sr. is the one John posted at the beginning of this thread.

    One interesting thing I did find:

    On August 29, 1970 in Richmond, Indiana Frank Sinatra and Jerry Lewis held a benefit concert "for the family of", and as a tribute to, an American named Dan Mitrione.

  3. There is an interesting connection between Mitrione and the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Chief of Detectives Robert Houghton appointed Lieutenant Manny Pena to carry out the investigation. Only a year before Pena had resigned from the LAPD (November 1967) to work for the Agency for International Development Office of the State Department (AID). Over the next year he worked with Dan Mitrione. As said earlier, we now know that AID was a CIA front. In April 1968 he resigned from AID and returned to the LAPD in time to carry out the investigation into the killing of Robert Kennedy.

    Are there any other photos of Mitrione available??

  4. From the interview with James Files 2003:

    J - where were you aiming?

    JF - Oh, I was aiming for his right eye, which to me is the left side of his head looking head on. But for him it would be his right eye, and when I pulled the trigger, and I'm right in on it, and it's almost like looking 6 feet away through the scope. As I squeezed, take off my round, his head moved forward, I missed and I come in right along the temple. Just right behind the eye.

    From that angle, the bullet would exit from the left side of JFK's head or neck.

  5. Your two cents is worthless in the real world!

    How do you know what the real world is? Are you able to define the real world? Is it the Warren Report? Or Greer turning around and shooting JFK in the head with a pistol? Or Badgeman firing from behind the fence? Or Moorman and Hill on the street instead of the grass?


    I don't agree with any of those idiotic ideas!!! The WCR was created to distort the truth.

  6. From the Altgens 6 photo you can see:

    The head of OK Man now wearing a hat and looking towards the County Records building.

    The shirt of Mallet Man with no visible arms or head.

    The extended arm of Hat Tip Man with his hat still in his hand.

    Again I ask, were these people ever identified?


  7. Jack,

    The black splotch in front of the woman has always been a mystery to me... the Croft 3 photo shows many imperfections and raises the possibility of alteration.

    Miles, the hat you see on Mallet Man in the Towner film is a brown line over his eyes that makes him appear to be wearing a hat... the same brown line is on the man that is sitting next to him.

    In the Towner film, Mallet Man's raises his arm and is NOT waving the object... he is lifting the object up. (If this was a cup the liquid in it would have spilled out before he raised his arm... look at the angle of his arm.


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