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Steve Rosen

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Posts posted by Steve Rosen

  1. Bill, thanks for posting the letter.

    All forum members and truth seekers should read attorney Jim Lesar's letter to U.S. Archivist David Ferreiro requesting the release of JFK related files prior to 2017.

    As an example of the troublesome behavior of federal agencies obfuscation in the JFK case, Lesar provides a good brief discussion of CIA operative George Joannides, who ran the DRE, a Cuban exile group that clashed with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963.

    Joannides was brought out of retirement in 1978 to serve as the Agency's liaison with the HSCA, without disclosing his prior operational relationship with the DRE, a group under investigation by the HSCA.

    Amazingly, according to a CIA court brief in 2010, Joannides was working "undercover" in his role as document facilitator to the HSCA. Exactly how covert action was appropriate for a Congressional investigation was not further described in the CIA's brief.

    Journalist Jefferson Morley, with Lesar and the AARC's help, has fought in federal court with the CIA for the release of the Joannides records since 2003.

    In my opinion, Jim Lesar and the AARC's appeal to NARA represents the most reasonable and realistic approach for the prompt release of those withheld documents, absent any political interest in these matters.

    Everyone should support and applaud their unrelenting and valiant efforts, and look forward to the documents unredacted release.

  2. "We want the real history of our country."

    The holy grail of the JFK story: Seven steps to unlocking the historical truth about the assassination in Dallas by Jefferson Morley.

    Article in Salon.com was posted by Jeff Morley today.

    This article, in my opinion, is his best yet. He lays out his careful plan for approaching the assassination, amid non-disclosure of government files and confusing conspiracy theories: Start in the middle; understand the resistance; examine Operation Northwoods and CIA files; consider the view through the Agency's lens, then and now; study the records of political assassinations; return to the middle and work your way up.

    Along the way, discussions of George Joannides, David Phillips, Win Scott, James Angleton, and a shout out to William Kelly's ONI document work at his site, http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/ (way to go, Bill).

    All in all, worth your time, no matter how much you agree with his approach.

    The article, in Jeff's usual cautious and thorough style, is similar to the presentation he gave at Coalition on Political Assassination (COPA) Annual Regional Meeting on November 18, 2011.

    You can view his 2011 presentation at COPA, and the other speakers, at:


    Click the View All link to see the complete speaker videos.

  3. "We want the real history of our country."

    The holy grail of the JFK story: Seven steps to unlocking the historical truth about the assassination in Dallas by Jefferson Morley.

    Article in Salon.com was posted by Jeff Morley today.

    This article, in my opinion, is his best yet. He lays out his careful plan for approaching the assassination, amid non-disclosure of government files and confusing conspiracy theories: Start in the middle; understand the resistance; examine Operation Northwoods and CIA files; consider the view through the Agency's lens, then and now; study the records of political assassinations; return to the middle and work your way up.

    Along the way, discussions of George Joannides, David Phillips, Win Scott, James Angleton, and a shout out to William Kelly's ONI document work at his site, http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/ (way to go, Bill).

    All in all, worth your time, no matter how much you agree with his approach.

    The article, in Jeff's usual cautious and thorough style, is similar to the presentation he gave at Coalition on Political Assassination (COPA) Annual Regional Meeting on November 18, 2011.

    You can view his 2011 presentation at COPA, and the other speakers, at:


    Click the View All link to see the complete speaker videos.

  4. Great photo. Thanks, Zach and James. Another exclusive picture that you can find pretty much nowhere else in the world, but here.

    Considering that American-trained Cuban exiles were reportedly tasked for U.S. operations in places like the Congo and Indochina, it should be kept in mind that the dark-skinned man in camouflage may be of Cuban, Caribbean, Latin American, or African descent.

    Also - apropos of nothing - I am pretty sure that the campesino-style hat worn by Dave Morales, aka El Indio, was picked up somewhere in Latin America.

    -- Steve

  5. Journalist and author Zalin Grant re-investigated the murder of Mary Meyer beginning in November of 1993.

    You can find his fresh take on the case in his article MARY MEYER: A HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS DEATH - Did Camelot Get Away With Murder? at his always informative site, Zalin Grant's War Tales.

    As he did with his investigation of former DCI William E. Colby's suspicious death in 1996, Grant visited the scene, scoured police files, and interviewed witnesses (including acquitted suspect Raymond Crump Jr's attorney, Dovey Roundtree).

    Most disturbing is what Grant found when he sought out the original physical evidence in the Mary Meyer homicide file in D.C.

    Article link: http://www.pythiapress.com/wartales/Meyer.html

    Zalin Grant's website: http://www.pythiapress.com/wartales/colby.htm

    -- Steve

  6. Journalist and author Zalin Grant re-investigated the murder of Mary Meyer beginning in November of 1993.

    You can find his fresh take on the case in his article MARY MEYER: A HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS DEATH - Did Camelot Get Away With Murder? at his always informative site, Zalin Grant's War Tales.

    As he did with his investigation of former DCI William E. Colby's suspicious death in 1996, Grant visited the scene, scoured police files, and interviewed witnesses (including acquitted suspect Raymond Crump Jr's attorney, Dovey Roundtree).

    Most disturbing is what Grant found when he sought out the original physical evidence in the Mary Meyer homicide file in D.C.

    Article link: http://www.pythiapress.com/wartales/Meyer.html

    Zalin Grant's website: http://www.pythiapress.com/wartales/colby.htm

    -- Steve

  7. Thanks Bill Kelly, for another nice tribute to Dave Phillips. I can't help but think that The Nightwatchman, publicity hound that he became upon retirement, would be happy at your blogging his birthday.

    Everyone should check in often at Bill's always great site, JFKCounterCoup, where people can find the latest in cutting-edge historical research and Bill's unrelenting advocacy for Congressional oversight of The JFK Act, and for the release of still suppressed documents.

    And Zach, thanks for the kind words. Your efforts here are greatly appreciated.

    In JFK assassination Halloween news ...

    I just learned that the Misfits were banned in Dallas, Texas, for their 1978 JFK-inspired song "Bullet".

    The story: Rocker Glenn Danzig played a concert in California on Halloween 2011. The show included song sets from his former bands, including punk legends the Misfits, whom Danzig fronted from 1977 to 1983.

    The Misfits, who hailed from Lodi, New Jersey, took their inspiration from B-grade horror movies and Danzig's fixation with the dark underbelly of American culture, evident in songs like Who Killed Marilyn? (NOTE FOR THE SQUEAMISH - link contains explicit lyrics - with the sing-a-long, "Could it have been the Kennedys? Was it LAPD? It ain't a mystery, baby not to me"), "She" (about Patty Hearst), "Hollywood Babylon" (taken from the seamy gossip tome of the same name), and "Bullet", about the death of JFK (2ND NOTE FOR THE SQUEAMISH - link contains shocking lyrics, with the Dallas-offensive stanza, "Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead/Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head/Texas is the reason that the president's dead.")

    As the LA Weekly said in its review of Danzig's October 31, 2011 show, "The story about how Dallas authorities told him he was no longer welcome in their town preceded "Bullet," after which he noted: "As you can see, this ain't no Tom Petty concert." "

    According to Lumino Magazine, Danzig told a similar story on October 7, 2011:

    "The set featured many Misfits favorites such as “Bullet,” where Danzig revealed they were never allowed back into Dallas because of the content about President Kennedy."

    I don't know how long that ban lasted, because I'm pretty sure Danzig and the re-formed Danzig-less Misfits (post-1996) have played shows there.

    -- Steve




    Misfits "Bullet" (explicit lyrics): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k86w1-1BFw4

    Misfits "Who Killed Marilyn?" (explicit lyrics): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMQtTT2pY3M

    *If you enjoyed the songs, essential Misfits albums are Walk Among Us (1982) and Static Age (1978 but released 1997).

  8. Is there any more information or publicity about the CBC documentary?


    Bill, I communicated with someone at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Documentary Unit who is completing a project entitled "Love Hate and Propaganda: The Cold War" to be released this year.

    It is not a documentary about David Atlee Phillips, as the first post suggested.

    It is a four-part series, with episode 2 discussing the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz.

    In the story they mention David Atlee Phillips in the context of Guatemala. But the CBC had no luck obtaining pictures or video of Phillips circa the PB/SUCCESS/Guatemala coup of 1954 to include in the broadcast (which is probably how Phillips would have wanted it).

    This series starts on Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 9 pm on CBC-TV, according to the website. The CBC person I spoke to said part of it may come out in January 2012. Perhaps they are staggering the episodes.

    Here are some links:




    Cheers to the CBC. This looks to be worthy of checking out.

    -- Steve

  9. Larry Hancock's new book Nexus: The CIA and Political Assassination is out as a Kindle Edition e-book on Amazon for $9.99:


    A 208 page paperback copy is scheduled to be released on November 1, 2011 for $10.08:


    From the Amazon.com Product Description:

    A historical study of how political assassination evolved within the Central Intelligence Agency. How did it start, how was it conducted (how will you recognize it when you see it), who gave the orders, and perhaps most importantly‚ who were the people actually involved in such actions as political assassination and even on a grander scale, “executive action” of senior political leaders during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

    I just bought it and look forward to reading it. Some really great researchers that you'll recognize from the Education Forum have made contributions to Nexus.

    I can't find a website for the book, any mention of it on publisher JFK Lancer's website, or any other links to it in Google search results.

    Everyone should support Larry Hancock's efforts. He's looked into dark corners where no other authors have.

    -- Steve

  10. I'm waiting for the extended addition dvd of "Inside the CIA", with bonus footage of the uncut interviews.

    David Atlee Phillips appears in Win Scott's wedding film from the night December 20, 1962.

    In Our Man in Mexico (2008), author Jefferson Morley describes the "brazen quality" of Mexico City Station Chief Winston Scott's decision to film his "Wedding in Las Lomas":

    "No one could have appreciated or worried more about Win's audacity then Dave Phillips. In the film ... [Phillips] hardly looked relaxed, and he eyed the camera warily. He was, after all, a spy, a specialist in propaganda, a man skilled in invisibly perpetrating images and information to maximum advantage, and here he was, out of loyalty to his boss [Win Scott], exposed to a camera. The composed look in his eyes glinted with the awareness of vulnerability. No wonder that [Phillip's wife] Helen looked more comfortable. Her identity was not being betrayed by the whirring camera of Win's reckless love ... And so the essence of LITEMPO, a top secret CIA operation, was captured on film. As Dave Phillips surely knew, Win was violating every rule of espionage tradecraft ... Dave Phillips tried to step out of the camera's view when it approached again."

    Our Man in Mexico, page 146-148.

    See: http://www.amazon.com/Our-Man-Mexico-Winston-History/dp/0700615717/ref=reader_auth_dp


    Jeff Morley's book is deeply researched and essential reading.

    -- Steve

  11. Members may find this article of interest by Zalin Grant, journalist and Army Intelligence veteran, who wrote FACING THE PHOENIX: The CIA and the Political Defeat of the United States in Vietnam


    The article is about Tran Ngoc Chau, inventor of the Phoenix Program. The article is adapted from Mr. Grant's book, which can be found at

    at Amazon at: http://www.amazon.com/Facing-Phoenix-Political-Defeat-Vietnam/dp/0393029255.

    Facing the Phoenix is a great book, deeply researched with many original interviews and participants who knew Mr. Grant and gave him unprecedented access to their experiences.

    Here is a link to an interview with Tran Ngoc Chau:


    Chau's book Vietnam Labyrinth should be published in 2011 or 2012, and according to Grant, Chau "worked on his history of the Vietnam War for 20 years and was lucky to find a professional American writer who put his manuscript into excellent shape. This will be the first and only substantial work about the war written by a Vietnamese, either from South or North Vietnam."

  12. Crile and another writer teamed up for some important articles that were published in Esquire in the 70s, and his Cuban stories are still important.

    In one Esquire article Crile wrote about the Cubans making reference to a CIA killer drug that made it appear as a stroke, and said to have been used

    on Stalin and David Ferrie.

    Taylor Branch & George Crile III spent a year researching and writing the article "The Kennedy Vendetta: How the CIA waged a silent war against Cuba" for Harper's Magazine, August 1975. It is well-written and thorough, containing information from key sources like Bernard Barker and William "Rip" Robertson.

    It is located here on MaryFerrell.org: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=12695&relPageId=3

    Branch and Crile were to follow up the article with a book focusing on Bernard Barker and Eugenio "Eugene" Rolando Martinez. Today Branch says that for a variety of reasons, he and Crile abandoned the project.

    The Branch-Crile book was discussed in a CIA summary of Barker activities from 1959 to 1975, and in an Office of Security file on Barker. See http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=16414&relPageId=1 (pp 2 & 6); http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=102737&relPageId=1 (pp 7-19).

    From the Barker chronological summary of activities:

    1. From an entry dated 6/12/1975:

    "Barker and Eugene Martinez in process of cooperating with George Crile and Taylor Branch for book to be published by Harper's"

    2. From an entry dated 1/16/1976:

    "Indicates Crile and Taylor Branch may follow up book on E. Martinez and Barker with one on Lynch and William Robertson. Lynch wants to beat Crile and Branch to the punch and come out with Bay of Pigs book before the Barker-Martinez story is published. Wants to cover AMLILAC operations - infiltrations into Cuba, 1961-1967, (Comandos Mombisei). Requesting reaction to authoring book. )"

    The above description is not correct, according to Branch. Only one book was planned.

    The book was to be called "Cuban Terror and the CIA", based on interviews with nearly a hundred Cuban CIA agents, covering covert action, including assassinations, at the behest of the CIA in Cuba, Vietnam, Congo, and other places.

    One possible reason the book was abandoned was that the CIA put legal pressure on Bernard Barker. John S. Warner, CIA General Counsel of the CIA, wrote Barker and his lawyer that Barker should not cooperate with Taylor and Crile in violation of Barker's security agreement with the Agency.

    Warner's office was tipped off to Barker's cooperation with Taylor and Crile by one "Vicente Zorilla", a CIA contractor from the early 60's to 1974 [note: probable actual spelling is Zorrilla].

    For the Harper's promo, CIA Warner letter to Barker, and related memos, see pages 7 to 19 of the CIA Office of Security file on Bernard Barker:



    Bill, thanks for the info on the Esquire articles. Unfortunately Esquire doesn't have a searchable online archive (like Harper's). Do you have any more information on the specific issues, the co-writer you mentioned, or the article titles?

    - Steve

    [if anyone values their eyesight and wants a clearer reading copy of The Kennedy Vendetta, contact me & I'll try to help you.]

    post-5913-059459400 1312434140_thumb.jpg

  13. Thanks Anthony. I'd like to track down the full interviews that were edited for "Inside the CIA", but I've had no luck with that so far. Anyone else want to take a crack?

    I have it on good authority that Phillips is on a Sixty Minutes TV show, though I haven't seen it.

    Bill, are you referring to "The CIA'S Secret Army", by George Crile and Bill Moyers, broadcast on CBS in 1977? It is referenced here:


    Has anyone seen this? Is Phillips in it?

    - Steve

  14. Years ago in another thread on the JFK Ed Forum, James Richards stated that he had information to the effect that Rip Robertson told mercenaries in the Congo that he was in Dealey Plaza when JFK was killed. No further information has emerged.

    James, can you update and provide more specific details?

  15. And on CNN's American Morning on April 5, 2011:

    Kiran Chetry: "63" for when Kennedy was shot, right? Why'd you write the book?

    Jesse Ventura: Because Dick Russell and I felt 63 was a great number. That was the year Jack Kennedy was killed ... [On the show Conspiracy Theory] We had a confession. E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son St. John Hunt on his deathbed. He said it was called the "Big Event". He was on the fringes of it. He named who it was. It was William Harvey, who at that time was head of the CIA's assassination team, and David Sanchez Morales. And he is also famous for something else, you know what? He killed Che Guevara, in Bolivia, in 1967, when they put Che against the wall and executed him. Sanchez used to wear Guevara's Rolex as a trophy ... What does it matter today? Because if you can kill our President and get away with it, then what can't you do? I challenge you that.

    Again, very interesting to hear these shadowy names bandied about on a brightly-lit morning talk show.

    The link is here (about 40 seconds in):


  16. And on CNN's American Morning on April 5, 2011:

    Kiran Chetry: "63" for when Kennedy was shot, right? Why'd you write the book?

    Jesse Ventura: Because Dick Russell and I felt 63 was a great number. That was the year Jack Kennedy was killed ... [On the show Conspiracy Theory] We had a confession. E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son St. John Hunt on his deathbed. He said it was called the "Big Event". He was on the fringes of it. He named who it was. It was William Harvey, who at that time was head of the CIA's assassination team, and David Sanchez Morales. And he is also famous for something else, you know what? He killed Che Guevara, in Bolivia, in 1967, when they put Che against the wall and executed him. Sanchez used to wear Guevara's Rolex as a trophy ... What does it matter today? Because if you can kill our President and get away with it, then what can't you do? I challenge you that.

    Again, very interesting to hear these shadowy names bandied about on a brightly-lit morning talk show.

    The link is here (about 40 seconds in):


  17. And on CNN's American Morning on April 5, 2011:

    Kiran Chetry: "63" for when Kennedy was shot, right? Why'd you write the book?

    Jesse Ventura: Because Dick Russell and I felt 63 was a great number. That was the year Jack Kennedy was killed ... [On the show Conspiracy Theory] We had a confession. E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son St. John Hunt on his deathbed. He said it was called the "Big Event". He was on the fringes of it. He named who it was. It was William Harvey, who at that time was head of the CIA's assassination team, and David Sanchez Morales. And he is also famous for something else, you know what? He killed Che Guevara, in Bolivia, in 1967, when they put Che against the wall and executed him. Sanchez used to wear Guevara's Rolex as a trophy ... What does it matter today? Because if you can kill our President and get away with it, then what can't you do? I challenge you that.

    Again, very interesting to hear these shadowy names bandied about on a brightly-lit morning talk show.

    The link is here (about 40 seconds in):


  18. And on CNN's American Morning on April 5, 2011:

    Kiran Chetry: "63" for when Kennedy was shot, right? Why'd you write the book?

    Jesse Ventura: Because Dick Russell and I felt 63 was a great number. That was the year Jack Kennedy was killed ... [On the show Conspiracy Theory] We had a confession. E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son St. John Hunt on his deathbed. He said it was called the "Big Event". He was on the fringes of it. He named who it was. It was William Harvey, who at that time was head of the CIA's assassination team, and David Sanchez Morales. And he is also famous for something else, you know what? He killed Che Guevara, in Bolivia, in 1967, when they put Che against the wall and executed him. Sanchez used to wear Guevara's Rolex as a trophy ... What does it matter today? Because if you can kill our President and get away with it, then what can't you do? I challenge you that.

    Again, very interesting to hear these shadowy names bandied about on a brightly-lit morning talk show.

    The link is here (about 40 seconds in):


  19. Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan on April 4, 2011 promoting his new book 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read.

    Morgan asked: John F. Kennedy's assassination ... who did that?

    Ventura: It was done by William Harvey, who was the head of the CIA's assassination unit at that time. David Morales was directly involved in it. He likewise is the man, the gentleman who killed Che Guevara, down in Bolivia in '67, when they put him up against the firing wall and killed him, and shot and killed him, Morales was part of that.

    Ventura bases this on E. Howard Hunt's somewhat dubious deathbed confession.

    Still, it was interesting to hear these names mentioned on prime-time CNN.


    Check out the four part interview (the above is part 2 beginning with the JFK part).

    It's good, even though Morgan uses a number of straw-man arguments, like (paraphrased) "You believe in every conspiracy!"

  20. Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan on April 4, 2011 promoting his new book 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read.

    Morgan asked: John F. Kennedy's assassination ... who did that?

    Ventura: It was done by William Harvey, who was the head of the CIA's assassination unit at that time. David Morales was directly involved in it. He likewise is the man, the gentleman who killed Che Guevara, down in Bolivia in '67, when they put him up against the firing wall and killed him, and shot and killed him, Morales was part of that.

    Ventura bases this on E. Howard Hunt's somewhat dubious deathbed confession.

    Still, it was interesting to hear these names mentioned on prime-time CNN.


    Check out the four part interview (the above is part 2 beginning with the JFK part).

    It's good, even though Morgan uses a number of straw-man arguments, like (paraphrased) "You believe in every conspiracy!"

  21. Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan on April 4, 2011 promoting his new book 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read.

    Morgan asked: John F. Kennedy's assassination ... who did that?

    Ventura: It was done by William Harvey, who was the head of the CIA's assassination unit at that time. David Morales was directly involved in it. He likewise is the man, the gentleman who killed Che Guevara, down in Bolivia in '67, when they put him up against the firing wall and killed him, and shot and killed him, Morales was part of that.

    Ventura bases this on E. Howard Hunt's somewhat dubious deathbed confession.

    Still, it was interesting to hear these names mentioned on prime-time CNN.


    Check out the four part interview (the above is part 2 beginning with the JFK part).

    It's good, even though Morgan uses a number of straw-man arguments, like (paraphrased) "You believe in every conspiracy!"

  22. Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan on April 4, 2011 promoting his new book 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read.

    Morgan asked: John F. Kennedy's assassination ... who did that?

    Ventura: It was done by William Harvey, who was the head of the CIA's assassination unit at that time. David Morales was directly involved in it. He likewise is the man, the gentleman who killed Che Guevara, down in Bolivia in '67, when they put him up against the firing wall and killed him, and shot and killed him, Morales was part of that.

    Ventura bases this on E. Howard Hunt's somewhat dubious deathbed confession.

    Still, it was interesting to hear these names mentioned on prime-time CNN.


    Check out the four part interview (the above is part 2 beginning with the JFK part).

    It's good, even though Morgan uses a number of straw-man arguments, like (paraphrased) "You believe in every conspiracy!"

  23. "Inside the CIA" was subtitled "On Company Business".

    You can watch it here:


    or in parts 1 through 12 on YouTube beginning here (and that is Phillips on the freeze frame):


    In part 1 at 2:11, Phillips tells us that if the CIA is abolished, Presidents will create their own intelligence service, and "they may reach into the looney bin to find the people to run it, and they may call it the Plumbers, but they will have it".

    In part 6 at 2:40, Phillips says that after the CIA assisted coups in Iran and Guatemala, "It seemed so easy to hope that secret shenanigans could accomplish what an army should have been doing".

    In part 10 at 4:35, Phillips says of the US-Mafia cooperation that "I had only known that we used them in Marseilles, on the docks there". He also notes that "a good policy maker" has to weigh the "very, very tricky" use of the mafia.

    There may be a few more quotes throughout.


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