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Steve Rosen

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Posts posted by Steve Rosen

  1. "The JFK Assassination Collection Reference System is currently down for maintenance. The files below contain a recent export of the information in the system, which is current as of May 17, 2021. "


    Quite a time in history to be down for maintenance. And their outdated spreadsheet files are useless.

    Does anyone know how long this has been going on?

  2. 3 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

    THE best documentary on the case EVER!

    I agree. JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (2021) by Oliver Stone (for those unaware) is a great documentary. And well done James DiEugenio (writer) (and Vince P.) for your contributions to it. Salute. 

    I was able to show the first hour to a law school class I teach under the criminal law and procedure section of the course. For the students, it was an eye-opener and they really enjoyed it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    CIA had a secret press conference where it invited only the NYT, WaPo and NBC to try to control its narrative.  It is becoming obvious that the modified limited hangout is that the reason ...

    Exactly as Jeff said -- a big shell game, with the Times, Post and NBC shuffled around to piecemeal reveal propaganda from the Agency ...

    Carl Bernstein had it right in 1977:


  4. 8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I did not know the segment would be that brief.  I had seven talking points, I only got about two.

    Nice job Jim. Great idea using the docs themselves to show the absurdity of the agencies releasing blank and illegible pages in an supposedly good-faith adherence to the JFK Act.

    You mentioned Jeff Morley at the end - had he come up in discussion before your on-camera appearance?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    But, in regards to Carlson's excellent JFK Records presentation...has anyone in M$M or bigger social media, in print or TV, even come close? 

    Bring it on, if anyone has matched Carlson. 

    I agree, Ben. The only thing that comes close in terms of JFK assassination media exposure was Geraldo Rivera playing the Zapruder film publicly for the first time on Goodnight America with Robert Groden and Garrett Morris, March 6, 1975.


  6. 31 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Of course RFK knew what the real story was....the first person he called on to ask if they had done it was the CIA Director.

    Its just too bad nobody ever asked RFK to respond in detail as to why the CIA was his very first suspect.


    That might very be well one of the reasons RFK's extensive interviews with William Manchester are withheld by the Kennedys.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    The only people who watch Tucker Carlson are Trump supporters, and it is well known that they, like Trump, are prone to believing conspiracy theories. So odds are that Tucker's video changes nobody's mind. IMO.

    Sandy you are factually incorrect - which is a good thing, in this case (not a criticism of you).*

    Perhaps surprisingly, he is #1 among liberals too, so people of all political stripes will be enlightened by Carlson's JFK-CIA segment. Everyone can celebrate this much-needed sunshine on the CIA (and still agree or disagree with his other political views.)


    *Source:  "Carlson’s 9 p.m. ET program was the top cable news show among Democrats in the advertiser-coveted age range of 25-54."




  8. Tucker Carlson is the only mainstream media host ever (that I'm aware of) to directly say on live TV in front of millions that the CIA was likely involved with the JFK assassination. 

    Plus he excoriated every CIA director, zeroing in on John Brennan and Mike Pompeo for not speaking up, and for Pompeo refusing to appear tonight to address the JFK assassination and the CIA's connection to it.

    That is a major step forward and long overdue, no matter who said it. Powerful segment.

  9. Nice job Jim DiEugenio. Showing people the actual documents that are blank and illegible demonstrates the obfuscation and absurdity. 

    You mentioned Jeff Morley to Watters at the end - had he come up before the cameras rolled?

    Every other network had some variation of the same banal line - "experts say there's no smoking gun ..."

  10. 1 hour ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    Expedite check on Subject, exact reason unknown:  https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/104-10113-10011.pdf

    This document serves as an example of the declassification of names. Here "Bill Beane" is unredacted. Beane died December 2017, and so that's likely why his name was declassified.

    From Association of Former Intelligence Officers:

    AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #02-18 dated 09 January 2018

    William John Beane, 79, a former CIA operations officer, died 31 December 2017 in Gaithersburg, MD.
    A native of Washington DC, he was educated at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service ('61) also obtained his MA degree at that institution.
    Bill served as a CIA operations officer in the Clandestine Service from 1957 to 1969. In 1964 he had a two-year tour of duty in Laos. After returning to the US, he worked for the Departments of the Navy, Army and Air Force in Washington.
    After his 2007 retirement, he was active with AFIO. His pastimes included golf, visits to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and spending time with his grandchildren. He is survived by a daughter and two sons, and other family.


  11. S.T., most of the George Joannides documents Jeff Morley seeks are not released.

    Joannides fitness reports for 1963, 1964 and 1979 were released today, with some redactions remaining. Puzzling though because these docs were previously released already. Maybe a few words were unredacted this time around.

  12. W. Tracey, I have already provided you light about Bishop in my two previous comments.

    My information on the Bishop name comes from years of research.

    If you want to flesh out the Maurice/Morris Bishop story, I would suggest speaking with former CIA operatives and interviewing associates of Dave Phillips, as well as seeking self-published materials from former intelligence officers.

  13. 6 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    Thanks W. Tracy, I've read your hoax report.

    There's a lot you're missing about Maurice/Morris Bishop -- who used the name besides Phillips, how it was used as an operational tracking device, why Phillips could plausibly deny he was Bishop, why other officers could feign ignorance on the subject without lying, etc.

    You've done a nice job of putting together public information on the Bishop name, but there's a lot more to the story than that.

  14. The CIA is not entitled to the benefit of the doubt regarding George Joannides. 

    They also claimed ignorance about Maurice/Morris Bishop -- even though multiple operations officers used the name Bishop name as a pseudonym, including and especially David Atlee Phillips, who assigned the Bishop moniker when needed as a way to track unwieldy operations (similar to how the Oswald file was used as a dangle for moles).

  15. I had the opportunity to ask then-Senator Joe Biden about the JFK assassination in approximately 2005.

    I was attending a "Joe Biden Seminar" as a guest of my uncle, who went to grade school with Biden in Delaware. The "seminar" was a senatorial fundraiser for Biden at the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington, Delaware.

    I attended 2 such seminars in successive years. I believe they were in 2004 and 2005. One year, John Kerry was the featured speaker, and another year, Jack Valenti gave the keynote address. Valenti was an aide of Lyndon Johnson, who was in one of the follow-up vehicles to JFK's car on November 22, 1963. Valenti's description of that day was compelling and harrowing. 

    After Valenti spoke, people mingled about for a hour or so, having drinks.

    I saw Senator Biden speaking to a group of senior citizens. When they walked away from him, he was alone. I approached and re-introduced myself (I had met him several times before) as the nephew of his childhood friend, my uncle (who was somewhere nearby). Biden greeted my warmly and we shook hands. I then asked him:

    "Senator Biden, do you believe JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy?"

    Answer:  "No."

    "So do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, alone and unaided, killed President Kennedy?"

    Answer:  "Yes."

    I was struck how the famously garrulous senator was responding with clipped replies and no amplification (albeit, direct answers). I sensed it wasn't up for further discussion, and not wanting to get on the Secret Service radar, I thanked him and ended my inquiry.

    Given that he previously deferred releasing the remaining JFK already because of Covid concerns in 2021*, I do not hold much hope he will release the remaining files on December 15, 2022.

    I hope that I'm wrong.


  16. David Atlee Phillips admitted in passing monitoring the Russians and Cubans when Oswald contacted their embassies, in his posthumously published book Secret Wars Diary (1989). With his sources in the embassies, not to mention the surveillance apparatus in place, Phillips could have easily been observing Oswald in real time - or getting contemporaneous reports.


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